Stuck in loading screens

i have the same issue

i tried that, they wanted me get some msissue file and dxsomething stuff, i dont understand a thing about it

Are you certain that the responsibility lies with Blizzard to address this issue and not with the Internet Service Provider (ISP) instead?

I will submit a ticket to Blizzard to.

Seems like a Blizz issue to me

I made a ticket to blizz


I have the same problem. From Norway. Altibox. My son however plays on his account with no problem. But great to see I’m not the only one!
Stuck in loading screens. Alt+F4
NPC gone next time I log in. Alt+F4
Log in screen seems off sometimes logging in too. Alt+F4
When wiping in dungeons. Alt+F4. Kicked from party while relogging. So annoying!
Tried uninstalling every addon. Uninstalled the game. Created old file folder like they told me too. Nothing is working.

Please, Blizzard fix this!

To be clear, started a couple of days ago. I’m playing wotlk. Same problem on Pyrewood Village and Gehannas atleast.

Have had the same problem as everybody above since 10.2 launched. Norwegian ISP. Using a VPN to Sweden seems to work, no issues so far.

Still having this problem :frowning:

Was working relatively fine for a few days again until yesterday, now the issues are back for me too. Can’t even access the AH, game will just disconnect and I have to alt+F4.

Same problem for me, on Altibox internet. Works fine with VPN though. :flushed:

Having to use a VPN to play game I’m paying for each month does seem kind of obscure to me, OR WHAT BLIZZ?

Pretty awful since wednesday. Norway on Telia fiber here. I refuse to pay for VPN to play so this has to be fixed because right now it’s pretty much unplayable.
Everything is like rolling a dice.
Can I log in?
Can I teleport?
Can I join the dungeon group?
Will the NPC talk to me?
Why don’t people move anymore?


Can download Proton Free VPN, its what I use.
Connected to a server in the Netherlands. Works fine, 42 ms home.

Having the same issues here aswell. Playing wotlk classic. For some reason my horde char on Nethergarde keep seems worse off than my alliance on pyrewood village. On nethergarde i cant use rdf because i just end up with deserter debuff since it crashes pretty much every load screen. On pyrewood it seems to be 50/50 if it works or not.
Also using Altibox

In icc last night after a wipe i zoned into icc, and everyone was just running/stuck at the entrance. Seems to be completly desynced.

I just ran into this, and now I can’t log in. Also Telia, in Denmark.

Mullvad VPN fixed it.

I haven’t lagged out today. Yet anyway. Had problems previous days, but it seems ok atm. I’m from Norway as well btw.

Tried Proton. Looks like every server in Netherlands are “premium” ?

Choose the Quick Connect option, that gave me an netherlands server :slight_smile:

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Will try again. Was ping-ponging between US and Japan haha. The MS was seriously bad.

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