Stuck in loading screens

Same here. Twisting Nether. ISP Altibox/Eidsiva Norway

Just to reiterate and to detail a bit for the debuggers. Having played a lot these last few days, these are the issues at least I am facing:

  • Loading screens will freeze, usually before they reach the end, though rarely also at 100%. Completely at random, doesn’t matter how long I’ve played, or if it’s the first loading screen of the day. I can only force-quit the game and try again.
  • I will “sort of” disconnect. The game never times me out, but the game world is frozen in time. Chats still work. During this I can always ‘Log out’ from the menu, though with a few seconds delay. Upon loading back in on that character I will disconnect entirely on the loading screen, every time. Upon logging in a second time I will be exactly where I logged off and not wherever I seemingly lost connection. This seems to happen much more frequently while dragonflying, especially between zones and potentially linked to high speeds as well.

Note: Very rarely the game will recover from what looks like a disconnect, possibly due to changing zone again quickly enough. The game will show very high world latency (8000+ seen twice) right after this.

And just for the record:

  • Mid-to-high-end computer
  • My network is fine and more than fast enough. No other issues experienced
  • Game is installed on NVMe storage
  • Playing from Linux
  • Tracerouting the IPs listed on the support page looks like this:

➜ traceroute
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets
1 _gateway ( 0.280 ms 0.359 ms 0.540 ms
2 home ( 4.319 ms 4.566 ms 4.808 ms
3 ( 6.066 ms 6.314 ms 6.555 ms
4 ( 6.834 ms 7.412 ms 7.148 ms
5 ( 7.617 ms 10.975 ms 7.934 ms
6 ( 45.489 ms 44.142 ms 43.900 ms
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Edit: I turned on VPN and connected to Sweden, and now everything works as it should.

I have pretty much the same issues, mostly in and out of Valdrakken while mounted on a dragonflying mount.

I’m in Norway and my Internet provider is Telia (fiber).

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Same issues still, and I’m surprisingly also from Norway, and the ones in the guild struggling with the same issue are also from Norway. I’m gonna blame all of this on Stþre of course. Telia - Oslo

Edit: Trying the free version of Proton VPN to test, and seems to be working fine atm as I’m connected to the Netherlands.

Yep, also from norway here with the same problem. Altibox Oslo
VPN to Denmark fixed the issues. I would rather not do that for long, though.

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Same issue here. Altibox, Norway.

Sometimes you just “DC” to a point where you can see chat going, but you are unable to dismount etc etc. Have to alt+f4 out of the game.

Happens on loading screens too.

Yep. See chat going, but no NPCs, no mobs and when you relog you’re at the place you alt f4’d even if you flew half the continent whilst “DC’d” so still tracks your characters movement.


Is there anyone at Blizzard we can tag to look into this, since they seem to completely ignore the tech support forum? I posted something on Twitter since that seems like a better shot in the US but their EU CS account just posts generic support articles

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I tried the free Proton VPN and it works. I connected to a server in the Netherlands and I am now not having this issue. If i turn the VPN off the problems starts again. (Norway, Oslo, Telia).

I’ve been having the same issues in the recent week or so in Wrath Classic. Gets permanently stuck in every other loading screen, especially when going into dungeons or when I go back to Dalaran. I can also just disconnect when I move into Dalaran at all.

Interestingly I’m also in Norway, using Telia as an ISP. Gonna try out a VPN and see if it helps.

Also in Norway and using Altibox

PrÞv Proton sin gratisutgave om du ikke har en annen VPN. Funker for meg, og jeg brukte 30 min bare pÄ Ä logge inn pÄ forskjellige karakterer og bytte realms for Ä teste, hadde null problemer.

Yet another Norwegian alt+f4 user here.

Same issue here, internet provider is Enivest (Vestlandet).

Same stuff here. How many of you have alerted blizz of this? Gonna send in a notification myself. altf4 works for alittle bit but as with all of you this

Same here! :frowning: Altibox, Norway

can we get an official response? is this on ur radar and being looked into? a simple “jepp” would be nice.


Same for me. Have to alt+f4 every other loading screen.

Norway, Telia

Same problem here, Telia Norway

Same, have been like that since day before patch. Im going insane

Altibox norway