Sylvanas is totally not evil

We can’t stop real live comparison because war is was and it’s blizzard fault to show us such example to kill innocents and childrens. And this example is bad, I am pacifist IRL I don’t like war at all, I hate every aspect of war, but my hate give me knowledge what actual war is and Blizzard just show us nothing new on table, like worse side of war. I know that Sylvanas can be bad, but from less that we currently know about her perspective is too much to judge it.

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Yeah the Legion would’ve spared children.

Dont you worry now Nzoth will spare all the children.

He aint some Mass Murderer like Sylvannas…

Yeah, I mean how dare I to judge a genocide against an entire race? It’s not like such an event only happened once before in the entirety of Warcraft and was always portrayed as one of the darkest moments of the Warcraft history.

Also, Sargeras did nothing wrong.


In my examples shows that can be accepted in war aspect environment. Still have hope, that Blizzard writers don’t show this just because Sylvanas can do it and this thing genocide /that use so much/ is pointless or just BFA opening stuff. All negative i put this versus Blizzard, not Sylvanas :slight_smile:

You don’t see what you are equally biased as the ones who defend Sylvanas - maybe even more because you truly hate her :smiley:

“Evil” is something subjective and it’s hard to quantify.
From my perspective, she is not evil, because she has no malice, she takes no joy from her actions.

  • She starts a war not because of hate of the alliance, but because she believes it’s the only way to save the Horde
  • She throws the blight not because she doesn’t respect her soldiers, but because she believes it’s the best tactic. Alliance had a much higher toll than the horde and if god-Jaina had not appeared things would have been grim for them.
  • She burns the NElf capital not because she hates elves, but because she believes it is a good tactical hit given the circumstances and because she is emotionally (hah) affected at the time. It is a poor, wrong decision in probably all aspects, however with no intent to wipe the elves themselves.
    And seriously, Nelves did not have ANY sort of protection against fire while living in the FOREST on the TREES? W T F…
    Others have had poor decisions in the past too, with great consequences - this does not make them evil, nor dumb, just poor leaders.
  • Concerning the mind controlling which was mentioned often in the past months, first of all who gives a f about derek. It was a prisoner of war, who was being dressed up just to fool the opposition. He was not a forsaken, he was made one just for the purpose of deceit in the cover of warfare and espionage.
    It is like holding a hostage, torturing him for information and using him as bait / leverage. You believe that for example if you had a hostage and he had the information to end a war it would be ‘cruel’ to torture him? As a leader you would say “Sorry wife, you will have to die, you and our children, because i cant stand torturing a prisoner”.
    Sometimes in war, you must make difficult decisions with bad outcomes in each case and you just search for the best option, not the ‘good’ one

In other words, Sylvanas has an agenda and she has views for the Horde vs Alliance conflict. All the Horde leaders planned the war, i am not sure i remember too much opposition there, at least on the initial plan (from Saurfang for instance). Those views are not governed by hate.
So i don’t think she is evil, but she may be a poor leader, something that will probably be discovered soon, depending on her master plan which was hidden all this time.
Now who made her the warchief? Certainly she did not ask for it…Maybe HE was evil?? or stupid? Seriously decisions of all of the past Horde warchiefs have been devastating.


We always get this argument of “It’s war, deal with it”, and while the argument isn’t necessarily false there is one problem. The Alliance isn’t actually allowed to fight such a war, it’s only the Horde, or more specifically a part of the Horde, that is allowed to fight a total and utter war of annihilation.

If that is what people truly want, I would be more than happy to see Blizzard give it to us. Moira could most definitely spark a fresh streak of Imperialism in her Dwarves, offer them dreams of conquest and expansion against the savage Horde. Mekkatorque’s freezing might be enough to push them into properly utilizing their destructive capabilities, we’ve hordes of Paladins to unleash on what remains of the Forsaken lands, enough to do to them the same thing the Forsaken/Goblins are doing to Darkshore.

But no, none of that is allowed to happen, because there is some end goal that Sylvie needs to reach, and every other narrative seemingly needs to bend in order to ensure that. Presumably her master-plan will lead us into the next expansion much like Garrosh’s did into WoD, or Gul’dan’s did into Legion.

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What exactly did you expect when you chose the Blue Side who is ruled by an uderaged naive King who preaches peace? You cant preach peace and go genocidal lol.

Justice or retribution or revenge, doesnt justify genocide, so ofc Anduin will never retalliate as such (surprise me plz). So instead of complaining about Sylvie go talk to ur King so maybe he can grow some

Oh boy, I best go talk to Anduin, yes, you’re right. Such a silly argument from my part that was, consider me appropriately rebuked, sir.

edit: Also, we have a perfectly good Morally grey leader sitting right there on the side, we want more Moira! Only she can channel the true might of a unified(sort of) Dwarven empire.

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In this very thread I have already written something about this. In fact I have answered to you Mooyie, but you completely ignored my post:

You cannot have two completely different war narratives in the same expansion. Either you go the High-Fantasy-road where the honorable, the just and the righteous win or you go the “Game of Thrones” path where backstabbing and atrocities are common while honor is a very flexible concept.

You cannot claim that someone like Sylvanas is morally grey, while at the same time you’re damning Garrosh for Theramore. You cannot claim that Teldrassil was justified, but at the same time show the genocide of the draenei as the darkest moment of Warcraft.

It doesn’t work. And I am speaking from an author’s point of view, as Blizzard continues to claim Sylvanas is grey and everything will work out in the end, while Garrosh has become the incarnation of evil.


Uhm, no. “Evil” is not subjective. If I stab your baby in the heart, I am evil.

It’s easy to say “Well you see, evil is subjective” when you are not on the receiving end.


You are not, if you didn’t feel malice while doing it. Rejoice!


Then how was your dear Scarlet Crusade able to wield the Light? Oh right… cause they “believed” what they were doing was right.

Every energy and weapon is a tool and it comes down to the user. Maybe Sylvannas thinks what she is doing is “good” I dont know in what freaking way but hey, it has happened before. Thrall thought Garrosh was the person for the job, Jaina let her father die, Anduin thought it was a good idea to attack Undercity without a plan for blight.

It just comes down to poor decisions

… And in fact no one is claiming that the Scarlet Crusade was good or the Light is always an instrument of good.

But they believed they were. Isnt that what opinion is? Or being subjective? Or are YOU objectively speaking for the masses ??

You believing that something is good doesn’t make it good. If I murder your parents and claim “Well, I thought I was doing good”, would you let me walk away? Get it out of your head that Good and Evil are malleable definitions based on subjectivity, because they’re not.

(Deflection incoming!)


Ofc they are! Good for the spider is chaos for the fly. Genociding Gnolls is good for Humans. Good for Taurens was not so good for Quilboars and so on and so on… its just who benefits from it.

Because obviously a spider eating a fly is the same thing as thousands of babies burning alive. You’re sick in the head.


I am sure your idol Daelin the genocidal maniac would know

But according to the standards you employed in defense of Sylvanas, Daelin did nothing wrong.


He isn’t really a maniac. He had obviously traumatic experience since the war and thinks since it that it is the right thing to kill horde races.

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