Sylvanas possible real plan with Derek

That’s one of the most subjective statements I have ever encountered.

Define honour, please.

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You really wonder, why mostly only alliance mains support these characters? They sympathize with everyone, willing to kill and backstab their own faction, as long as the alliance can wash their hands and stay victorious at the end of the day.

You really wonder why certain Horde mains need to ignore chosen pieces of lore just because they don’t like it in order to draw any conclusions.


You really wonder, why mostly only blood elf mains support Sylvanas? They sympathize with everyone willing to kill and backstab the Alliance, even if she does it to the Horde too. All that matters at the end of the day is that the Alliance suffers, the Horde’s own identity be damned.

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Saurfang has loyalty to what the Horde STANDS FOR and that stance has been destroyed in a matter of a prepatch.

Just because you dislike it doesn’t mean that it makes the whole honor concept void. If you don’t like the Honor code then perhaps you should get out of the Horde because it isn’t for you.

And if you want to use Nazgrim as an example then perhaps everyone in the Horde is currently traitors because Garrosh was the rightful Warchief and you all turned against him.

Nazgrim died protecting someone he knew was wrong and was glad that you beat him. He knew when he died that there was a worthy successor to take the mantle of the Horde. This current Horde doesn’t have that angle to the story and doesn’t have the Alliance helping the rebellion. Not only that but Saurfang knows Sylvanas won’t play honorably so there is no point.


I checked long time ago, as my top level char is a priest, and she has kept her line about being called just Calia now.

Before the Storm emphasises on the human collectives involved. And the majority of the humans that had something to do with Lordaeron (had relatives or whatever), want nothing to do with it.
For every letter accepting Anduins proposal, there were many more than refused.

Regarding the murder part, true, that helps. But it’s not exactly smart to oppose what seemed to be the majority of the citizens, now turned undead, or actively try to murder them by either supporting their enemies (Like Southshore did), or turning into downright villains (Like the Scarlets).
The ones that kept to their own, were certainly left be (Argents).

No. They just chose to act against the ruler that was proclaimed by what it seemed the majority of the population. And often took arms against him, or supported its enemies.
Medieval rules were pretty harsh with those that behaved as such.

Can you please stop throwing this stupid, retarded statement around? There are Horde supporters who love the Horde and Baine and aren’t willing to take part in this stupid endowment-measuring contest between Sylvannas and Baine?

Honestly childish and immature. I’m going to have fun spamming these forums when Sylvannas goes outright evil even to her own soldiers with Baine free from it all.

Just out of spite.


Are you sure you are talking about medieval rules here? Because it seems to me you are reinventing them as you usually do.

If you are such a stickler for medieval rules, then Sylvanas is not a legal monarch, as the factions within Lordaeron I mentioned indeed have the right to vote. Simple as that.

Also, the majority of the population? Source please.

What identity? What honor? Blizzard can’t even hold onto their own lore rules for 5 minutes straight, even less give us a proper definition about what the dysfunctional faction is supposed to be about. Can’t be sweaty, ugly macho bros since that train drove out 12 years ago.

Source, please :wink:

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Haha, I agree with Erevien :heart:

What a day!

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Just you make sure to follow their last incarnation of lore butchery only because she’s hurting the Alliance. That is a rather sweaty macho ugly bro thing to do.

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This was a hint towards the Orcs, trolls and Tauren triangle obviously.

And this was a hint you display their worst aggressive traits within an elven package.


That the kingdom of Lordaeron is no more, and that she is to be simply considered as a priest. As simply Calia, without any royal surname.

By popular acclamation by the end of Wc3 campaign.
Even if we are not shown such, further stories that involve noblemen such as the Barov supporting her, point at her rule as having their approval.
But truth is, Blizzard never truly bothered expanding on the noble houses of Lordaeron.

Defecting from Undercity. Calia answered Elsie referring to it as something separate.

Earthmother give me strength,

we’ve gone from bashing on Sylvannas’ plan on Derek to simply bashing on players who play their races now. I thought only Arctur was capable of this feat.


If the forsaken community were as vocal as night elf fans, I doubt you would ever gain a proper night of sleep anymore. :slight_smile:

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Alright then, I take that back. My bad.

From a family perspective yes, from a land/rightful terrioty perspective then no.

You lose sympathy and the high ground when you go around actively murdering the Humans what were just trying to survive. Sure the SC was bad but you were killing refugees. You attacked Gilneas which has done nothing to provoke you, you attacked the Kirin Tor despite them being neutral and at time allied.

It got to the point where some Forsaken defected to the AD/AC because Sylvanas was doing this. Regardless their are still citizens what would consider Lordaeron theirs, hell most of the Alliance does.

And you can’t say this :

And not mention the people who were forced to flee from the Scourge and later the Forsaken for genociding them.


Principle? Or does honor matter only against honorable opposition?

There was this phrase… really emphasized by a certain oath… self sabotage or surrender? wait no that’s not it… surrender or whining? … not quite right… i’m sure you can figure out which one i’m referring to

And as far as Garrosh is concerned everyone besides Orcs had a damn good reason to oppose him, but ultimately it was dishonorable from that point of view.

I thought that Sylvanas is the ruler of Forsaken? And Sylvanas stated clearily that Forsaken ARE Lordearonians and Lordearon persists.

I have never seen it. Was there a cinematic?


Exactly, POINTING AT. Typical Blizzard’s “just assume”.

I agree with Zarao and Erevien on the same day. This must be remembered.

Yes. Perhaps in a way “you don’t need to be a “dark” Forsaken living in ugly Undercity! You can be a simple Lordearonian again.”

Again, Sylvanas claimed that Forsaken are Lordearonians.

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