Sub-race names & templates tied to the new customization options

Everybody loves elves, so I had a go at some possible customization subsets for the Night and Blood Elves. Please note I am not much of a Horde player, so I might have not gotten it entirely alright, but I figured maybe WoD’s Sunsworn could be used as a ‘container’ for both Farstrider and Magister options such as all sorts of tattoos and runes as they are told to be a military elite which groups together rangers, magi and blood knights. In my mind they would be to the ‘regular Thalassians’ what the Wildhammer are to ‘regular Dwarves’.

Then, when it comes to those-that-cannot-be-named, I preferred the elven racial name as I felt it could be used for both Void and Blood elves.

Lastly, the Dark Rangers are something I’d like to see added at some point during Shadowlands. :wink:

Hope you enjoy!


I certainly do… so let me share them visually for the rest of us also. :slight_smile:


Thank you so much!!!

Can’t help noticing you also wrote the expansion they ‘belong’ to. Care to explain?

I forgot I made this comment. June was such a long time ago. Amazing how time flies. But to be fair I ended up deleting this character and now I got her back. Not sure what to do with her.


This is an incredible idea (surprised the devs didn’t think of it TBH). You have my full support, just tell me if there are an petitions/polls/anything else that I can fill in to help!


I think we should stick what we have before we go over-complicating things.

Really a very good idea, Would like it to be implemented.


These look great, as always you do a fantastic job :slight_smile:


Hmm, no, there aren’t I am afraid. Should there be? Do you think it would help?

Truth be told, I am just focusing my efforts here on the Forum. Plus, I submitted the suggestion through the in-game system as that was pointed out as the most efficient mean of communication by some Blue a couple of months ago.

For the rest, I just know that the first of Moira’s screenshots have had quite an audience on Twitter, so I am assuming that by now someone at Blizzard must have already noticed us either here or there?


Truth be told I had started off thinking that maybe specific subsets should be tied to having played a specific expansion, but eventually figured it made little sense as the features are usually released at the START of an expansion. Also, in general, people hate having to go through extended unlocking mechanisms.

As a matter of facts, I have edited it out.


And here are a pair of new mockups for those-who-cannot-be-named.

Hopefully they won’t make the thread explode. I know it is a risky suggestion to make, but I am still pretty convinced that customization templates (even without any different name tags connected to them!) would make a number of roleplayers very happy.



Do we have any update from the developers who have seen this idea?

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Truth be told nobody ever said anything about it.

We just assume someone must have seen it by now, seen for how long the thread has been active. Plus, last June one of the Wowhead team shared a few of Moira’s screenshots on Twitter (tagging the Devs) and that got several hundred likes.

I have seen that today Astranea has shared the latest Dark Ranger mockups but that doesn’t seem to be getting the same sort of attention…

Guess it takes a Tweet from an influencer of sorts to get people’s attention.

… Or how about trying to post the mockups for those-that-cannot-be-named? :wink:

Think I’ll rework Dwarves and Trolls next, while I think about what to do next.

I just tried that, to see if anybody cares to share the love (or hatred, lol) over there:




Love the idea. I shared it on the High elf discord. I told them Moira made these. They all loved it, especially the Tattoos.


Well what do you know, the red shirt guy has shared his love in our favor and now the community is responding. :smiley:

And all thanks to Moira’s concept art!


Sure thing, thanks, and very glad it was liked! Although I read on Twitter that people are opposing the use of Quel’dorei as name for a Horde-side ‘high’ elf as they feel it would be a political statement of sorts.

On the bright side however, I have incredibly not met any rage against the Alliance version of it. Giving the subject, I’d call that a big win.

Great to know, thanks for you for sharing on Twitter in the first place!