Stop adding features, start adding content

The development time spent on creating brand new features is wasted.
It’s a gamble and more often than not, players do not enjoy the final result.

Can you imagine if half of the Torghast maps had been new dungeons, and the other half new battlegrounds?
Same for Island expeditions.

Stop trying to be innovative, and release more dungeons and battlegrounds.
Those stay in the game forever and will remain relevant decades after their release. They improve the game forever.


Interesting point.

Of course ideally they could do both haha.

Islands was a damp squib…….quite a few folks liked Torghast.

I hated early Torghast when you needed it for legendary and the last boss destroyed you and was unbeatable……It got better.

But yeah - shadowlands with 4 more dungeons, 3 more BG , 2 more arena or even an extra raid wing beats shadowlands w Torghast.

You do realise that it will be different teams making the different types of content. Making fewer features won’t add more content.

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Map designers design maps. There wasn’t a “Torghast map division” that got fired when there was no more Torghast maps to make.

Battlegrounds don’t need more to them besides a flag to capture, so designing the map is already 95% of the work.

Dungeons have PvE encounters to design, but so did Torghast and Island expeditions.

Your point makes no sense. It ls DECLINED.

I think new features are important otherwise we will be run the same thing without any novelties even small ones. There’s something missing in the current weekly reset but I can’t exactly explain what.

Look, on Wednesday we get massive amount quests and things to do. But by Friday we gradually run out of stuff and are left with the same Three Pillars that dominated the game for the past decade.

Basically, there is a voide in the second half of the week that could be filled with some incentives, like Mage Tower working only from Saturday to Tuesday with some tokens, upgradable gear / valor , or having some incentives to do alt-related content.

I can’t tell you excactly what. but I feel there needs to be some extra activity that would keep people active.

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Or, people can realize that there is something else other than Warcraft and dilute a bit more the available activities during the week to not run out in 2 days.
Go outside, learn cooking, watch a movie.

At some point people need to realize that is litterally impossibile for any company to create satisfactory content for 3-4hrs of daily playtime without recycling the same on an hamster wheel.

Speak for yourself… stop dragging us into your madness. “You” is not equal to “players”

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Again, this is incorrect.
I’ve been elected Lead Game Designer by the community, with an overwhelming amount of support.

It should also be noted that several of these ideas have made their way into Dragonflight.


Do you hear the sirens too? Gotta go

Nope, I can’t hear them over the sound of how awesome I am.

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Yeah, I do that too. I play other games, have other activities. I am not 24/7 at the PC.

But if I log in and what to do something but there’s not much variety because I did a lot of it already it’s not so fun.

On the other hand, I totally understand that adding something or adjusting it is time-consuming, so I don’t really complain.

This is a suggestion thread so I make a suggestion.

Please no. I don’t want it to turn into a f2p game with such systems.
What I would agree with is that content like torghast, mage tower, visions is fun and worth the time ONLY if evergreen. Currently other than myself i haven’t seen anyone go back to either and mage tower is coming back soon as evergreen thankfully.

Honestly the M+ pool is great right now and I really don’t want another Mechagon or another Tazavesh. I also don’t want another Battle for Wintergrasp, Ashran, Deepwind Gorge etc…
Basically there is no guarantee of making a good new dungeon or BG just because they make one. Just like there is no guarantee with new content, yet they still introduced M+.

Also asking for reforging and resilience is not smart. Reforging was a horrible solution, which is why they removed it I assume. Regarding resilience, why would you ask for it? What’s wrong with versatility? Because it’s not just decreasing damage taken but also increasing damage dealt?

And for community lead design you need at least 2,1k for PvP (in DF or SL, not S2) or 2k in M+ for PvE. Unfortunately you are not qualified, for both.

You do realise it’s the same company and workers, just like money, are a resource? Regardless what you do but the more you do, the more resources you are wasting, which could be used otherwise.

Eeeh works in theory, but not reality. Its a mmorpg it has to bring more then just dungeons and raids.

Im sure the trading posts opportunity to get mounts in the game, espically store mounts will retain its demand for the rest of the games life span too.

It is a gamble. But the only reason its a gamble is becsuse the features that came in during BFA and SL were never built towards the players enjoyment, but a system for a borrowed power.

I agree.
All new BGs should be Arathi and WSG clones, in new interesting settings such as Frostfire Ridge, or Highmountain for example.

You do realize Ion’s highest arena achievement is 1750 and dates back to 2009, right?

Yes, which is why I said why I said. Where do you see people hyping Ion and praising him for good development? :wink: Seems like the requirements make sense?!

BS… you can develop without playing the game… thats why you have different departments phases.
Does it help playing the game? Yes. Is it require? No…
Is a FIFA game designer a pro football player or top 100 ranked? No
Is every fighting game designer a black belt or top 100 ladder? No
Do you have to be a dog or cat to be a veterinarian? No.
Thats why you have testing phase and PTR. So that your design is tested by those people and adjusted.
Also good gamers != good designers
Imagine if normal 2100 gamers all had a say in balancing and design… or dont imagine it… hell would be more merciful to endure

Hmm, random opinion of a dude with very questionable ideas or the people that do it for a living?

Hard choice.


I don’t need to give you examples of people who do a terrible job. I’m sure you know plenty of those yourself.

Receiving a salary is no guarantee of efficiency and good work.

Meanwhile, my thoughtful ideas are often showered with upvotes.
“The community is behind me on this one”, as they used to say.