Stuck in loading screens

Yeah, I really wish Blizz would just let us know they’re aware of the issue.

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Same, another pissed off norwegian here. Horrible and frustrating experience to play the game since launch. Please fix this…

Altibox Norway

wait is this only norwegians? Im Norwegian myself (Altibox)

Seems like it yeah…

Have blizzard something against norwegians? Why only us have problems? And they wont even respond to this thread. Something is very strange here

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It is kinda strange, to be honest. We can see them replying to other threads on the forum, but this one is getting absolutely nothing.
My guess is that we’re a relatively small part of their customer base, so we’re not high up on their list of priorities.

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Yes when someone is the US have problems they fix it very fast. But in europe we dont even get any answers. Maybe it will be fixed in a month or so who knows?

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I have a friend with the same problem. Telia in Norway.

@Blizzard help us!

same issue, Norway Altibox.

Norwegian here with the same issue. Happened hundreds of times over the course of this week (post-patch afaik), doing transmog runs is hell since half my loading screens freeze. Sometimes when I change zone I disconnect, but I can fly around for about ~5 minutes before I actually realize I disconnected, then I’m rolled back to where I was 5 minutes prior. Happens CONSTANTLY.


I have also experienced a lot of “stuckings” since Patch Day. It may or may not work to exit the game the wrong way. Logging on and my loading screen is stuck again. All of my addons are up to date. I do not get why this is happening. I keep getting kicked out of groups because of this. This is really making me upset and dislodging my game experience. Thought I was the only one.

Has blizz said anything about this?
We need help!

EU NORWAY, Telia here.

Guess they don’t care about us. We’re just paying-fodder.

Dont know if it will work, but have anyone who experience this problem, tried to manually set their DNS to ? i have a friend who had the same problems, and set the dns yesterday, and it might have fixed it for him.

Ding ding, Blizzard! Patch this sh!t up!

Fellow Norwegian here having the same exact issue. I’m on Telia. My loading screens are frozen about 20% of the time and the only thing I can do is to ALT F4 and log in again.

I have tried every possible step, including a complete reinstall of the game and running without AddOns. This problem started occurring around the time when 10.2 released, and everything was perfect before then.

Even more notable: I’m having this problem on 3 different computers in the same household. The only commonality between the 3 computers is that they are on the same internet connection.

Please give us an official answer, Blizzard. It would be nice to be acknowledged, this is really ruining the experience for me and I’m very seriously losing my motivation to play.

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Good thing I didn’t prepay the new expansion yet. They’re not getting more money from me with this buggy shyt.

Norwegian (Altibox) here too, with the same exact issues. Haven’t tested mobile or others, just simply used my preferred VPN provider to proxy into a different Scandinavian country, and tested some characters - it all works without any issues after activating VPN.

Without any further testing, but due to what seems to be a specific problem in Norway only, I would guess that maybe Blizz is not to blame. Maybe we have some enforced rulesets in regards to lookup or access to certain world-services that are affected after Blizz updated last wednesday (or in a timeframe around that day)?

As far as I know Norway is one of a few Western countries that tries to nationally enforce blocking of e.g. online gambling. Maybe Blizz has started using new techs or services that currently are mistakenly “banned”/blacklisted in Norwegian ISPs (or higher in the chain)?

In any way, as others have stated, use a VPN to e.g. a different Scandinavian country. I would however recommend using a known and trusted (and probably paid) VPN provider of your choice since routing your traffic through a VPN basically gives away your traffic patterns, and possible content, when you are connected through that provider. If you are unsure of VPN providers, just do an internet search for VPN providers with tests/reviews or similar. Find a provider with multiple good reviews, that seems trustworthy.

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I’d encourage everyone in this thread to open a ticket with Blizzard, as well, and link to this thread. Let’s try to get official word here.


I mean this isnt something new, every now and then this happens its very crappo. North Norway

This is definitely new to me. Nobody in this household was having this problem before 10.2, now suddenly 3 computers are having the same problem. Frozen loading screens 10-20 times per day. Random Dungeon Finder and other loading-screen heavy gameplay is completely unplayable, the three of us can never get into the same dungeons because there’s always one or two loading screens that will get frozen :frowning:

It has been the same for me and other Norwegian friends after 10.2. Loading screen freezes in about 1 out of 3 times. We are on Altibox or Telia. Have tried without addons, did scan and repair, deleting wtf and cache, resetting the router, all the usual stuff that we are quite familiar with since we are long-time players.

Hoping we can get some help on this soon, at least before the raid starts. D:

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