Stuck at Retrieving Character List (Again)

Same here, got kicked in a delve

New update comming in now here. Hotfix?

perfect. billion dollar company, throttling download speeds now eu server down prime time. yeah blizzard you really degnes all of you actually kys

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Same issue for me, game just updated when I got home from work, I had a raid with my guild, I tried to log in then got stuck in “retrieving character list”. It loaded once after 10 minutes and it let me see my characters but then while the world was loading I got disconnected. Now when I try to log in, it happens like OP is describing.

Thank you Blizzard, I pay a 15euro subscription per month and I can only play a few hours a week, and I can’t even play when I have the time. The worst is that the raid with my guild was ruined.

There was a similar post a while ago and the fix was on Blizzard’s side.

Same with me, at the end of a delve with my partner telling her where to find the Vault Stuff and boom DC’d and can’t get in.

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Yup also got the same issue…

Same. DC’ed in the middle of a heroic Ansurek pull :confused:

That’s what you get when you introduce diversity into your workforce… absolute trash service.

Dammit blizzard forcing me to go to sleep. How dare you ! :smiley:

Same is happening to EU Servers atm as well, disconnections servers are going up and down cant see my characters or log in, game is unplayable.

Atleast I don’t have to work overtime to fix this :slight_smile:

ok got back in but looks like it deleted my characters so …
Steping away for now.

Same problem here :frowning:

Happened to me too. Game froze in the middle of the Silken Court fight in Nerub-ar Palace… this s*cks Blizzard…

Got kicked while doing achievement runs on older dungeons and now this…

Same here. Darksorrow. My partner is downstairs irl, on same internet, same server and is fine. 3/19 raid have DCd for us.

microsoft is so bad…

Same here - Darksorrow

I have the same issue. Just happened. At first it was retrieving character list, now all my characters are gone, not sure what to do.

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