Stuck at Retrieving Character List (Again)


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same give refund!!

Just happened for me too :tired_face:

eh idk its working fine for me guys

Just got in, whether i stay in is the question

Same here Silvermoon, got disconnected 15 mins ago and still stuck on retrieving characterlist…

same happening here too disconnected mid m+

Same here, Thunderhorn EU

Just to add my voice as wel… same issue. Stuck on retrieving character lists

Then why tf are you hanging here in tech support with 1 post? Do you not have a life?

Silvermoon reporting no characters also LOL glad im not alone in this for a few minutes I was worried my account had been hacked.

Same here, Argent Dawn EU.

Can we get free Satyr’s spaulders for the inconveniance? :eyes:

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Blizzard, did you really decide to apply a hotfix during peak hours on the first day of the reset without any in-game warnings? Seriously?

same thing here. Blizz cmon

was at Ansurek, dc:ed, got replaced, mount dropped, still in character screen

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Same to me and a friend of mine. We got disconnected while doing a dungeon.Currently cannot log back in. We are both stuck at Retrieving Character list screen.

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Same thing here. Silvermoon

Same for me :confused:

Your characters aren’t lost if this is what you are wondering. They just need to fix this ASAP. They have been having server issues with all of their games lately.