Stuck in loading screens

To everyone experiencing this issue and reading this: Make a comment, blow this thread up. Make it so they can’t ignore.

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Altibox norway here aswell…

hopefully they have seen it, started a fix and will respond when they know an ETA…and I’ll be expecting that we should receive a gametoken for this stuff OR WHAT BLIZZARD?

Same issue here.
Pls blizz have a look at this.
Many of my friends that i play with have same issue.

get them to respond to this thread!

Norwegian with Telia here. Same issues as everyone else. Started the day before last patch.

Altibox Norway here aswell. Have two other norwegian friends, both with Altibox, both having the same issue. WotLK Classic, Addons or no, it still happens every other loading screen. I’ve let it sit for over 10 mins and I never got through the login screen.

Same issues here, Telia Norway. Hopefully it wil get fixed soon :confused:

Altibox Norway here too. I get stuck on most loading screens, the game bugs out if I join groups and sometimes just by mounting up or buying something from the AH.

The tip about using your phones 4G (Telia for me) seems to work, weirdly enough. Next months phone bill is not gonna be a fun one… :slight_smile:

Also from Norway (Telia supplier). Few days ago this was only giving me issues on log-in screens. Now I’m also seeing in-game issues by not being able to see guild list, not able to use mail box etc. etc.

Same problem here, got Telia and live in Norway.

Tried doing a trace route from my phone with 4g from ice, but still gets stuck on the same hop after reaching the netherlands. Turns out ice uses the same route as altibox (lyse dot net)

using a vpn solved it for me

Also living in Norway and Altibox is my provider.
Things were fine before the patch. So, if any problem it must be on Blizzards end.


Using a vpn might be a temporary workaround, but we need a permanent solution and for blizzard to investigate why so many of us are experiencing packet loss when we reach their datacenter in the netherlands. Several people have been in contact with their internet service providers who find nothing wrong at their end. Not much more we can do than pray for action from big blizz.


Same here, Altibox vestland

Which IP shall I write when using the Pathping and Traceroute commands??

(living in Norway by the way)

You can just google wow trace route and there should be an article from blizzard as one of the top results.

Are the EU blizzard IPs

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Same problem here, got Telia and live in Norway.