Stuck in loading screens

Same problems here. I first noticed them on Tuesday afternoon, before the 10.2 patch was released here in Europe, but they might have appeared earlier. My symptoms are similar to others mentioned multiple times in this thread - no character list visible on login or after changing servers, and when it does appear the game freezes at 70-100% when loading a character, and when I manage to actually get in-game I can play for a minute or three, then everything from dragonflight abilities to chat becomes unresponsive.

Did someone at Blizzard make a change to network equipment/routing that somehow didnā€™t work as intended? (Trying to say this in a polite way)


Same issues here. Get stuck on loading screen almost everytime. Mostly 80% or 100%. Spamming gammas in wotlk is impossible. Getting kicked from LFG-group since I have to alt f4 three times to even get back in (appearing DC for >3min). Reinstalled game, reset UI, deleted addons. Still same issues. Gameplay is not lagging or having issues, only stuck on loading screen. Doesnā€™t matter if itā€™s instance LFG or just taking a portal to a city.


Same problem here. Playing WotLK. Getting stuck on pretty much every loadingscreen, and quests not loading properly. Persisted for a few days. Extremely annoying, making it impossible to do arenas or level. Deleted all addons, ran /console commands and so on. Nothing works.


In addition to being stuck at loading screen I also lag out whenever I change layer. For example when I get invite to a group. It doesnt seem like I can wait it out either, I have to alt+f4 to fix it. Super annoying.


Same problem here. I did not have this issue before the patch.

Game freezes everytime I try to port, through a loading screen, to any zone in Dragonflight.

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So i found out its my local wifi. I shared internet from my phone and now i have zero issues. confused

Super strange! Have you tried resetting yuor IP address?

Iā€™m not on wifi im on a local cabled network so it wonā€™t be that for most of us.

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this is the same as just restarting your router/modem to get a new IP, isnā€™t it? Which I have tried and still have issues. Glad to hear its working for you tho!

Trying to play on my phones shared 4g wifi and i have not encounterd any freezes yetā€¦ this is so strangeā€¦

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Been having the exact same problems as well, and happening quite often as well so its very annoying, tried updating all addons etc as well but no change so far.

So i have been playing with my mobiles 4g wifi for 2 hours now without any issues! So its probably a Nettwork problem?

72 post, 1.6k views, no acknowledgement of the issue by Blizzard. :frowning:


Same issue since 10.2, even stopped using my bank alt or any char other than my main just cause itā€™s so random if a loading screen will get me stuck or not.

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Same problems. Whenever the game shows a loading screen it is stuck there. The loading bar can be 75%, 100% or whatever.

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so annoying have to close and reopen the game like 5 times to just get trough all the possible spots it hangs

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I have the same issue. Basically - it started after downloading patch 10.2, didnā€™t happen before that. I played on PTR and had no such issues before.

Blizzard said that they are having memory leaks and are going to fix it but I am not sure if thatā€™s due to memory leaks. On my main acc Iā€™ve been just stuck in loading screens but on my alt acc I randomly ā€œDCā€ during the exploration of Azeroth. Game works fine, I canā€™t get disconnected but itā€™s stuck in some kind of a lag.

It is interesting there is no mention of this in the US forums but in EU we are having problems in retail and wotlk. There must be some new server issue they just rolled out only on EU serversā€¦

Can we please fix this issue Blizzard?
I lost several arena games (in wrath) this week because of the loading screen issue. Alt f4 didnt bring me back in time and its just sad how a problem like this isnt a top priority. It also affects any sort of switching zones, for example to Dalaran, into a raid etc.