One time I experienced sexist comments whilst running a dungeon. I very mildly pointed out that I was a middle aged woman who actually had those parts they were joking about!! All that happened was they apologised over and over and were super polite to me for the rest of the dungeon…
it was kinda sweet!LOL
damn I pay 15 USD for my monthly sub… You guys are paying 13 Euros!!!
Blizzard should accept used glass bottles as currency tbh! It’s pretty much legal tender! I remember the days of moaning at my parents for money to get sweets and they would make me use the glass bottles.
I think your toxic in all honesty …
So you get to share your thoughts but F everyone else.
If you can’t afford something don’t buy it.
Honestly 40% of some people here on the forums are like that.
With that attitude it’s my way or the highway and I hate that attitude!.
point out where i said you dont get to share your opinion. you tried to say i dont get to share mine and here you are crying when i say i personally dont care about yours (which is not saying you don’t get one btw)
The Sub is approximately the same price, as two pints of beer in a pub, in the South of the UK… imho, excellent value for a month of entertainment
I pay 15 USD for my monthly sub
Everything is bigger in the US…
Well not everything…
Politcians with brains for example, especially our glorious leader, El Presidente De La Orange, although compared to some senators and Congress he’s a certifiable genius.
Didn’t know about that addon, Going to look into it, Thanks!
Will feel great when we finally get the gamepad support in Shadowlands.
correct me if im wrong but it’s the democrats allowing riots to burn down peoples homes and outright murder people. also 15 dollars is about equal to 13 euros.
Nope, according to leftists everything right wing does is wrong, every single so called values leftists have are right Left does everything right, right always wrong.
correct me if im wrong but it’s the democrats allowing riots to burn down peoples homes and outright murder people.
yes you are wrong, very wrong in fact and if you actually believe that I strongly suggest you change what outlet you get your “news” from.
15 dollars is about equal to 13 euros.
yes. I know. 15.30 last time i checked the current exchange rate, which is why i typed…
damn I pay 15 USD for my monthly sub… You guys are paying 13 Euros!!!
… I mean… I know what i typed, i should know, i typed it…
Nope, according to right wingers everything left wing does is wrong, every single so called values right wingers have are right Left does everything wrong, right always right.
See how bias works Gekko?
of course you don’t, you just like to blame leftists for your mail arriving 5 minutes too late, the same way leftists complain that right wingers walk around with an arsenal that would make Rambo shake his head and say “Dude… overkill…”
These forums are not the right place for politics, and you are hijacking the thread.
this thread has digressed some.
i do hope that some of the people posting here aren’t in positions of power, even if its just supervisor of your local supermarket.
and in answer to original question, £9.99 a month is not so bad, but 2 things make it seem like it is:
- lack of enjoyable content recently and the direction of the game in general, and
- that this is hard set to 30 calendar days. there are numerous reasons you cant complete content at the time you want, both in game and irl, and it feels like wasted money if you cant log on or cant complete the task you want. also the amount of tasks we “MUST” do now, and daily, means it can feel less like we’re enjoying playing the game and more like a job or a chore, and again we think the value is not worth the £9.99 a month.
but on the flat rate of the game, if you cant afford £9.99 a month, for whatever reason, you need to look at why you are wanting to play a video game instead of using it towards essentials you need. it could be forgiven if it was a one time payment of £9.99, you could hold back on food or heating or other luxuries for a couple of months. but no, you will need to find this £9.99 EVERY month and as such, such restrictions to your essential spending cant be indefinite.
correct me if im wrong but it’s the democrats
…you’re wrong.
everything right wing does is wrong
Correct… it’s been like that since 1939…and with good reason.
Correct… it’s been like that since 1939…and with good reason.
It is not black and white like you think. This is where your mistakes lies. There is more than 1 truth when it comes to values, virtues blablas. I have a centrist view, on gray area when it comes to politics, I have leftist and rightist qualities personally because I know this is the right thing.
And sub is too expensive yea, I have to find a job now because of sub prices (We must stick to rules right.)