Stuck in loading screens

Norway as well, with Altibox, near Oslo.

Is there anyone facing this issue who is not from Norway?

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Jeg tror vi bare kan skifte over til norsk med det samme, dette virker som et problem for oss i rÞdt, hvitt og blÄtt.


random disconnects. stuck on loading screen. , disconnected as im writing this post actually, rofl?! disconnecting from heartstone aswell. seems to be an issue with the battlenet client? also norwegian. altibox isp.

Dont do that, the tech support here I assume dont speak Norwegian, I still hope they might see this thread one day and reply

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Also from Norway, Altibox/Viken fiber.

I’ve been on the phone a couple of days ago for about 2 hours with a technician troubleshooting, and both him and me failed to find a problem anywhere on mine/their end.

Might be a “localized” problem but it seems to on Blizzard’s end atleast.

During that session I ran some WinMTR, and on average looking glass was on about 75% packet loss. That means a problem from Blizzard to me.
How relevant that is, I don’t know but just want to mention it incase the other potatoes here are testing the same.

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From norway too here, This problem started for me about a week ago, its been a mess. When i am stuck at loading screens i have to restart wow 2-3 times sometimes to get it to work again. Sometimes i cant see guild chat or que for dungeons also. So many bugs its making me crasy :confused:

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I’ve actually had issues in hearthstone as well.

Norway here as well. Altibox - Viken Fiber

I imagine we would notice it “elsewhere” if it was our internet, like in browsing, netflix etc. Seems like an isolated problem from blizz side.

Another norwegian reporting in. Disconnects, stuck on loading been happening for a number of days now. Both in WoW and Diablo IV. Altibox customer.

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Also from Norway. Telia customer.

indeed. this started happening after 10.2 was released. everything else internet related on my end works fine. no hiccups, only blizzard client related things like wow/heartstone. it either drops the connection or get stuck on loading screen, lags out (dcing without dcing) forcing an alt f4.

Same issues here, Altibox & Norway

As someone previously mentioned earlier in this thread, doing trace routes on the 3 EU blizzard ip adresses everything seems normal until reaching the netherlands where blizzard has data centers I believe. Don’t know if that’s the case for all of you here.

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I’m Norwegian as well using Lyse as my ISP and having this issue, but when you look above on the people doing trace routes you will find that the steps within Norway are fine and it is the node in the Netherlands belonging to Blizzard itself that is the issue, so 100% a Blizzard issue that Blizzard needs to fix and not something on our end or on our Norwegian ISPs end.

I’m in Oslo on Altibox, Viken Fiber too. Thankfully Maskorama is on soon. I switched to my phone 4G now and that is a work around I guess
 I sent a message to Altibox customer support for good measure.

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The ping is real bad now, and I can’t talk to NPCs etc.

Norway altibox

altibox norway here aswell it’s becoming real anoying to have to restart the game after every other loading screen

Having to alt+f4 a minimum of 3 times just to grab a DMF buff
 Blizzard has seen this thread, they’ve responded to a much smaller thread than this. They choose to ignore.