Sub-race names & templates tied to the new customization options

Broken would be a great addition for this feature.
The male model from WoD should be fine as a starting point to work with. For the female the basic Draenei model could be used but changed. With new textures much can be done, as we have seen during BFA (Blood Trolls, Zandalari and Kul Tiran Druid forms).


Since I was asked, I have tried to make a Farstrider mockup.

Truth be told, however, I feel that in this case it does not really work as well as with the dwarves and trolls, for two reasons.

  1. The tattoos are not actually in game so I had to draw them on…
  2. Tattoos alone do not seem enough to make a separated template.

With the dwarves and trolls it feels different because they are known different clan/tribes, famous as such. Maybe I am biased though, loving dwarves as much as I do. And trolls are easy because of the different skin colors.

Also, I tried, failed and gave up the Highborne mockup because I could not find any truly Highborne-looking night elves in the youtube videos from alpha and I felt that attempting to simulate more extra customization not actually in game went beyond the objective of this thread.

In order for it to make sense, appropriate customization would have to be added to the game first.


NP, thanks for trying I guess.

Can you also make the High elf model? If you want to ofc ^^ with some alleria tattoos :3 Hopefully I am not asking to much? ^^…

Oh, I kinda did that several weeks ago:

Unfortunately however I could not find a full-screen screenshot of the new character creator displaying a naked Void Elf with fair skin and blue eyes.

Not having Alpha access sucks, as I can only get as far as photoshopping screenshots from random youtube videos to make my previews. I’d need help from someone with access be able to do better.


I mean more of a High elf model no Void elf ^^… maybe with human hair or Night elf hair.

Let me rephrase what I stated above: since I do not create my mockups from scratch, but rather just edit the UI on screenshots from the Alpha character creator I can grab from youtube videos, I cannot do a High Elf edit unless I have an appropriate screenshot to start with.

I’ve stretched a little bit further with the Farstrider tattoos but I didn’t really feel it was right which is why I gave up on the Highborne and I am not keen on working on more customization edits showing features not currently in game, because editing those takes much more time. Also, edits with too many extra customization features would go beyond the objective of this thread, which is simply to promote a QOL UI adjustment.

I really appreciate that you like my edits enough to ask and thank you for your interest, but I am sorry to say I am not keen to do that kind of editing work for the time being, as it takes much longer to do than a simple UI edit.


Well, with Void Elves getting so much High Elf customisation, maybe Blizzard will give us the choice of picking between being called a Void Elf or a High Elf in game.
If this were to happen (which I doubt sadly) then I’d see no reason as to why they wouldn’t allow players to pick between Ankoan and Jinyu too.

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Hjg I found this

Hopefully you can work with that?

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I see many interesting proposals as to how templates could be applied to the different races, and yes, given the variety of world of Warcraft the possibilities are truly endless. It would be so cool for all of us if we could get what we dream of. :slight_smile:

For the time being, however, I don’t know if there’s much more to be said about customization templates (hopefully the blues already noticed us by now - and if not, then I guess there’s always hoping that they spot Twitter or read and acknowledge the idea I posted through the ingame suggestions box) and I’ve been rather thinking about how to ‘solve’ the racials issue which according to some would make allied races feel a bit awkward in case they were added next to/inline with the customization templates.

I would personally love a system in which the racial skills are selected from a small pool at character creation in a way similar to how the pvp skills work. But I am thinking that this kind of speculation/proposal would better belong to a thread for itself, which I may take some days to post as I am still trying to work out a number of details.


I too hope the suggestions you made have been noticed and that they are able to implement them, but even if they don’t, you still had a fantastic idea which myself and many others loved, as you can see from the positive responses you received.

There are few threads where the opening post receives so many likes :smiley:


Mechagnomes as a gnome sub-race would be especially awesome if that meant they could get all gnome faces and hair styles and colors.

  • Leper gnome template please, hehe.
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Just embedding the pics since nobody did it yet.

Also, I would not want this thread to go forgotten. :innocent:


They should really take the plunge and just do something like this. It has so much potential. I wouldn’t even call it a template or anything like that, but just make a visual cue that the race is branching to other subtypes without defining if it’s a race, clan or kingdom.


That’s a very good idea actually. No need to overexplain when it’s visually clear by itself.

If I get into beta I will ensure to make some updated mockups! :slight_smile:


Quoting Mr. Paxmillian (btw, love that name!) from another thread as he offered very valid suggestions:


Hoping you get Beta access, would love to see the new mockups :slight_smile:

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I am downloading the PTR now, to see if the character creation screen is available there. In case it is, I will get to work! :wink:


Smart move, looking forward to seeing more of your awesome work!


The character creation screen is available, was playing around with it myself for characters I have on both alliance and horde.

I also don’t want to see this thread die, even if Blizzard did not take on board the suggestions from Sifrieda and yourself now, I am still hopeful they may implement them in the future :slight_smile: