Well go tell the other guy that mentioned VPN as well.
If you have the same goods available on the internet at 2 different prices are you telling me you would buy the most expensive one because it came from your country ?
Maybe I should have clarified the wording a little by saying ‘from’ but I thought that in context with the other wording it was clear.
Its not the 1st of August anywere in the world …
Blizz employees are mostly paid in USD. It’s a sad thing when inflation hits you in the head, but they can’t adjust their pricing model for each currency, wages don’t work like that.
Amen to that.
It’s just a shame that the revolutionary who got rid of apartheid was a socialist, and people kept voting for him because he ended apartheid, and kindda forgot about his socialism.
It’s understandable, but unfortunate.
Just imagine if the ANC had been a capitalistic free market enterprise party that wanted racial harmony. South Africa could’ve been quite the powerhouse today on a level with Great Britain or Germany. But alas.
PS: I am obviously not in favour of apartheid. At all. I still think what the ANC did was good. It’s what they did afterwards… I am pro racial harmony and liberalism and capitalism.
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fix pvp and class balance
then u can x10 the price for all i care
Totally agree with you.
This would’ve been amazing
Now take a look at this, this is a great example of “declaring an opinion without actually having one” situation.
Look, I live in Turkey, we suffer probably most because of euro/dollar/tl currency rates but I’m against WoW being free2play. Toxicity will increase, quality will drop down to hell if WoW becomes f2p.
I played League of Legends from highschool 2 to uni preparation year, more or less 3.5 years, that game had the worst community an online game can have, it was free2play. I used to get dozens of death threats everyday. Generally for killing enemy players, rarely for playing bad on my team I was a Diamond player…
I would rather pay 13€ monthly rather than seeing this game f2p.
I just buy tokens with gold
yup…not sure you can argue about the cost anymore when you can farm in game and pay with pretend gold!
Even if you can only farm enough to cover your cost every other month its still half the price.
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well i was sharing an opinion, if you dont like then then tough crap for you. im a paying customer i get to share my thought weather or not shills like it.
if you think the game isnt full of toxicity right now then your blind or willfully ignorant, cant get through a single dungeon without someone saying something either racist, homophobic or sexist and singling out a members of the party. so idk what game your playing if you think wow isnt toxic.
LoL isnt toxic because its free, its toxic because of the community and the type of people who play it are tryhards who get super upset if they dont win. check out overwatch its pretty toxic and even shares a lot of the same issues LoL has and it isnt free. And i got a protip for you, use the ignore button it works great against the 12 year olds who send death threats.
Complains about toxicity, calls someone else blind or ignorant. Sweet.
I would change my location in battlenet to said countries and/or buy gametime from websites of those countries in order to get a cheaper WoW sub while living in an economically strong country.
As would a lot of other people.
I think this is also a reason why different prices were dropped. I remember there used to be something like that. Why pay more if you can pay less?
And tbf, no matter where you live, 13 eur for a hobby is relatively cheap.
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adjusting prices for different markets is a common practice so please give us a break with your ‘its not fair’
on a side note even though I can afford subscription I still think it’s a bit expensive for what blzizard has to offer (at least in bfa)
Okay I had to stop reading this thread after few of dotties posts cause I was getting angry. Oh my god lady you have no idea what you’re talking about. Comparing random event that almost collapsed economy to living in a less developed country. Mamma mia im outta here
You’re blaming Blizzard for their prices and not blaming the people who ran your nation to get to that point, That’s not Blizzards problem or fault.
Not everyone in the west is made of money, There is poor single mums with 4 kids that struggles to make ends meet. It’s a case by case basis.
Common misconception that everyone from the UK lives in a castle and can buy anything they want.
yeah I bet activisions management board cries every month when they collect their checks. Oh poor people if onle we could help them
give me a break
It’s a company, not a charity.
another overused argument. did you google ‘generic responses because i have no knowledge of economy and i need help’
have a nice day
What’s my comment got to do with economy? Google capitalism. Blizzard is a company from a Capitalist nation. They aren’t there to give hand outs unless they want to, It’s a system they find fair. It’s impossible to tell how much money someone personally has.
There will be South Africans that are richer than Dottie.
Warcraft is a luxury. If you can’t afford it then unfortunately that’s tough.
I can’t afford champagne but I don’t email the producers and ask them to lower their price because it’s too expensive in my country