The key is coordination.
That is not possible as horde.
You know you are wrong, you keep losing arguments
Edit: Not impossible, but is 100x easier with voice comms
And having the same means? Where do we get a 40man discord?
Its not coordination, and has everything to du with faction balance. That has mostly to do with racials. Players pick every so much only to get the tiniest edge.
You cant tell me “just by sheer luck” at a scale of 700 000 people playing that with a 47% Alliance to 53% Horde ratio it happens to be now 4 or 5 Horde player for every alliance player PvPing.
You can inv people on a discord and “3-2-1-Q”.
That it wont be equal to alliance is another reason. But you should ask yourself WHY. It is the difference between the cause and the effect of the problem.
Idk when they did this, but do you enter with all your buffs intact ? They changed that and i dont know when exactly, but iirc Fearward is 2 or 3 min CD and only dwarfs have it.
Putting it on 40 man also seems kinda exaggerated.
Wait doing 40 man premades on alliance is Git Gud?? i dont even play Horde and the people that are farming all this honor right now on alliance from these premades are just ruin the game most of them have no idea how to pvp also they just pve to get pvp titles…
Why are you crying about racials they legit mean nothing in this game 75% of the player base still click spells there is many items in the game that make the racials between ally and horde fair you are just defending no skill players who enjoy pve ruining the pvp side of the game by rushing the final boss and using exploits to pull them.
A lot of the community will quit including alliance players who wanted to pvp you already lost a lot of the streamers that wanted to get r14 but now see that its impossible to do it solo without exploiting the game the title means nothing on alliance at all they can farm in a premade what a solo player can in 24 hours.
I have played classic for a while and most of the players are very bad maybe 1 in 100 people i meet have an idea how to play ofc there is rock paper scissors and better gear but the playbase is very bad.
Sorry to break the bubble but no1 got better the only thing is its easier for the bad players to group up right now in mass discord servers of 5k people and achieve stuff they wouldnt have done in the game before even pvp.
They dont have to think they watch videos the playerbase didnt get better the information did.
The time has gone up so much because of the people using this exploit it gives an advantage over the players who play solo they are going out of their way to join 3rd party discord servers cross realm even to get into these battlegrounds it is 100% an exploit.
Compete? so now the pvp players have to play PVP like its pve to get gear? wsg premades im fine with even tho i think the queue times should go up and always face horde premades but for AV its 100% an exploit.
If they was doing a premade as a guild your right its not an exploit as its talked about in game but speaking outside of the game to get 40 people together cross realm is an exploit.
Its an exploit untill blizzard make it queue as a group and up the queue times so they face horde premades that way players can still play solo classic wow is a very easy and casual game and these tryhards atm are ruin it for everyone.
I would not mind if they won by skill but classic does not have much skill to it to begin with nvm a premade smashing pugs all day.
Its not. Im not even sorry, but you just need to accept this. Every horde player that rolled horde for PvP ist at fault for that.
They cant blame this on Blizzard.
Remember something that ruined the game for others for weeks. that also is the reason we are in this situation now ?
That was clear from the start. I would even go as far as to say TCB Arena would be nothing for me. Only the last patches of Woltk, Cata and MoP without lengedary cheese would be only skill involved in my opinion.
Arenas was great but they was also ruined by poor design by blizzard it does not matter if horde ruined the game for you when there was no battlegrounds that is the past you should be looking for what is best for the game i got r1 in most of the expansions you mentioned and a lot of them seasons was also ruined by exploits its fun for a while when you are using them but when the community dies then what do you have?
You see cata and mop as the skill based arena expansions but there was comps and classes that just made the game not fun for the rest of the community a community should not have to play like the people who abuse what is the best way to farm honor and make everything else useless blizzard should be making changes to make it fair.
Did you play s10 and remember blood dks in arena?
or maybe s15 and got to witness LS D