Suggestion to Frost-DK

So atm Frost is the weakest of weak classes when it comes to AoE.

How about removing Death and decay - Nobody likes to use that as frost… And just have Obliterate do Cleave ALWAYS?

Its called “obliterate” but it barely hurts compared to other classes.
So we make obliterate NON-frost damage.
quadruple the damage on mastery so the damage breakdown isnt oblitarate 60% and then like 10% chillstreak 10% remorseless winter and 20x 1% random filler stuff.

Make every ability do something.

This would open the door to play obliterate DK with Versatility as an valid physical spec with the frost abilities as is now - Filler.

OR go mastery and make DK feel more like a lich that spews cold and slaps with sword sometimes… kinda like dual wield dk atm… but valid.

While you’re at it nerf cd on Breath of sindragosa with like 70%. If you get targeted by a tactic; youre out. Its not even worth it if you get a flawless fight to go with that spell, so why is it bad?


the issue is that the devs have no idea what do even do with DK’s, the one that had a clue is seemingly not in the company, as the entire premise of oblit cleave dumpsters the entire purpouse of forstscythe, and ability that has always been subpar, but now even weaker than before.

some good pointers you have, but none of them will even reach the devs, and if they do, they dont care

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I know, but i at least gotta try.

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I quite like the changes proposed here.

But yes, focusing cleave damage around D&D is pretty dumb, I agree.

Frost is the weakest of weak classes when it comes to AoE

I think you are doing it wrong, in fact its the complete opposite. Frost is very strong with AoE in M+, I’ve bursted 1 -1.5 million dps on a big pull at the start of a dungeon. It is lacking in single target compared to other classes though. Sure we get punished a lot with affixes like Sanguine where the tank has to move away out of our Death and Decay meaning we can’t do cleave with Obliterate but besides that AoE is VERY strong. Unless I’m playing with a BM hunter or Havoc DH I usually end up on top with overall dps at the end because even though the single target is not that great I pull ahead with AoE damage, and I don’t even have my leggo axe yet.

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what annoys me has never been our “damage” so to speak, it’s the extremely clunky way it comes out, be it Frost DK annoying Death and decay aoe shoehorning oblit cleave, or unholy’s insane work and juggling resources to achieve the same effect as BM hunter and Demo warlock.

such is the fate of ever getting aura buffs and nerfs for nearly 6 years

i am quite tired of the convoluted way obliteration works too. it’s a relic of legion design. at this point just let pillar increase your strenght by an arbitrary number, make you immune to knockback as it used to do, and allow the next 5 obliterates to deal guaranteed critical hits, while your crit chance scales to crit damage while active.

Frost dk is good at damage.Only problem is making damage while because there are some mechanics you need dodge and Frost dk have two important skill need to cast at melee target.Other problem is Frost dk cant do aoe damage always because DnD has cd and remorseless winter is have cd.Only Glacial advance can be use always.Also dk is tied to DnD for cleave attacks.If you play good you can do good damage at aoe.Single is already good.Problem is they dont have useful utility for me and making damage with them not easy because cd and mechanics.Hope they will fix that.

For Cleave you already have Frostscythe .
If it does weak damage , simply buff it .
No need to reinvent the world .

says the warlock.

i will be glad if they tied DND cleave to remorseless winter though, and remove Frostscythe

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Simple three steps to make Frost Death Knight a bit better
1.Remove Death and Decay
2.Cleave bonus for Obliterate from Death and Decay add to Remorseless Winter
3.If someone use Frostscythe talen, let it replace Obliterate and during Remorseless Winter deal additional frost damage

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