Suggest: NO GDKPs in SOD please do anything to make GDKPs not worth it to form legit anything please

But the person above just said that GDKP exploded in Wrath after token was out.

This means that botting hardly was the driving force there, otherwise it would not matter.

Take SOD for example - bots are rampant, yet there is almost no GDKP. There seems to be a disconnect between what you claim and the reality on the ground.

bro on Living flame half of the raids are GDKP

WoW token just did so botters could get game time basically

and GDKP came at end of wotlk/Cata way before WOW token came in WoD

And on Wild Growth there is literally none, yet I assure you there is a ton of bots.

Here is a screenshot of GBB, find one GDKP here:
https ://

and i am on lonewolf
and looks like they are mainly on lonewolf / living flame but spreading
legit the other day/last week there was max 1 GDKP run per hour on lonewolf but today: its a spam fest on trade chat
so they spreading fast

And what is this telling you ?
Cause some ppl here are like " no other raids but gdkp" and next sentence " nobody like them ban them " , so which is it ?
They are half and even more of the total raids for a reason and that is ppl like them . You wont see many of them defending their decisions on forums, usually forums and places like it are full of negativity because if you are happy u wont come and share how happy are you ,but the truth is that more than 50% of raids are gdkp that should tell you smt.
PS: as i already said and nobody deny that yes many ppl spend bought gold in there ,but just as many spend in game earned by them gold. If blizzard say they dont want gdkp to exist it will stop probably… but its very unlikely because that means they are messing with ppl and bossing them how they spend their currency and believe me some of us earn and farm in game and it is my OWN business how i want to spend it.

It exploded in classic not Wrath. By TBC it was in full swing with people spending the equivalent of $5000 of gold on an item. Some GDKP pots were the equivalent value of $25000.

Even if you have only 1-2 people in a raid that bought gold and then another 8 people receive that gold and repeat this over various raids over a month & you now have multiple people with bought gold on their accounts and these people slowly start buy items for big bids when they have accumulated enough gold thus spreading it further into the system. It’s like a virus.

And what does it have to do with the supposed bots link?

After all - I just showed you - Wild Growth is completely pristine there. Yet, we have bots just the same.

Seems like a gap in this bots = GDKP theory.

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I am completely confident that the wildest GDKP rides have bought gold in them.

But, I am just not onboard that GDKP is the issue here. As I said initially - your problem is with bots and gold sellers/buyers.

GDKP by itself is an okay loot distribution system that is not inherently wrong or bad.

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Ofc there is , ppl just want to believe all bot problems will be gone with gdkp and im surprised by ppl not remembering how bots were zerging Azeroth with almost the same amout long before gdkp existed for example when wow had more than 10 mil players and just 1 version. GDKP didnt existed back then and u couldnt find a single dreamfoil to picK!

  1. They could make GDKP bannable. People hate it and many would report players in trade chat for doing GDKP runs. 1st a warning, 2nd time 30 day ban.

  2. They should have set a gold limit of, lets say, 200g per server - across all your characters on that server. It would F up GDKP runs, botters and the gold trading in general.

  3. They can easily fix that you can not trade raid items for gold. What do you do now? Lower the trade timer to 1h, which is the time for mailing in the game…Tell me…how do you run a GDKP now where everyone trust eachother? You traded an epic for 2k gold in hope that the money will come by mail? Ha Ha Ha…the number of scammers will grow exponential and kill GDKP runs.

  4. Imagine if you had to complete all bosses in BFD to be able to continue level 25+, and you do this for every Phase. Imagine how frustrating it would be for someone running 100’s of bots to complete the raids just to bot/farm relevant content.

Yes they hate it and that is why 15 out of 20 lines in LFG addon are gdkp… cuz ppl hate it.

Wat are you an old school communist ? Telling ppl how many houses or cars they can maximum earn and own and how much in currency ? Are you out of your mind ? If i want to sell summons all day or do wailing caverns all day for gold nobody can come and tell me i should stop cuz i should not earn more . Good u dont own this game, christ.

So instead, we will just be running around bartering with Copper Bars, Kingsblood or whatever else becomes the new “gold” just like in Path of Exile.

Congrats, you borked the game for everyone, but effectively changed nothing.

Oh and this is a peak gem.

Practically you fudged all the normal players who just want to get alts up to speed, while not affecting bots in the slightest, because they will just form bot groups to clear this very challenging raid.

It’s like… people, do you even think before you write?

No it will not happen. Copper Bars for 150g? Yeah right and also, those items are gold only if it’s sold. Yes, ofc it will work. You could probably cut down GDPK by atleast 80-90%.

It does not matter, Copper Bars is just an example, instead it will be Thorium Bars, Arcane Crystals or whatever other material with a good AH value.

You could go as far as even delete gold, period. People will just switch to barter, except you will make normal players lives much more miserable.

You literally have Path of Exile as example. There is no gold - players have decided that Exalted Orbs are the “gold” and so it is.

Ppl will switch to straight swiping and it will just slow the item distribution during the raid.
Whats next : Citizens of Planet Earth from tomorrow new world order : you are only allowed to own 200 euros each cuz if u can earn more you start to think about shady things ? Bro…

It’s a game dude and there’s already a gold limit so…

You can farm WC all day even if you’re capped at gold.

Stop being so gold fixated haha.

And theres a reason it is NOT 200 gold…

Why do you compare with how things work in the real world ? Are you mentally retarded?

In that case…I’ve know that business makes tons of money out of bots, even before 2004…WoW is not unique LAWL.

Here’s a reality slap for you. There are hundreds if not thousands of players in Africa, Middle-East, Asian and South America that farm gold because that pay for their familys and their lives, putting food on the table…

Swiping for gold saves lives, so s t f u and play the game?