Switching Flight Styles is terrible

I have all skyriding visual effects disabled. I don’t see any difference between it and old flying other than skyriding being 3x faster and more convenient to use.

You’re right on one account: I missed one of the settings for motion sickness.

However, can you stand still hovering something without falling to the ground? If I need to grab a drink and am doing outdoors stuff, a quick mount-up and fly up enough to be out of reach of mobs will avoid me coming back to a rez screen - can you do that with skyriding?

Plus low speed navigation in some places without having to deal with thrust and slows to get there is also a big plus for regular flying. Like I said, I use skyriding 90% of the time or more, but having the option to have, even if it is one mount, that is not skyriding without having to constantly switch through a spell (and check which mode you’re on), that’s something added that brought no real benefit.

They could have instead opted to have a “default” option and allow players to then set specific mounts to use the other way around. It’s hardly a massive thing to do, code-wise…


Land on the ground. You don’t need hovering over the ground for anything. And you don’t fly that fast when not using vigor. IMO ability to afk hover breaks immersion and in general the flying system in WoW breaks the open world design and makes WoW worse when it comes to the RPG feel and immersion. For me I would prefer flying mounts and flying to not exist. Or make it require even more skill to be able to actually fly properly.

Just because YOU don’t have any problems with Sky riding that doesn’t mean this is the case for everyone. You must be more understanding than this.


No, I don’t have to. :open_mouth:
It would benefit everyone to not have flying in the game. :3

Why don’t you stick to Classic Hardcore then and stop bashing on people complaining about bugs added to a game that they PAY to use?


When do they ever listen, usually months down the road after they read negative forum posts etc.


Basically they need a bombarded load of complaints months down the line before they even begin to make any changes.


Agree. Allso the classic flying is more precise if wanted to land on a node on a steep mountain side. And the druid flying is totaly ruined and robotic. I love the speed for long trips on the skyriding, but for me mounts feel a bit asmatic when going way up :wink: I might just not beeing good at it, so let me chose easy betwin them as before.


When flying around, mining f.ex. stoping, get hight, stopping etc etc MY skyriding mounts seems sadly asmatic and is not fit for a mountain climbing without a break. My old mounts reach the top easely and never need breaks :wink:

I’d like a half way option, keep them as it was in DF.


Please introduce a per mount Skyriding option and give druids a specific “Skyriding” form so we can get our trusty Flight form back!


Or at the very least make the toggle an instant case. Can restrict the toggle to work only while on the ground if need be.

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Blizzard, please remove old flying and keep skyriding only. Old flying belongs in classic wow. It’s 2000s game/mmo system/mechanic. No place for it in retail WoW. It would also be nice if flying using skyriding required more skill so you can only fly for long periods if you are good at it. Thanks! :3

In beta most of us were in TWW and there was no option to slow flap, so no swapping.

Yes, hopefully old flying not available in TWW until end of that expansion. :3

No you don’t.

Getting good has nothing to do with it, it’s an obnoxious argument. Both types of flying have different purposes.

However, I have come back around on the flying in general. I do now believe that areas in expansions without flying were more immersive precisely because of that. Being able to lift off and zoom off from quest to quest with dragon riding is still kinda fun, but it cheapens the whole open world.

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As far as I’m aware we can do pathfinder on our first character and unlock flying. But until launch we don’t know if they’ll gate it.

Indeed, one makes me feel sick and if I were not to stop I would throw up.

The other works fine. I can take being slower for the sake of not feeling ill playing a game.


I am curious why do you think so? Those who don’t want to use Sky riding will be affected.