Suggestions of where to go

Hello everyone. I am considering returning to RP on two old character of mine, William the spider breeder. A undead human who breed spiders for Sylvanas army and provided toxins to the Royal Apothecary Society. The other char is a Night elf sentinel with matching sabercat, whome have been spending the last couple of years exploring the eastern kingdom. Question is, where should I go? Is there much RP in silverpine or tirisfal? Is an armed cat lady and her big cat wanted anywhere?

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Hello and welcome back!

For night elves, Astranaar seems to be the main RP hub and a place where you’re the most likely to run into nelf RPers (and guilds if you’d be interested in joining some).

For Forsaken, I don’t think there’s any hub due to Horde being more guild focused. There’s some RP going on in Crossroads from what I’ve seen on the forums, but if you want to go for the Forsaken only RP and are OK with joining a guild, I can recommend Rotgarde (I’d link the thread but I’m on phone and have no idea how to do that here).


Like Syelia said, Astranaar is probably the place to scope out to see what’s going on in the night elf community. You also have Byltan coming up:

Another option if you want to go down the guild route on your undead is these stinky fellows:

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As someone who’s been desperately trying to find an Undead-based guild myself, I can say that I’ve found 3 guilds so far:

  1. Evil/Void/Mercenary RP (includes baddies like the Forsaken, the Darkfallen, the San’layn, the voidly creatures, Nightmare Druids, etc.
    [PCU] [X-FACTION] North & Void RP -- The Grim Gest ☠

  2. Seems like a cool Undead guild, too, judging by their thread:
    [H-RP] The Forlorn Order

  3. Another PCU guild, but, I must say (not in a way to offend them!) that they are specifically a Forsaken-loyalist guild, focused on former-humans (no San’layn fantasy stuff and such)
    [PCU] Forsaken Loyalist RP - The Rotgarde 💀

Hubs for Forsaken rp would be the Sepulcher in Silverpine (forlorn order) or Brill (Rotgarde). I also heard, theres sometimes some casual rp in Andorhal too…

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