I dont have to google anything thanks. Clearly you have very little understanding of economy if you give “There will be South Africans that are richer than Dottie” as an example to back up your thesis just stop XD
Oh no the clown emoji. Whatever Will I do.
So everyone in the west is rich and can afford WOW? While every South African can’t? How about proving your points instead of using clown emojis and getting angry?
Norwegians make way more in average than a person from the UK yet their sub costs the same, Don’t see me complaining? £10 to me is different to my next door neighbor, should we have different sub prices?
You’re trying to turn wow subs into some sort of a tax system, Where the rich pay more to keep the game alive. That’s not how it works.
I seem to have more of a grasp of the system than you do, Sure I’m not an economy expert, It’s a very skillful field, However this subject doens’t need a degree in the matter.
That’s exactly how it works in freemium mmos though
Yeah which is why I’m glad wow isn’t F2P.
Just a general question, what else that costs the same as WoW for a month is available in any country? There have been times when I couldn’t afford the monthly sub, so I just stopped until I could! The game is a luxury, not a necessity.
If you have leatherworking/skinning char with like 445+ gear and a decent set of AoE essences you can farm Atal’dazar for around 8-9k gold per 45-1h from making and vendoring green/blue weapon and selling trash/items from drops.
If you really want you can have a token after 3 days of farm and that’s not even a hardcore farming.
As a turkish player as much as I’d like the price to be lower for us, I am not going to complain.
If I buy a laptop from the USA, the price of 1000 dollars wont turn into, lets say, 1000 TL for me just because I live in Turkey.
Its the same princible with WoW.
This, It doesn’t mean people don’t feel for you in that situation though, However can’t expect a company to lose money just incase someone is poorer in another nation.
It seems the OP can live and pay for Wow. I count him lucky, There is people around the world who don’t even have food. I’m more concerned about someone from a part of the world where they don’t have dinner, Sitting with a pc thats capable of playing wow and just having the thought of “this wow sub is expensive” is no where near that bad compared to most of the world.
I know people from the UK that can’t afford a PC to even surf google. So as I said it’s a misconception that people from all western nations can do what they want and money isn’t an issue.
Proves my point that I got called a “clown” with.
I live in a third world country and yet I am able to afford a monthly sub and trust me it’s not peachy for me because for example it’s a luxury having wow because everytime a new expansion comes out and I wanna buy it I have to think do I want to eat food for a month or purchase the game so I save up money and buy it next month or in 2.
Either everyone has the same price, or no one. I’m not ok with paying more when others pay less when we get the same service.
No! I should get the game half price because you make 2x more than me. Which defeats the purpose of you making more money!
I get you, and life can definitely be tough for the RSA and many other African countries. Imo, Blizz will do well if they create an “Africa” region for WoW and treat it like the Russian one - lower sub fee, but it is exclusive. In Russia WoW is cheaper, as are most games on Steam, and on the PS4. The reason? Without lower prices, Russian will just pirate everything.
I live in Bulgaria, here the minimum salary is 286 Euro per month (and roughly 75 euro of that goes to taxes and insurance)… but we still pay average, even above average costs for games. An average game in Bulgaria costs 70 euro. Not 50, not 60. SEVENTY. I paid a quarter of a minimum salary for Sekiro.
Tbh… my way of solving the issue of games costing too much is just working more. Now I make more than enough money to feed my gaming addiction but I don’t have time to play games anymore >_>
Been playing WoW for 15 years and never encountered anything like that in the hundreds (possibly 1000’s) of dungeon runs I’ve done.
If it’s your personal experience then we must look at the common denominator, you.
If you’re attitude is the same in party chat as you’re showing here then I’m not surprised you have a negative experience.
Or maybe the one coming out with the toxic comments is you.
The worst that I’ve seen is creepy comments at Lady Ashvane. I’ve had some abuse hurled at me, especially when I played with a controller. Not because I was doing bad, but because I told people I am playing with a controller at the beginning of a run and they would laugh at me. When I would tell them that at the end, after it went well, they were all impressed :^)
I played with a controller before when doing random world quests, So I could play from my bed. It was actually fun setting it up and trying it out. I used Steam to do it by adding wow as a “non steam game”
The console port addon now comes with its own interface, and when you use it in conjunction with the immersion addon, WoW kinda feels like an action adventure game. I stopped playing with the controller only because of the Explosive affix, I had problems targeting the explosions in time.
Didn’t know about that addon, Going to look into it, Thanks!
At most someone says in dungeons is “hi” and “bye” if even that.
Worse I ever had was a knowitall tank that told me I was a noob and that I should delete my character and uninstall WoW after I told him to clear the first room in Mana Tombs before starting on the boss. he then insulted the others for not passing the vote kick on me.
After we wiped he left the group.
For those that don’t know the dungeon, if you attack the first boss, ALL the trash aggros on you.
I’m not rich, do I have money? Yes, but not a lot.
You should also know you used the wrong pronoun for me.