Sylvanas but chose Saurfang..... By accident!

As a long time forsaken player, and actually undead was the main reason i sided with the horde, i got really disappointed by that. I had the same issue, i was following the quest, i was hell bend to go with Sylvanas and i got no warning and suddenly i was siding with Saurfang. I wrote to the Gm telling him i am sure you get this from many players, i am here to contribute to how this issue bother us, i explained him as a customer i will not finish the quest until they fix it. I also wrote him that , there are topics on the forum about that, and many many players who actually care about the lore, so do something. He replied , at the moment it is how it is, only thing i can suggest is make a new char. WTF Is that! Blizzard focus!

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My personal theory on this, and I’m sorry if this has already been said, is that it won’t matter.

There’s not going to be a third faction in the game made up of a second Horde. It just wouldn’t make sense at this point in the game’s life.

The choices made are cosmetic at best, and at its most influential the choices made will be tallied towards the end of BfA to decide whether Sylvanas stays in power or Saurfang takes over. A single wrong ‘vote’ here and there isn’t going to tip the scales all that much.

Majority likes her. And she wont die, thank you.

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Sorry but you have voted for Saurfang, moving things a step closer for me to look forward taking down Sylvanas as the last raid boss of BFA.

This is not just about the vote.
It’s our character rp that is now compromised forever. And there are characters 10-years old in which owners invested a lot of time.
And this whole thing just because bad programming / design.
Not tolerable at all.

The Blizzard I once knew had a lot of commitment in this kind of matters. But she is slowly and painfully disappearing, swallowed by her giant bad sister.


You thought it was Sylvanas, but it was actually me, SAURFANG!

Looks like your mouse knows much better.

Not that I’m fond of Saurfang, but anything before a death-crazed inhumane being with no respect to anything whatsoever.

We are past the emo scene since 2006 people!

Sylvanas is my big diddy goth queen


Not at all. In fact, the generic good guy scene is on the decline and the emo brooding type on the rise.

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Reply, like, share!


Had the same exact issue, and I’m pretty mad about it. There’s lots of people saying the same thing.

If Blizzard is going to start making quests “have choices with major impacts down the road” and so on, they need to make the decision either clearer at the time (I had NO idea where the “choice” part lay and accidentally passed it, like many players) or, make it re-settable somehow. Maybe a simple reset by way of “watch what happened again” a la bronze dragonflight sort of thing.

At the moment, they want to make your choice have impact, and count, and therefore it can’t be reverted. Which is remarkably stupid when you didn’t deliberately make your choice to begin with, but got screwed over by bad quest design. The fact that the warning comes -later- is just baffling to me. By then, it’s too late!

One of the GM responses had the gall to basically say to a player, “well you can change your choice on other characters.” Like ahh yeah guess I’ll go level another guy to 120 solely to make the other decision. ???

Please, Blizzard, listen to the players on this one. You want choices to matter, but a lot of people are upset at being accidentally shoved one way or the other on chars they’ve invested loads of time and effort into purely through an unclear game mechanic.


I’m hoping next time the quests will be given equal standing.


Throughout game’s life time, they have never guided player’s to pay attention what NPCs say to the point where it may cause a permanent effect on your experience. I was planning to side with Sylvanas but now I am forced to side with Varok.

I am not sure what happened to Blizzard, failing to produce a proper xpack is one thing, but a decision this dumb is something entirely else. They may need to force and IQ test before hiring people.

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I didn’t test it on the PTR but someone said they were given equal ! type standing there. It’s a bit sad if they changed it to make Saurfang the more obvious choice. There is also no pop up warning when you choose Saurfang. There is a box pop up saying if you go this route you wont be getting the toy like you do if you go the Saurfang route.


Exactly This!

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The Sylvanas option was added at the last minute without much thought put behind it with regards to how noticeable it is.

I’d imagine you’re not the only one who accidentally missed it.

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So we have the following threads with the following statics

76 replies
57 users

57 replies
37 users

30 replies
20 users

109 replies
43 users

10 replies
7 users

So let’s add the numbers and see what we have totally!
282 replies
164 users

Also, The last 2 thread is closed for no reason.

So basically, One topic gets HOT in last 2 month in the forum and Game-Masters just refuse to do any action and tell us to come to the forum and make our voice heard and once we do it, We get completely ignored by Developers and they refuse to come and take responsibility for their mistakes?

As customers, We demand the response and As a long-time fans, We seek supports but it seems no one in Blizzard team give a **** about us. So there is only one more question left to ask.
Does Blizzard no longer care about customers and the fans? If its the case, I rather leaving than be treated like this.


Easy solution to those kinda stuff:

The end of Panda starter zone (pick whatever side you want to be on).

Atleast ppl can then clearly see see there are 2 options.

All they needed to do was give the two options equal standing. It was more clear on the PTR according to some. I didn’t test it myself so do not know.

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