Story Forum Offtopic Lounge pt. 2

I mean…we don’t have anything worthwhile in Stormwind anyway. Oh, yes we have portals!

Regardless I’m bored so give me your best character pairings/ships.


And literally every other in-game service you could ever need to use. Also lorewise it’s where the meetings of the Alliance leadership take place.

But I am sure that little floating rock of yours is more relevant and lively.

You asked for character ships, and I shall provide:

Liadrin/Lor’themar. No, I do not approve of the thirsting Arcanist.

Jarod/Shandris. I approve of dis.

Valtrois/Stellagosa. I approve of dis.

Sylvanas/ Godfrey’s bullet. Very much approved.


Anduin/Rogers - Since his woman is sure to dominate him, make it one who doesn’t agree with his politics. Best if Rogers comes from a high noble family from Stormwind.

Moira/Falstad - Formalizing dwarven unification through marriage.

Shaw/Flynn - Just for the heck of it.

Anuduin x Tess, Anduin x Taelia, Anduin x Wrathion(please blizzard the shounen twinks need to stick together).

Moira is an strong independent woman.

Wasn’t it hinted Flynn hitting on Taelia?

Nope, she is a Stockholm syndrom survivor, who tries to be a schemer and a good girl at the same time, while clinging to the babe that gives her any claim on any rulership…

Why would that be a hindrance?

Besides this one, none you mentioned are OTP :relieved:

*winks very suggestively at @Aditu, am I rite?


That’s a Thing! That’s an actual thing, they are a low key ‘power couple’, Thalyssra better look somewhere else, if she ruins the only Blood Elf pairing as opposed to some hack writer’s need for a human male/elf female I will lean through my screen and strangle her, as much as I like the character otherwise.

I want this to be true, I think both of them deserve to catch a break and have a slice of happy in their lives of otherwise abject war and misery. Plus they both are competent, we would be spared more Tyrande and Malfurion nonsense using an entire zone to play out their kitchen sink drama.

Valtrois needs someone stronger than Stellagosa, and yet, I can see where you are going at with that, I can see Valtrois as a bitter harpy of a woman who don’t need no man, the answer is staring us in the face, a horrible love-hate relationship between her and Sky-Admiral Rogers. Imagine the pathos…

Two Factions, both alike in dignity,
In fair Azeroth, where we lay our Scene ,
From ancient grudge break to new mutiny,
Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.
From forth the fatal loins of these two foes
A pair of star-cross’d lovers take their life;
Whose misadventur’d piteous overthrows
Doth with their death bury their peoples strife"

I’d rather it was my fist/sabre/arrow or anything else,

I think we can safely say, as cute as they were, that Wrathion/Anduin is not likely to be a ‘thing’. It has too many seedy undertones in both ways, Wrathion is still basically a child in years, and yet, and yet with his new model any sort of relationship would really look like him grooming Anduin, which I think is a whole kettle of fish Blizzard would logically ‘nope’ out of.

As a platonic romance, because I really don’t want to think about the physical dynamics, what about John J Keeshan and Kelsey Steelspark? The flirtation there is real!

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Then there would still be a fight with Shandris Feathermoon.

Burning Teldrassil is a hundred times better than a fictional catfight

I’m partial to Nightborne X The Soul Engine one, after the small taste I got in Legion.

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But, who can really blame her? We are talking about Lor’themar Theron after all. Liadrin has probably better chances with Turalyon whose in the same league as Theron…and whose wife has become a Void-using, untouchable monstrosity. How convenient!

This one has my support. If not as a couple then at least as some sort of ‘bros’…just recruit Flynn into the SI:7. I don’t want to leave him behind on Kul Tiras!

I’m gonna throw in one as well:

Tess Greymane/Valeera - The first thing Tess did after the poisoning was asking Valeera how she felt. Clearly this is all that’s needed. There could even be some background in that it was Valeera who advanced Tess rogue abilities. (I also do like the idea to imagine Tess as a rebel who sneaked out of Greymane Manor during the nights…there has to be some reason why she’s a rogue. In the comics Mia also made a statement that makes sound it like Tess is a lot more independent from her parents unlike Liam.)

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Baine and Mayla please. Aside from it being a brilliant political move, I really want to see what the calves would look like.

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Weak and stunted, like worms with limp, pitifull, antlers.

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Well, since I kind of doubt he is prejudiced against Tauren, I would think the descendents of Huln’s tribe would also get Eche’ro’s blessing, making the children look like Highmountains. Magic over genetics, and such.

I am currently terrorizing the Thalassian community of our discord with this picture. I believe you must all know this.

For Zul’jin!


You know man is a legend if after so many years he still sending terror to the elven hearts.

The amount of “Reee!” mere mentioning of him and his tribe is causing.


That’s heresy and nothing more.
It has 5 fingers.


Cannot trust any race with dat many fingers :wink:


True words. :wink: