Switching Flight Styles is terrible

You got my +1 I hate this change, all normal mounts either lost animation or sound effects because of this. just revert the change and let Sky riding(Dragon ridng) mount be Sky riding(Dragon ridng) and Steady riding(normal riding) be Steady riding(normal riding), it worked fine before.

If it ain’t broken don’t fix it


They should just make the Switch spell instant cast and usable while already mounted/flying.

It should work like the flap/hover spell that you get on the dragon riding mounts, but once you instant cast Switch your mount slows and hovers for a second and then it’s in the old style flight. And then you do the same to go back to dragon riding / sky riding.


As much as I try to see anything in life from all sides, I can’t see any upside anywhere for this decision. And for Druid flight form [as much as it’s nice to have the DF option] it is absolute ********


Yes i do stop thinking you decide what i like and what i dont that’s jusr sad

Trolls will not be acknowledged, this is like somebody finding raid lockouts and playing with death sickness fun.

It’s as bad as peeling a banana. You never know, If It’s brown or yellow.

I’m not a troll but you act like i’m not allowed to have a different opinion thsn you. Please rethink your life if you think people can’t disagree with you.

Most definitely not. Bots do not care about long cast or travel time. It is usually automated without any human being present.


Agree, was more seamless before the patch when you could have a traditional flying mount and a dragonriding mount options simultaneously. A simple check box in the mounts tab to allocate which one is which would fix this.



You can change with an ability in the spell book most likelly in the general one with your racials

It doesn’t affect me, but I can see how silly it is for other people. I’m hoping they genuinely listen and fix it. Blizzard cannot ignore a literal core feature to the game, it’s been around since TBC, lets keep everyone happy. I hope they sort it out.

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I have dragged the switch styles onto my UI but it should be in the spell book under general and also as part of your mount tab.

You have my seal of approval!

Its not in the spellbook and my mount window does not have skyriding button. I opened a ticket, and currently waiting for professional help. I finding it nonsense that all people are skyriding around me and im stuck with this 17 years old slow**s system

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Come on Blizz, make flying fun again and remove the toggle cast time.

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Adding my voice to the choir: let us CHOOSE which mounts to use forvwhich type of flying! Why not create a tab you can drag mounts to that you want to assign to regular flying? No button needed, you can pick and choose, and if people ONLY want one or the other, it’s a question of mass migrating all mounts to that tab or ignoring it.

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Just a heads up using * to mask swearing is against the rules. You’ll just have to use a better word :wink:

I am seeing this complaint regularly. I will see if I can find any solution posted anywhere.

Edit to add:-

I don’t know if it will help but might be worth a try.

are you serious? O.o that is just so stupid. honestly. especially if its just *'s and nothing to indicate what the word is, except maybe its length.

what about random characters? like £$"%^$£ for example?

Blizz saw negative reaction of players about flying and ongoing event but choose to react and fix only second one. Just typical Blizz. Sadly we are stuck to this 5 sec moronic nonsense.