Sylvanas possible real plan with Derek

Damm saurfang is ruined beyond comprehensive reason. The hero from the Silithus campaign is just a skeleton of a shell he used to be. GG blizzard.

Suspicious, but hardly solid evidence, especially since the Horde don’t know how the SI7 and Human guards actually work. They don’t know the ins and outs of what they do. If we are not talking from “meta” prospective".

Don’t know what that has to do with working with the Alliance, this isn’t the Horde and he doesn’t want to be part of it.

The Horde was built on freedom, I am glad members and people within the Horde have the freedom to leave if they please… Is Rexxar a traitor for leaving the Horde?

No, it was a honor thing, something which the Horde was built on. To act out the code of your faction isn’t a traitorous thing.

Like you said meta knoweledge, if I am not allowed to use it then neither are you.

He left his post because Sylvanas didn’t tell him the full plan which involved killing troops. Sylvanas is more traitor here than Saurfang.

Meta knowledge. He escaped and you know Shaw let some guards of guard duty for a night. Besides that every other Alliance force was tracking them down or in a position of tracking Saurfang down. I.E the SI7 agents and Hound/Beast tracker

Some good solid evidence.

You either assume i’m wearing a costume or that the animals you named are capable of and interested in writing on official wow forums.

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Show me a source on a bird being unable to type on WOW forums. Or a squirrel…


I’ve not stated what i think on the matter. Only how i would racionalise your sentence.

By saying this? No official statement made public, no denouncing.

So Lordearon is a rightful Anduin’s land now?

We agree here :heart:

This is what I would LOVE to see!

A gathering of Lordearonian nobles, lords, barons, now Forsaken, proclaiming Sylvanas of the Windrunners their rightful queen.

It has never happened though.

When? Where? Did I miss an event? Point me to the source, please, I’d like to see that!

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It does not matter, Sylvanas committed genocide over the bird, killing its inherent potential. I heard squirrel is next.


Waits to be seen. Until the war is over. We just finished the first phase. And you don’t have anything outside of Tirisfal so far. Let’s enter the next stage of battle :wink:

So Sylvanas was never a rightful queen because there was opposition, e.g. Scarlet Crusade?


ok, to be honest i assumed it happened. Just read up on what happened and she basically was accepted as a leader by the forsaken after she freed them, and with their help (and Varimathras’ and Garithos’ help) she claimed Lordaeron. After that she got rid of Garithos (who also tried to claim Lordaeron).

In short: I was wrong here.

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Except the Western Plaguelands and parts of Hillsbrad.

You got kicked out there after the battle for Andorhal. Just like hillsbrad when Southshore got razed.

I am speaking current table lore, Erevien. And the Alliance has camps in the Western Plaguelands even after Andorhal.

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It’s fine :heart:

I still like you.

I suppose it’s just done Blizzard’s way… We are to ASSUME something like that happened.

Then again, the concept of nobles gathering and choosing their new monarch is probably simply beyond Blizzard’s capabilities.

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We all did gather and decide Wimbert is our new monarch, though.


We are more knowledgeable in regard to medieval laws of succession than Blizzard’s writers.

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There is no table lore. There is shown ingame lore. You are still fighting to win Darkshore currently, not even counting on Ashenvale for now. So unless we revisit those places they are still populated by their pre bfa hosts.

What does this sentence mean?

Technically yes. Well at least the parts he has hold of.

She ran away, from her duties(the arranged marriage to lord prestor) and told Anduin in BtS she has no interest in it.


Can’t help but connect these highly coincidental sequence of events that isn’t contradicted by anything.

There is a difference between requesting to leave and willingly staying in the enemy prison

Well at least from my perspective honor and treason are mutually exclusive and letting the enemy leader go is certainly treason.

Fair enough. Still condemning in my eyes.(player)

There is a difference between planning to kill your soldiers and … nevermind that’s not even related to teh thread.

More of a warlord, who united a portion of the people and ended up on top, in the war that followed the fall of the kingdom.

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Says Erevien the Blizzard’s CEO?