Sub too expensive

im not going to go into politics either but I find them a really disgusting person if they are not trolling to use a movement based off someone dying from a racist to try to justify a price cut for them for being black.

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Fully agree with you.

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If Blizzard did that and we had to declare what skin colour we were in the terms of service, couldn’t we all just declare that we are “black” and play WoW for free or a reduced price? :thinking: :woman_shrugging:

Learn to make gold, buy a WoW token for game time. I’ve been playing this game for ‘free’ since they were introduced so long ago…

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i only wish that was their argument.
They are from south africa where 90% are black and 10% are white.

They want a price cut in their region. I get the wages part but the black part?
Hell no. Awful gross evil leach

when the movement is fighting about how someone got killed likely because of the colour of their skin… can you really say in a society where 90% of people are black they are treated poorly by society.

This poster is evil

I read it as him accusing Blizzard of charging Black people more on purpose. Then I thought about my many white South African friends who stay in SA and pay the same price, They where born there too.

However I’m not 100% sure how he meant it.

its a set price though.
we all pay the same.

They would have to make exceptions for them to change the cost.

If they think its a racist issue they are deluded


By that logic we should have different prices for everything, why someone in sweeden making 4k/month doesnt pay for mercedes more than me if in my country 1k is above standard?

Och right, it because, that mercedes isnt neccesary, u dont have to buy it if u cant afford it, same as with sub and game cost.


quality of the game is so low it shouldn’t even be subscription based anyway.

Stop paying and playing, noone is forcing you.

where did i say i was going to stop playing? you can go shill somewhere else because i dont care what you have to say.

If you dont care what I have to say, then why did you answer…

And if you whine about subpar game and price to play it, you should stop playing, since your paying for subpar game and price is too high, your logic.

Bye bye

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i didnt respond to you. i never seen you before in my life so let me ask you. Why did YOU respond to me?

I agree with this really. There is one exception though. If Blizzard randomly made the price 2x-3x higher all of a sudden. Then you would have people who couldn’t afford it now when they could before. This would make some nations hurt more than others who have already agreed to a base price. However wow has been pretty much the same price it’s whole life, So the price is near enough the same as when you started playing, it wasn’t an issue for him then, why now?

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Moving this thread to GD seemed to have backfired xD

I don’t think anyone made the choice to get laid off work.

If Blizzard started adjusting the sub price to suit a countries economy all that would happen is everyone would all of a sudden be playing from the country that has the lowest price using that thingamajig that fools the internet into thinking you’re from somewhere you’re not.

Oops indeed :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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You can’t choose to be made furloughed, just FYI.
Well I guess you could if your boss asked you if you wanted to for some weird reason but thats not how it plays out.

It’s funny how your tune changed from “lets be nice and help out poorer countries” to “well that is your own problem” when the argument was used against you.

Why would Blizzard accept £10 from me and £2 from you as equal amounts just because you had to work more hours to acquire it? End of the day you’d still be giving Blizzard less money.
I promise you Blizzard pays a lot of money into people figuring out how to make them the most money. If reducing the sub cost netted more players and more profits they would do it.

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Wow you can open a bank account in eu countries without physical presence? And you can present a registered address to blizzard in said country without a phone bill or electricity bill? To get 2 euro discount? :joy: What you’re saying is just lulz

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Very good question … it had died over in CS after the answer had been given then suddenly it appeared here. Weird …

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