Stuck at Retrieving Character List (Again)

same give refund!!

Just happened for me too :tired_face:

eh idk its working fine for me guys

Just got in, whether i stay in is the question

Same here Silvermoon, got disconnected 15 mins ago and still stuck on retrieving characterlist…

same happening here too disconnected mid m+

Same here, Thunderhorn EU

Just to add my voice as wel… same issue. Stuck on retrieving character lists

Then why tf are you hanging here in tech support with 1 post? Do you not have a life?

Silvermoon reporting no characters also LOL glad im not alone in this for a few minutes I was worried my account had been hacked.

Same here, Argent Dawn EU.

Can we get free Satyr’s spaulders for the inconveniance? :eyes:

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Blizzard, did you really decide to apply a hotfix during peak hours on the first day of the reset without any in-game warnings? Seriously?

same thing here. Blizz cmon

was at Ansurek, dc:ed, got replaced, mount dropped, still in character screen

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Same to me and a friend of mine. We got disconnected while doing a dungeon.Currently cannot log back in. We are both stuck at Retrieving Character list screen.

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Same thing here. Silvermoon

Same for me :confused:

Your characters aren’t lost if this is what you are wondering. They just need to fix this ASAP. They have been having server issues with all of their games lately.

Same here!