Yeah exactly, it cannot possibly serve her plan if she changed her initial plans because of something unrelated to the Grand Scheme.
Oh my God, I don’t even want to point out how fallacious this appeal to definition is, if it even is that.
Yeah exactly, it cannot possibly serve her plan if she changed her initial plans because of something unrelated to the Grand Scheme.
Oh my God, I don’t even want to point out how fallacious this appeal to definition is, if it even is that.
I’m sure all those dead elf children will serve the armies of Shadowlands well.
Yeah cause Nzoth showing up while we’re having a Peace Party being drunk would be the best case scenario alright
You heard it here first, genocide must be committed to save us all from the evil N’zoth. Absolutely no other options are available.
“Get real.”
Aside from the fact that a god who is physically located beneath the ocean wouldn’t be able to interfere if the peace summit were made somewhere like Thunder Bluff or Ironforge (a place far from the sea, unlike Stormwind and Orgrimmar), that is obviously preferable to an unshackled N’Zoth showing up while we are locked in a world war because Sylvanas Windrunner, who totally wants peace and the defeat of evil, commited genocide.
Oh wait…
Its ok Genn wants Peace too
Lets rid ourselves of Sylvannas and who better to lead us into war than and underaged boy king who didnt expect Blight when he attacked the Forsaken capital.
Feeling confident yet?
Oh, because a glorified war criminal who was betrayed ten times and died thrice is so much better! And as we all know, as our beloved Sylvanas taught us, there’s no better way to bring people together against a common enemy than a good old genocide, right?
Imagine the terror on N’Zoth’s… errr, face, I suppose… when he sees the horde of ghostly kaldorei children coming his way.
Daelins Peace is the way Daelina go for it!
Ou wait… didnt he attempt genocide as the best solution? Only difference is he didnt succeed
Did I mention Sylvanas is the only genocidal character from a playable race? Besides, Daelin died 11 years before BfA. How is he relevant to this topic?
EDIT- OK, I see what argument you’re pulling. “He did it, so if I do it it’s fine”. Sadly, it’s not. Gul’dan’s genocide of the draenei was not justified simply because Sargeras already committed genocide some 25.000 years earlier.
Kinda funny, if not for this war, N’zoth would’ve remained shackled. Guess who started this war, hm?
Ladies and gentlemen, please don’t forget to commit your daily genocide. Only your genocide can save the world!
To be fair that is pretty terrorfying.
Have you ever dealt with kids?
They constantly want attetion, believe the world resolves around them and they wont ever shut up.
Now add to this there unkillable ghosts.
N’zoth would flee just to get some silence.
If those babies are anything like the Tyrande fanboys I’ve met on this forum… Then I feel bad for N’Zoth.
Sylvannas endgame unveiled everyone
There is only one problem with this otherwise 1000 iq masterplan. They are babies. What makes you think they would want to fight and then want to fight against N’Zoth?
Honestly, I get the feeling N’Zoth has a lot more experience with kids than Sylvanas has.
Sorry but real war examples shows that there is no different treat for military target people. I mean solders, childrens, womens, civils they are equal. In world war II, “good” alliance have dropped bombs, that look actually like toys and their target was exactly childrens. By the alliance I mean US, Great Britain mainly all the “goodest” countries in the world. So to divide military target is delusional by the people not involved directly in war or by propaganda to mask other side as bad, like our case.
When get back to the game we have same picture. Sylvanas have made hard decisions, that no one can made and only future plot can judge her actions, because we know nothing from her perspective. Jaina have 80% uptime in all cinematics
You are like the master of deflection, it’s amazing. So it’s Jaina’s fault if Sylvanas is evil, okay.
I just tell that we can speculate with lesser things that have shown from Sylvanas perspective by now. Even we can judge that rise of Derek Proudmoore and reunite with Jaina is not Baine fault. Baine can be manipulated to do things right, just because “there is no honor in this” told in every cinematic of him So can be Sylvanas gift for the alliance after all
Just because she can’t show such mercy know who pawn actually can.
And I just show that in war there is no difference in military target and to stop this innocents killed, every war have civils in death and I show you the worse example after atomic bombs /again from goodest US/ in Japan. That in war even childrens are target and we don’t have bigger war after second wrold war to have fresh examples.
There is a tiny difference between those allies and the alliance.
They accauly fought to win.
Yes war is horrible.
Pearl harbor forced the usa into a war they intented to win.
Had blizzard followed there example we would have been cheering.
Instead blizzard constantly goes: It is sylvanas, not the horde.
We shoudnt hurt the poor hordies feeling.
The allies nuked 2 city, carpet bombed alot more and was waging a brutal war for there very survival.
They where no saints.
Everyone knows that.
But unlike the alliance they didnt let there enemies get away with it.
I know what you’re telling me, you’re telling me the same thing every Sylvanas fanboy always tells me.
"She is not evil because she burned children.
Random rambling about World War II that has nothing to do with the topic
Children die in war, so it’s fine.
Random rambling about Baine and Saurfang"
Here’s my advise champ: Be a little more creative.
And again, you’re starting from the assumption that people think the Allies didn’t do an evil thing when they nuked two cities. No one here said that. Now can we stop with the inappropriate real life comparisons?