Stop Premades in AV!

“Instant Qs”…maybe you want to think over that argument.

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They always spend a minute or two to organize.
Or cast a fearward on yourself 2min before games ends?
Edit: 1 dwarf priest = 3 fear wards before the game begins

https:// www. youtube. com/watch?v=bHrd1eN43Kk

Was some high skill gameplay back in cata … could legit 1v3 people and stay above 80% hp

They didnt, for me.

I dont play classic. Also even the Arena forums where more kind of “PvP” than anything we had since WoD. I dont even know how it possibly could even go worse form that…

Thats why i also said only the last patches of these expansion without legendary cheese.

Changes need to happen for every expansion that would be replayed. Every expansion still had its big flaws even at the end.

I still remember things like BM Stampete, only to make the exact same mistake with the exact same skill again in the next expansion…

The community also has the means to fix that. Sure it comes at the price, you need time investment and you get a disadvantage, especially on the smaller scale Bgs.

That is exactly the reason nothing will change. People wont give up their benefits.

That is the human nature…

Buffs get removed when entering a BG tho right?

So why does changes need to be made for the arena expansions but not for classic which people are abusing now? it makes no sense …

Its just rose tinted goggles bro Mop looks great when you look back at it but every single season it had there was some form of meele or caster cleave just beating all the other comps from pure burst and dps.

Its the main reason pvp players left the game including me its the same every expansion meele start of op because casters dont have enough stats to contest with their mobility or burst and at the end of the expansion meele cant contest with all the casters stats and just get 1 shot or rotted down by dampen comps.

I still remember S5 Dks on my Resto Druid…did cost me Glad in Woltk and never bothered again.

I would not use this as a example, yes DKS where broken, but i dont see rating in the vid, as far as i watched.

The worgen DK should also indicate very low Rating or skimish.

They faced 1 Healer ROgue so far and the Rogue goes for the damn Tank over the other Rogue ? They CC the Rogue and not the DK ?

Also like i said in another post the average level of player did rise and/or the game got way simpler too.

No actually on EU the best comp at the time of this video which a few players actually got r1 of the ladder on in 2s and 3s was double blood dk 2s or tripple blood dk 3s.

It went on through s10 and into s11 also untill it was nerfed like half way through the season of s11.

I think that came later iirc.

I know it got changes but not at what point.

I remember beating a full s11 elite geared unholy dk with a s10 geared blood dk in a duel many times it was busted and to get the elite gear back then he had to be 2.2 with the weapons so it was not a newbie.

Like i said, i dont think there was an expansion without a flaw.

You are right on these things and that are things that would need to get adressed, like now the Racials, that are the cause for faction balance, and the AV Honor gain, to fix this god damn mess.

No it actually happend 2 times it happend in cata and in wod both times blood dk was destroying the ladder the same mistake 2 times in a row.

i dont want the racials to be changed that is part of the no changes it is classic wow i want to play classic wow these premades was rare in classic wow it does not work now that we have access to discord servers and all of alliance can do it.

It has to be fixed or the casual pvp players on classic will just quit like they did from retail classic 1v1 is fun its like wow used to be with outplaying people but if you cant do that no more and get no reward from it and have to play pvp like its pve who wants to play it?

racials are unbalanced yes but we have paladins the most op healers in the game we legit have BOP to put on mages and freedoms for warriors in big fights horde dont have this alliance actually have an advantage in classic wow only the horde numbers make them stand out more and the fact that most of the better pvp players roll horde.

Fear ward might sound underwhelming untill you have fear ward and bop and other consumables on 5 mages running into your raid with sappers.

Same with stampede. 2 god damn expansion at the start the same mistake in PvP…

What the duck Blizzard ?


We cant play classic as we played it back then. Way more is known now and you have not only more knowledge the access to this is also easier now.

The flaws we already had back than are now way heavier in the result.

There had to be changes to prevent all this.

Tested it just now, it does not

Also to you explain how at a sample size of 700k with a ratio from 47% Alliance and 53% Horde it somehow ends up with 20% Alliance and 80% Horde ?

That is not sheer luck…

Does not get removed?

Ya does not get removed