Suggestion: WotLK+

By this logic, so does the ability to give your alt, say, a Northwatch Shortsword with Crusader enchant. But that’s not really something you can stop, nor is it something most players would enjoy if you somehow did.

a light glow on a sword vs full sets of armour that came from end game dungeons?

So is it just about the looks? O.o Really?

I bought a lot of heirlooms in wotlk with the TotC. You got so much xp by then that any gear you got dropped was obsolete in a few hours, the heirlooms offset that. iirc they stopped leveling at 70 so you the wotlk levelling experience was still the same. Ofcourse if you are against heirlooms there is an easy fix for that… don’t use heirlooms :wink:

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That’s not really true, they kept leveling all the way to 80. Though the fact their iLvl was 1 means you will need to replace them to get into RDF for heroics.

Ah yeah correct, I knew I got rid of them before being able to raid.

For WotLK in any capacity to really work well for me I’d need:

  1. Complete, total, absolute ban on heirlooms - total deletion from the game.

  2. Complete removal of LFG tool.

  3. A ginormous hammer made out of titanium, skulls, and unshed tears smashed forcibly upon the heads of every single vehicle quest in the game, until all the vehicles are smashed into smithereens, before paying an entire battalion of rampaging heffalumps and wogarbullies to jump up and down on them in hobnail boots.

  4. Tameable giraffes for Hunters.

  5. Re-implementation of all class quests, profession quests, reagents etc.

  6. A gag and restraining harness for Arthas to stop him showing up and yammering nonsense in my face every thirty seconds - and to prevent him from promoting hapless Vykruls to be the Right Hand of his Wrath with their own legendary title and rank… fifteen seconds before five Puggers, one of whom is called ‘Dkofdeathlol’ roflstomp her into the ground.

  7. Un-nerfed heroic dungeons.

Do this and I’ll be happy. Not that they ever will.

suggestion, dont put that garbage that is WotLk

WotLK without the 3.2 and 3.3 changes would make sense.

But Cataclysm would pretty much require them to rewrite all the class quests and somehow compensate the random heroic system -which I would personally like if there was no more need to farm 10 heroics a day, but most likely it would end up having to do 10 heroics a day + manually find a group on your realm for the specific heroic you aren’t saved to + manually travel / MS to the location.

You are talking about the 4.1 (or whenever it landed) LFR tool that nobody used at all because it was impossible to find 25 people on one realm through it, so they removed it in later patch only to bring it back in cross-realm version in WoD?

Retail’s version of LFR is the Premade Group Finder, which is the main way to get into PUGs.

In WotLK, they were quite good, since they occupied slots that are usually empty at low levels, weren’t OP, and required a lot of work to gain just one, and if you wanted to use it on more than one character, you had to keep mailing it back and forth.

but I don’t remember how many heirlooms were there in Cataclysm, but I think they added some for PvP and for guild reputation rewards as well, so might have been a bit too much.

In cata we had the addition of helm, leg and cloack heirlooms if I remember correctly.

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It’s a nice idea but sorry I would rather have Classic Plus content.

There’s no point on prefering the game at that stage…

  • Illidan, Kael’thas, Zul’jin and Kil’Jaeden spoiled as raid piñatas.
  • modern Light Eredar from Argus called Draenei - instead of the classical Draenei from Draenor - already there.
  • Blood Elves ruling Silvermoon happened.
  • Blood Elves in the Horde nonsense happened.
  • Blood Knights happened.
  • Light Eredar shamans happened.
  • underwhelming Ghostlands and irrelevant Azuremyst+Bloodmyst in.
  • Space Opera Outland.
  • Anveena and new Sunwell nonsense already in.
  • Naaru and rewriting of the Light lore happened.
  • Garrosh.
  • post-bad “Loken and Co” stuff in.

Now gameplay-wise, Classic Plus can perfectly handle this, within the lvl 1-60 max range.

  • horizontal progression

  • add new relevant sets and stuff for all specs to be enjoyable equally (boomkins, palrets and so on), even original specs (spelladin, holy nuker, melee hunter, and so on)

  • guild bank and guild management

  • even usable Meeting Stones at dungeon entrances and limited flying mounts (with short fatigue bar and few meters above the ground max altitude) could be added.

I like how you mention what to add, without considering how much it would need to be removed (or at least drastically revised) from Classic before a person who likes TBC/WotLK more would even consider Classic+.

Raid size, itemization, worldbuffs, consumables, PvP system, dungeon length/rewards, raid “relevancy” (i.e. how cluttered your raid schedule is) are just some of the most critical points about Classic that I suspect a Classic+ would fail to fully address. Partly because, unfortunately, many Classic+ advocates hardly see any issues with these.

Wait, you mean you are against draenei? Or that there are people from post-apocalyptic Argus in Outland, which makes sense lorewise?

It gets problematic when numbers get too high and reach hard caps. They’d need to either focus almost entirely on spell damage / attack power, or add some new stats, such as supercrit chance, multistrike (is already on one item), avoidance, versatility, non-PvP-only resillience, etc.

No. Just jump.

Man, you are horribly mistaken. LFR was introduced in the dragon soul patch (which many DID use, in fact, it got many top world guilds banned for abusing it even) and then they continued through all of MoP and beyond. They never removed it and brought it back.

OK let’s see.
Raid size: simple, just let’s design new raids (Sunstrider Spire, Ula-Tek Ziggurat, Mount Mugamba…) for smaller rosters.

What’s wrong with it to begin with? :thinking:
What’s wrong that could not be fixed by additionnal lvl60 classicplus stuff, i mean?

Fair point. I don’t know how much Classic+ people do worry about keeping world buffs. For one, I’d just nerf them enough to have them fully optional.

can be handled by horizontal progression, can’t they? new consumables, more enjoyable crafting

Sorry arena guys maybe the actual BC and LK Classic version will be there for you enough?

:thinking: can you develop pls?

Indeed, yet it’s a matter of compromise too.
People who are Classic hardcore NoChange would stay on Classic Era, people who are BC or LK fans would stay on them - ClassicPlus is a new “diversification” of the game with its own philosophy.

I am. “Draenei” should be the Warcraft-III Draenei, no more no less!

Yet I’m not against a maverick faction of Eredar leaving Argus and the Burning Legion, but we don’t call it Draenei (and we don’t have them playable. They’re same level as Titans! demons and gods. Or else, if they’re to be playable… let’s have their background more like the Tielflings.)

Well, as long as you want older raids to stay relevant (isn’t it what horizontal progression is about?) that doesn’t really help, because guilds will still need 40 ppl for Naxx and such.

Vanilla itemization is incredibly restrictive because, due to the lack of rating stats and sockets, you often have very little options for increasing important secondary stats like spell hit. Furthermore, a lot of Vanilla have incredibly wonky itemization that makes them all but unusable for high-end PvE. I’m not asking for a kind of itemization like in Retail where all items look the same, but the gap between the best and 2nd best or 3rd best items would need to be vastly reduced, and stats like hit/spell hit should be obtainable in a more flexible way

As long as they still give a buff of some kind people will still feel the need to get them. Heck, people spend a lot of gold to get stuff like Rumsey Rum that gives a minuscule buff in terms of stat. What makes you think that anything short than actual removal (at least from raids) would suffice?

Hell no. The problem is not that we need more consumable, but less. Or at least cheaper ones. I’m tired of having to spend 1000+ gold a week to raid.

It doesn’t need to be arena. But it certainly needs to be something other than the current honor ranking system. Something that doesn’t require extreme no-lifing, and that doesn’t screw over players who don’t play in large premade groups as much as current Classic does.

I don’t want to have 6-7 different raids on my raid schedule. That just leads to extreme burnout due to the need to fit Naxx, AQ40, BWL and possibly even MC all in a single week. A lot of guilds adopt speedrunning tactics (including wbuffs, consumables etc.) simply because it’s the only way to get all raids done. More raids that don’t replace old ones (as implied by horizontal progression) would only exacerbate the problem, and you can’t rly file it down “player’s choice”. It’s not a player’s choice when you have to coordinate with the preferences of 39+ other people, nor is it easy to find such a large guild that fits how you’d wanna play the game, especially on smaller servers.

And yet you have the galls to say that we don’t need WotLK+ but we do need Classic+? And you can’t see the arrogance of all that?

people talking about wotlk & cata before TBC even get a release date :sweat_smile:

well… WOTLK was best expansion ever…PVP In wotlk was the real deal, & pve was pretty cool, i loved Ulduar HM, back then game was super fun & for that? WOW-Subscription was the max ever reached during wotlk.

cata was the start point of killing the game for removing the talents tree & changing so much, limiting players creativity and LFR happened with DragonSoul patch, it looked like deathwing came to azzeroth to kill the game :wink:

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Yeah, it is weird. It is good to have curiosity and give ideas of what do we think about what happened but at the same, it is good to have our feet on the ground and be cautious, because that is what Blizzard is doing, they do not have a big plan that they made before Classic launched to launch Classic, TBC, WOTLK and more, nor do they have one now. Blizzard only is making a plan one step at a time that at this moment is just TBC Classic and does not include anything else like fresh Classic or WOTLK because they prefer to focus Classic development on the next release only when the current step is completed is when they will start to think about the next step. In fact Blizzard is not only cautius, I think they are launching Classic with precaution as if they don’t trust that it can’t fail at any moment.

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And just for personal tastes I would like a WotLK-

  • No automated LFG

  • No Heroic raid mode

On the contrary, it is horizontal and fair enough to have still “harder” content (requiring more numerous roster).

This can be smoothed by new gear, more diverse gear.

I’m not fond of sockets but gems and jewelry could definitely be a thing in a ClassicPlus mindset.

When it’s a problem of tryhard players it’ll remain a problem of tryhard players. I think the balanced way is to make things viable even if not optimal. People who are minmaxers would definitely keep on being so. But it’s up to the masses to ignore them and go their way and enjoy the game.

Buffs like the Onyxia head could be reworked in a way it gives Increases critical chance of spells by 2%, melee and ranged by 1% and grants 10 attack power. 120 minute duration. or something.
I guess 99% people would feel like “oh nice I got it” when opportunity has them, with the roleplay flavor of it, but no more like a valuable requirement in terms of spent time, effort and safekeeping.

But I see your point. Well, if Classic Era servers would be separate from ClassicPlus ones, and if needed unanimously, I bet no one would be offended if ClassicPlus gets rid of world buffs entierly.

OK then let’s design subzones where the components are like free farmable, and let’s boost they respawn globally, then offer and demand would follow to decrease the prices.
That’s a way to have something “still relevant but less valued” (like they did with the XP in Retail wrongly).

Certainly it should be improved, I must confess I only played Classic PvE and RP, not caring much about the PvP system. Adding the code part of what worked in BC for example? Ranks and so on… idk

Yet other games (ESO…) have somehow-horizontal raids, but less “end game value” that push players to do all the content each week at all cost - that you seem to imply for yourself.

Let’s be honest, the interest of CalssicPlus is keeping this. Some unpublished raids, horizontal progression. The fun of exploring them and the fun of retrying old content are the goal on the one hand.
Maybe the hardcore raid farmers are not the target players, to begin with.

On the other hand, the actual issues of guild coordination for everyone to enjoy the older and newer content is real.
A base game calendar, an improved guild system…
Even a new “Unit” system (between guild and lasting group) have to be added to define a “roster of characters for each Raid” that smoothes and eases this organisation like a network.
Network is the philosophy of horizontal progression.
You finished Sunstrider Spire this week with your Sunstrider Spire Unit (17 men team) and 3 PU, you don’t feel bad for not going with the AQ40 raid in your guild because they already know and team-up with a guildless team and a other-guild team to reach a 40 men Unit. And now you can just look for a Naxxramas Unit since you still have relevant stuff there.
Something like that.

Dude I don’t give a poop about WOTLK+ because I don’t care about space goats, horde blood elves, Marvel® titans, dumb Arthas, and overall rampaged story and lore.
We have differing interests, that’s all.
I respect BC and LK enthousiasts but let’s admit we are not the same community, we just happen to be stuck together for this time.