Sylvanas possible real plan with Derek

Am sh*tposting.

Exactly. She told Anduin that. She never officialy denounced her title.

Lor’themar said he never wanted to rule. Does that mean he is no ruler of Silvermoon?

… So an usurper.


I think that at this point we’ve certainly given it a lot more thought than they have

Pretty much.

Regent Lord. It’s in the title really.

Who’s Regent is he then?


Saurfang escaping and some guards got drunk? Damn, them connections.

It is his choice isn’t it? He refused to go back to the current Horde and would rather stay locked up.

It would be treason if it wasn’t for the whole honor thing. Like I said before it is a code for the Horde, especially the Orcs.

Well, Saurfang was lied and manipulated by Sylvanas and he went to see what was really going on.

That is a little bit off-topic, love, isn’t it?

Calia is the rightful queen as long as Lordearonian nobles (because it was made clear by Sylvanas that Forsaken are still Lordearon) renounce their loyalties to her.

Originally Kael’s. Now it’s a title instead of king, because they want to honor Anasterian Sunstrider as the last king

I am aware, I just need to tease, because honestly, claiming “Regent Lord” as a ruling title is a bit silly.

If I recall, there was a quest in Legion that had her present herself and state that the kingdom of Lordaeron she knew is no more, that she is to be considered only Calia, and that she had renounced her claim.
That’s an abdication.

To this day, upon being clicked, her character merely states that she is to be considered as just Calia.

Before the Storm has her once again trying to claim it back, but seems rather mute regarding the point of whether the ruler that acted as leader prior was a valid one or not. She had effectively left and renounced her claim, and left the people she was meant to lead by themselves and free to follow who they wanted.

Sylvanas may not be of their royal family, but was chosen to lead the people said royal family was supposed to lead. People said family simply left behind.
And even if the Kingdom of Lordaeron is no more, the lands of Lordaeron still belong to its former citizens. Regardless if they are ruled from Capital City or from Undercity.

The dichotomy is even highlighted by Calia herself:

You are my people, and I want to help you,” Calia pleaded. “I only came to observe, to begin to get to know the Forsaken of Lordaeron.” “Undercity,” Elsie said. “We live in the Undercity.” “You didn’t once. You won’t have to live in the shadows anymore. Just—please. Come walk with me. Parqual, the Felstones, all the others—see them? They’re defecting. Anduin will shelter and protect you all; I know he will!”

She wouldn’t refer to them as defecting if both are to be considered one and the same.

The problem OP is that you give Sylvanas far too much credit. In general, her fanboys often overestimate her intellect. Sylvanas is not a master deceiver like Ner’zhul or Kil’jaeden. Her tactics are usually straightforward and rely on sheer military might (just look at Gilneas or Stormheim, did she use any clever ploy to achieve her goals?). I’m already surprised that Sylvanas thought about turning Derek against his own family instead of trying to defeat the Proudmoore army on the field of battle.

Subterfuge and infiltration have never been Sylvanas’ forte.

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Do you have lore sources as actual ingame events or at least another novella to confirm the alliance marched all the way up and down from Tirisfal straight to the plague lands and silverspine forest? No. There are 3 actual important warfronts. Stromgarde, Darkshore and the Kul Tiras vs zandalar skirmishes.

Wasn’t that dialog line removed in beta? Her saying “It is just Calia now”.

It also helps when you murder off every other Human living in Lordaeron. And I am willing to place money on the fact that there is a lot of people still living in Stormwind, living in the AC lands what have direct ties to Lordaeron and would still be considered citizens of that land.

Ah, lovely. Tell me, did the Lordaeron military under Garithos get to vote? Did Southshore get to vote? Did Hillsbrad belong to the Forsaken? Did the farmers there vote for Sylvanas? Did the Scarlet Crusade vote?

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“It is just Calia now” was not removed from beta, what was removed from beta was a line stating that Lordaeron was destroyed. A Kingdom is defined by a people, not a land, therefore Lordaeron lives on.

Calia responding with “It is just Calia now” could easily be explained by her fear that her Forsaken allies in the Conclave might learn about her true identity.

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This is what I mean.

What exactly did she say? Even if it wasn’t an official abdication (Lordearonian nobles would have to be present), then I suppose that clueless Blizzard’s writers would consider it such.

Continuity exists to enhance a story, not to tie the hands of creators.

When? How? Where? I saw no moots, no gatherings, no councils!

Defecting from under the “yoke” of the Banshee Queen perhaps?

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“He’s gonna kill o lot of Horde, but i feel good”- what the hell is that supposed to be?

He has no honor, because you can’t have honor without loyalty. Nazgrim was honorable and a man of principle this censored wishes he was Nazgrim.

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Yes, I do, table lore.

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Well, I mean, most of them were not defecting when she killed them. A lot of Sylvanas fans are rather fluid with certain terms.

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