Stuck in loading screens

Ticket sent.

having the same problems as everyone else, im playing wotlk tho, this really is starting to piss me off, almost unplayable.

I am having the same issue, and my ISP is Telia. Very annoying, and would greatly appreciate a check in as I have never had this issue before.

I’m with same issue,i also happen too be a altibox customer

Exactly the same issue here, also Norway and Altibox customer. Started happening after 10.2


game is literally unplayable, 17 dcs within 3hour span and counting. some of them just standing still. can we PLEASE get a response. we cant play the game

I tried a tip that I found. It would be awesome if someone else tried as well.

In Battlenet app go to settings in the upper left. In the App settings (Top one) scroll to Adcanced Features and uncheck “Use browser hardware acceleration”

Havent played that much after. But the time I have played after this change I have not gotten stuck in loading screens.

Would be cool if more ppl tried it to see if it is helping or not.

^ trying this as well then :slight_smile:

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Got same issues since 10.2 launch:

  • Getting hard stuck at 0% - 50% - 70% - 100% loading screen.
  • Getting into a empty character select screen.
  • Getting stuck retrieving realm.
    • Been getting weird bug where the game seems to completely close down (even the taskbar does not show wow), then the game just reappears after ~10 seconds.
      Fairly new PC with drivers up to date.
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Tried this, still getting stuck on loading screen.

Oh, okay. Well worth a shot I guess :stuck_out_tongue:

It has nothing to do with hardware acceleration in the app :smile: Just our connections lagging out when we reach Amsterdam.

4 14 ms 16 ms 3 ms ae65.edge1.Oslo2.Level3 dot net []
5 33 ms 36 ms 31 ms ae2.3204.edge7.Amsterdam1.level3 dot net []
6 31 ms 31 ms 31 ms BLIZZARD-EN.edge7.Amsterdam1.Level3 dot net []
7 3521 ms 2637 ms 1979 ms
8 36 ms 36 ms 36 ms et-0-0-3-br02-eqpa4.as57976 dot net []
9 35 ms 35 ms 35 ms bond0-vs01-eqpa4.as57976 dot net []
10 35 ms 35 ms 35 ms

See the high MS (ping) when I reach step 7 here. That particular ip is registered to blizzard and is located in Amsterdam, NL. The reason it works with a vpn is you probably get routed through a different server that isn’t fubar.


@NordVPN sponsor us pls?

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I put on a VPN and seems to work for now.

whats a good free VPN then? i cba paying even more to play this “fun” game?

Updated BIOS, updated network drivers, removed all addons, deleted WTF and Cache, tried literally everything and the game is still unplayable for me. No response from Blizzard, cheers. 13 euro per month for this, wow.

Proton VPN is what I use and just go for the Quick Connect option till you get a server close enough for a decent MS.

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Running with a VPN and about 20 loading screens from different zones and zero disconnects so far.

Really good that VPN helps with the issue. But Blizzard needs to address the issue. We can’t all buy/pay for VPN to be able to play wow without issues. We already pay for the sub.
So I really hope we get a blue post from Blizzard soon to atleast get a confirmation that they see that we have an issue and that they will look into it.


Yeah this is absurd