Sylvanas possible real plan with Derek

Let’s go back to Derek then.

How do you think she would do it? Torture? Magic? Manipulation?

Mind control x)

Doesn’t really matter what Calia is since the royal line has come to an end. Undead can’t reproduce. Calia will be the last Menethil by name. Unless it is revealed our golden boy’s father was actually Arthas or something.

Thank you.

But you can never be certain as to what she will do with Derek. What makes people certain Derek is a sleeper agent? Obvious sensibilities through culture? aka “Have you watched too much action films?”

It’s as likely as Sylvannas probably not even expecting it to have happened in the first place. So she’s out of a piece.


:heart: :heart: :heart:

It would be suicide. It would be pointless. And just when he thought that it could be restored with the newer generation of Horde they were blighted on the frontlines.

Dunno’ really, but then again you normally type out bullsh*t so I am use to it.

Ye, all of you are traitors and should be lynched.

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Except that Calia has a daughter.

Yes, medieval rules and the fantasy settings created based on them, were pretty harsh with dissidents or people that opposed the ruler.
And there are examples of it that range from RL cases, to other fantastic narratives such as Game of Thrones.

Medieval rules as in rulership. Not laws.

Ultimate Visual Guide. The Forsaken are comprised by the bulk of the population that inhabited Lordaeron and have claimed their former lands under the leadership of Sylvanas Windrunner.

… By medieval standards, Sylvanas is an usurper still.

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Yeah, for once the goat is right. Sylvanas is an usurper, she betrayed Arthas Menethil who was the rightful King of Lordaeron, and seized his throne.

Well then comes the question. Would the Proudmoores accepthing an undead cause a massive mess(damn censorship :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: ), in Kul’tiras/Stormwind? There are reasons to suspect he might not be quite right, for the aliance, as stated by broadcast texts. And when a beloved family member is involved things can get both emotional and messy

Not if we consider her abdication effective or valid.

Given her actions, that left the whole kingdom to rot, on top of her words, it would seem that for all intents and purposes, it was.
Even if Blizzard glosses over it with their usual lack of regard about details

This is warcraft and might makes right. If it was about royalty and their names, Talanji should start claiming all land as troll land again and her herself crowned as Empress of Azeroth.

That’s an interesting statement. How would it be responded to, I wonder?

If I am to believe the fans of Sylvannas is clever as she apparently is, then playing on the card that Derek is simply an Undead now is all it will definitely take to sow some discord. Derek being ‘returned’ could simply be a coincidental direction of which Sylvanns twists to shaken the Alliance resolve.

I thought of Frankenstein’s Monster when you wrote that. Which actually is an interesting fit.

We can never prevail against Blizzard’s indifference.

I think there is a fine line between events that happened hundreds if not thousands of years ago and events that happened very recently.

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Then why are you Blood Elf players still so spiteful about Jaina’s actions in Dalaran? After all, might makes right. She won, deal with it and quit hating on her.

Also, the Old Gods ruled this world before the first Troll even awakened.


Naaaaaa, all land is Elemental Land.


I agree. Go Neptulon!


I was joking…

All land is Titan World Soul land!