Stuttering on 3k pc since 26th oct, Want DF Refund but they refuse?

Disable hardware acceleration from windows.

Rightclick wow executable and also disable full screen optimization

Enable game mode in windows

Activate variable refresh rate if u have a high tefresh rate monitor.

This should fix it


This seems to be a User end error, youā€™re using Win 11 you have almost the same build as me except I never upgraded to to Win 11 and stuck with 10 due to 11 having issues, Blizz have no reason to give you a refund as their product is not the issue here, itā€™s your PC sorry.

No I also have the problem along with thousands of others on windows 10.

Literally says 3k PC and im not flexing, Im annoyed that alot of people with higher end systems are having same issue, How have you just doubled that to 6k? Autism is showing in you brother

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My bad, i thought you were someone else. I do apologise

Thereā€™s a bug in windows atm with the 2h22 update that caused nvidia (I believe) to go into debug mode, literally eating all your frames. Thereā€™s a fix underway, so you could check if thatā€™s whatā€™s affecting you.

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Ok, to add a (maybe) helpful contribution to this thread. Ive just spoken with 3 other people who play Wow and heres what i found regarding GPU issuesā€¦

Person 1(me) GTX1660 super/AMD CPU
Person 2 GTX1050TI/Intel CPU
Person 3 AMD RX5***/Intel CPU
Person 4 RTX3060/Intel CPU

The only person with stuttering issues is the one with the 3060, and having read through these comments it appears that its just the 30/40 series cards that are affected. Not sure if the CPU has any bearing on it. Theres a lot of code to dig through to sort the issue out though.

Ah, Iā€™m still on 2h21 so maybe thsts why Iā€™m not seeing any problemsā€¦

Yeah, thereā€™s a bug at the moment with the latest Windows 11, rolling back to previous version will fix any stuttering as it affects a lot more games and all.

Dragonflight works fine in Windows 10, no stuttering at all. Ryzen 9 5900x, 2080ti, 32gb 3200mhz ddr4 and itā€™s installed on Gen4 PCIE NVME drive.

At the moment if youā€™re running latest updated version of Win11, thatā€™s the problem and not sure how long before Microsoft fixes it. May already have been hot fixed, which it will. Thereā€™s always been on and off CPU or GPU scheduling issues with Win11, hence I havenā€™t upgraded to it until that gets sorted. 10 seems more stable at the moment, which is understandable being a older OS.

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and also it could be the Drivers of the Graphic card and entirely not wows end. also they say a free game can stutter np with that but for wow its a problem? because they pay for it Lol owkey

Cyberpunk runs perfectly on mine with everything up full

12th gen i9
32gb ddr4 (3733)

Only game Iā€™ve played that can choke it dialled up to 11 is rdr2

the issue is present since 10.0 hit ā€¦ technical support both here and in us has plenty of people discussing this

This thread has over 100 post and half of them are you

3090TI, 1 gen lower processor, quicker RAM (4266) (but only half the amount).
250GB SDD runs the installation (I store static data on SATA which go into the terrabytes).
Not seeing any of the issues being reported here by multiple people who also have high end RTX.
I did have light engine issues a few months back in shadowlands but that fixed itself eventually with a nvidia driver update.
Rollback updates if there are any recent ones and if not wait for the next set of driver updates.

It is most certainly your machine wether hardware or software (maybe a driver setting your hardware is configured on) there are too many cases where it just works on near similar builds.

Interesting in formation

I have nividia 1660ti and have the stuttering faults at the moment.

It doesnā€™t affect everyone. Iā€™m on 2h22 and I have no issues.

Soneobe in this thread says theyre on win 11 and arent having the issue.

Qlao alot of pcs now will come with ein 11 auto installed on them. Unless u buy your own operating system.

This probably isnā€™t of interest to the OP, but might be helpful to others having the same problem. If you have weakauras installed that havenā€™t been updated by the creator, they may be causing LUA errors that are massively impacting your performance.

I had terrible stuttering for a while, but after I went through my weakauras and deleted the ones that had LUA warnings on them, it stopped completely. (Iā€™m not sure if you see the error notifications by default, or if you need the Wago updater installed to see them. I have it installed.)

i got an 3080 gpu with 10900k cpu 32gb ram and no problems!

sounds like a driver problem eh since not all wow players expirience it
downgrade or update your drives
This is not a WoW sided problem