Take The Quest Out

Dear Blizzard.

I’ve followed literally every youtube video by anyone with a decent enough following and guess what. I defended BFA to a point but now this is a joke. I can’t even take a pee in a bush without a 40 man raid group killing me. No I’m not turning off Warmode. It shouldn’t even be in the game. This one change has made BFA go from bad to worse. Get rid of this stupid quest because I don’t see how an under represented faction phasing to alliance biased RP realms is helping the situation at all. Every idea you have had recently, the players have proven smarter and found ways to exploit it. So why don’t you listen to your player base? Does every point require a 100k petition through avaaz? You have a direction want the game to go in. Well I don’t want that direction to be at the bottom of a toilet in Glasgow. Hope you fix your stock price issue.

All the best.

P.S. Can I please have back every pound I spent on moving to Defias Brotherhood. It’s not balanced anymore and I feel like I could have used that money on pizza.


Dont worry The Alliance will just say the horde out number them which will somehow equate to everyone’s argument being simultaneously debunked while the alliance sit there with their big brains


Well, ehm… Turn WM off? Everybody was complaining that open PVP is dead for years… Now Blizzard has several incentives to do World PVP, it’s alive now, and again somebody is crying…

So, did I already suggest to turn WM off?

And don’t tell me Alliance is always 40:1… Start levelling an Alliance char and see if you’re happier then.


I think they just don’t like people who pee in bushes. Or maybe it was their favorite bush.

This one feature why I’m still playing BfA, it made open world part of WoW a lot better, and opened it up for more improvements in the future.

Every day there is a 20-40 man Horde raid at Assaults, just today it was 40 and it took hours for Alliance to gather similar. Yes, Alliance raids also happen.

The only thing that changed in 8.1 - it’s not only Horde raids 9/10 times, it’s pretty balanced now - that’s why you die more, meet more Alliance, etc. It’s a good thing, stop exaggerating.

There are still more Horde in the open world, and more Horde parties hunting for PvP, while Alliance got numbers up in War Mode - majority are there for PvE % - and it a free content for you to consume, just like your PvEers for us.

Btw, if at the time you play there is not enough players - try to get more from LFG. Just because we are on RP server doesn’t mean that players from other servers can’t join. Alliance had all 8.0 to learn that and start using it, looks like now it’s your turn to catch up.


I don’t like how Blizzard approached the imbalance problem in PvP. I think Hordes are going to be outnumbered every Wednesday until Blizzard removes this stupid bonus and extra quest for 370 ilvl. Alliance are into WPvP only one day per week to finish weekly quests. Then, they are not interested in PvP at all and turn off WM. During the rest of the week, Hordes still keep WM on. Consequently, on average, Alliance will always be underrepresented. Therefore, Hordes never get 30% bonus, Hordes never get extra quest! Alliance just need one day per week to get things done. This is stupid. I would never say that before but perhaps it’s time for Hordes to strike and turn WM off :stuck_out_tongue: ?


OP is talking about RP WM people, which was roughly fairly balanced until the 30% “fix” which gave the RP WM majority Alliance a minority buff which completely caused RP shards to snowball in Alliance favour from roughly balanced to completely broken

All they had to do was instance the resource buff seperately for RP shards, OP is not advertising for the removal of it

There have been several threads about this already try to keep up


1st - it wasn’t “roughly fairly balanced” or even close to it. There was a LOT more horde in War Mode, on every Azerite WQ, on hot spot FPs. Alliance gathered Raids only as a response to horde camping WQ or FP, and sometimes to raid Dazar’Alor, that’s it. 9/10 hunting parties were Horde.

2nd - There was a lot of threads about the other way around from Alliance, including RP servers, before 8.1

3rd - It is roughly balanced now. Every Assault there is a Horde raid with 2-3 bounties in it, up until they get wiped by Alliance raid, then by Horde again, then by Alliance…

Since 8.1 launch I was on most of the Assaults and spend a lot of time at them (I love it), and all except 3 was constantly switching masses from Horde to Alliance and back. 2 on Zandalar was completely dominated by Horde and almost no Alliance. 1 in Stormsong was dominated by Alliance and I couldn’t find any horde to kill.

Just because you die more and meet more Alliance than you used to - doesn’t mean it’s not balanced now. With previous Horde outnumbering WM was easier for you, not much resistance. Now there is, and some Horde, similar to Alliance previously, cry on forums about how bad it is. It isn’t really.

Most of Alliance activity in WM is on Wednesday, then it goes down. But even with this, yesterday Assault in Stormsong was completely dominated by Horde, with multiple bounties, while Alliance couldn’t get a counter 40 man raid for hours and we were able to beat Horde only after Assault ended. It’s NOT one in 10 times, it happens regularly.

Plus, just like OP

A LOT of Alliance players turn WM off as soon as they finished weekly quests. I know it not only because of players I talk to, but also by amount of requests for Stormwind portal I get with ppl telling “I’m done, time to turn it off”.

And here is the thing - even if there is a balance or outnumbering (huge doubts) by Alliance on Wednesday, there is 6 more days of the week when it’s not the case very often.

On top of that - if you’re using LFG to get more players of your faction to join you, on Horde side you will always get it filled up much faster than on Alliance, since whole region has a lot more horde than Alliance, and we are not limited in LFG by our server. Rotation (players coming and going) also happens without waiting on Horde side, and with waiting on Alliance.

And that is why, even when there is a balance on any shard - it can be easily disrupted by LFG influx. Again, Alliance learned how to use it in 8.0 since the was no other way in many situations, because even on RP we were heavily outnumbered. Now it’s time for horde to learn.

I don’t think bonus is going to go, in any way.

Better solution would be to make it:

  • Calculate bonus each reset on each day of the week, daily instead of weekly
  • Give weekly quest to a faction which got more underrepresented days in the previous week.

I think this is the best that could be done with PvE % bonuses.


I don’t think people fully realise how bad it is on the Defias/Argent WM hub. It’s bad. Defias went from being 50/50 for years to incredible alliance numbers and if people want to deny that external servers to our hub aren’t exploiting this then fine, I guess. But as a player who has had WM on since the beginning I do not make my claim lightly. It needs to be looked at because as much as I love PVP I like to actually take part in it.

I’m on Defias, have War Mode ON since it’s introduction, 100% of the time. My main activity in WoW is WPvP - I spend a lot of my game-time roaming in open world.

in 8.0 it was heavily Horde, now, in 8.1, it’s at least sometimes balanced, but still more Horde overall.

So many hordes think that balanced means “I can go anywhere an win more”. It was the case in 8.0, and it wasn’t balanced.

Now, more Alliance went to WM, horde can’t win as much - and we have all this whining.

Start here - Time to remove the bonus bois - #16 by Coolgroove-defias-brotherhood
Then here - RP warmode ruined for RP Horde? (RP Alliance getting global call to arms rewards despite being majority in RP warmode sharding system) - #25 by Coolgroove-defias-brotherhood
Then here - RP warmode ruined for RP Horde? (RP Alliance getting global call to arms rewards despite being majority in RP warmode sharding system) - #40 by Coolgroove-defias-brotherhood
Then my prev post in this thread.

Good luck! Have fun!

Why dramatizing so much? If you don’t take part in it - you denying it to yourself by yourself. You have all the options and possibilities to do so - just do it. Then use all the tools game give you. Nobody except you has anything to do with how you play in War Mode.


I’ve been on Defias for many years and been a part of the WPVP scene throughout that time. It’s what made Defias special. If you like hitting one spell on someone and watching them die effortlessly then that’s your prerogative. But for those of us who enjoy PVP on a competitive basis it’s quite disheartening to see mediocre players defending a clearly broken and exploited system.

Hahaha, when you don’t have any arguments, start insults :smiley: like it proves anything… you’re funny, tnx! But it can prove some lack of intelligence tho. Defensive much?

Anyway, what my chosen spec and it’s very awful state has to do with your War Mode complains? or anything I’ve said about Horde outnumbering Alliance? or weekly quest? Yeah…

Those of you who enjoy PVP on a competitive basis have Arenas & BGs - Scripted PvP environments with rules.

Or are you talking about me not doing Arenas and that led you to assumption about what player I am, and now you’re trying to presenting as a fact?

Well, same can be said about you - you’re not on a Trill level obviously, not even above 2k, so with your logic - just another disheartening mediocre player, right? Or you’ve made up some convenient rules for you?

What I find disheartening is when players can’t see outside of their box of “scripted environments and rules” and think that any place in the game should be the same, and in their favor. Because it’s just not smart (to say the least) and not fun.

I’ve been playing on Defias for a long time too, and WPvP scene was always the same everywhere, even since vanilla - it’s an unscripted sandbox PvP environment without any rules.

The only 2 things that changed in BfA - there is now more points of potential conflicts in the world, and now you can switch it of, if all that is too much for you and you can’t take it.

So how your insults working out for you so far? Come back to discussion or keep digging yourself in a bigger hole?


I read some of your post Coolgrove. I dont know what spec you play. I only really use the forums when I’m on my phone. Having looked at your pvp credentials, if you like, I wasnt at all surprised by your lack of achievements. In arena my experience is 2.2 across 3 brackets and 2.5 in rated battlegrounds, so if you plan on over-reacting to anyone else’s blanket statements on the hundreds of other threads you likely troll you should do your research. I’m sorry if I offended you but I dont simply isolate your counter testimony in support of this broken system. I’m not sure where I insulted you specifically but I consider myself a decent player, and now having looked at your characters achievements I would argue you’re in fact less than mediocre. I didn’t set out to insult you specifically however. My argument has already been made in any case and I’m not one for engaging in tautologies and platitudes for the sake of circular discourse. I’m here to share my experiences just as you have the same right. So to reiterate one final time. I was having fun in world pvp. I’m not enjoying it as much anymore. Can it be left there without you taking personal offense or will you only settle for a concession of opinion? Seems counter productive. I’m glad you’re enjoying war mode in any case. Unfortunately I’m not interested in your opinions on me or how you like to interpret things on the internet or how you find such things amusing. Especially disserrations on digging imaginary graves as you put it.

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Ofc, you’ve decided to dig. So predictable, and at least be authentic, this faking looks weak - you’re not sorry, you’re interested or offended, you did set out to insult, you did went and looked up, picked what is convenient for you and tried to do it again.

It’ll be boring, but this amount of falseness calls for it.

Ether you can’t see, or just think that this pretentious statements will work somehow, but to look for my achievements you had to see a spec. And there is only one infamous 1-button spec in game.

Why would you even talk about spec in a thread about WPvP then (you still didn’t answer those questions), specifically mentioning 1-button?
You do know, and did know. False pretending.

You’ve conveniently skipped that I don’t do Arenas, and that I don’t find closed scripted PvP with rules enjoyable. And you still push that Arena and WPvP stuff are somehow connected. They are not.

I don’t over-react, and troll only those like you - who tried to insult, and then just can’t stop biting again and again. Btw, I did my research previously - in your profile it’s Rival 1918 / 1897 / no rbg. False pretending again? yeah

Just like that part that you’ve conveniently skipped:

and ofc you did. Haha

I don’t care about Arena ratings or achievements - I’m just using your own logic against you to demonstrate how flawed it is. I have no interest competing in arena and this thread is about WPvP - completely different form of PvP - unscripted & sandbox without rules.

If you need rating to validate yourself as “decent, mediocre or whatever” player - great! I hope it works for you. Just stop projecting on others.

You still use Arena stuff like it proves anything about WPvP - when will you understand that it’s not. It has no value here.

This is World PvP - nobody cares how good or how bad and you pick your comps, land CC chains and win or lose in scripted closed PvP environment.

No matter how hard you try - no personal offense taken. The thing is - you were enjoying WPvP when Horde was outnumbering Alliance, and it was convenient for you.

Now it’s not the case all the time, and you exaggerating it into “broken system”, and you want someone to what? fix it by some scripted rules and limitations?

You can’t seems to grasp that it’s not how WPvP works. It’s not suppose to be fair, or in your favor - it suppose to be a chaotic environment where your game-play depends on how YOU make it. Nobody owes you anything.

System is not broken, it’s working as intended.

If you don’t like it, if that chaos of unscripted sandbox WPvP is too much for you, or you don’t want / don’t like to use tools game provided to improve you situation, or … - there are Arenas for you, which you clearly enjoy more.

WPvP will never be like Arenas - that is the main appeal of it - chaotic and unscripted in nature where anything can happen.

- I’ll skip all of your other excuses and false justifications, it’s just more of the same and too boring

So again, for a final time (I think I’ve repeated enough for anyone to understand at this point):

  • If you want more sports-like scripted PvP (nothing wrong with it, it is fun and enjoyable, just not for all players), or you feel the need to be validated by some number in a video game - there is Rated PvP for you (nothing wrong with it, great if you enjoy it!).
  • If you want unscripted PvP sandbox where anything can happen and who you meet or what they do is NOT controlled by rules and limitations - there is War Mode ON for you.
  • WPvP will never be regulated, it’s an unscripted adventure, and none of it means that it’s broken, because it’s intended to be this way.

As someone who plays WPvP most of the time and on a roam around the world, not camping WQs/FPs (but I love take part in counter-camps groups) - there is more Horde than Alliance in War Mode overall, even on RP servers.

So weekly quest and bonus is justified, and system is not broken. It’s just some players want it to be something that is not intended, with rules limitations and scripted, preferably in their favor - and it’s not fun. And I personally think they should try and look outside of their “scripted box with rules”.

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You’re right I’m not sorry. I was simply attempting to placate you. As for biting I can draw parrarels but I prefer to call it for what it is. Replying. You’re wrong about most things you’ve said about me and seem very upset to the point of dropping walls of text. Consider this since you seem so fixated on logic and truth. If you’re able to ignore my experience and confuse it with current rating then perhaps you’ll understand why I skipped your main profile page to head to your pvp achievements, or lack of. Anyway. My opinion is that the quest has given the alliance an advantage. I tend to only play in small scale groups so yes things have been in my advantage, especially 1v1situations as you may recall in nazmir a couple of weeks ago. My opinion stands that the quest is unfair and this unscripted laggy sandbox you keep advocating isn’t fun. You can disagree with me all you like and fight in blizzards favour but my opinion isnt going anywhere. As for your strawman approach to what I mean, my level of honesty, my biting, etcetera. I dont mind. Honestly. I’m glad you’ve taken time out of your busy schedule to write a detailed reply, and like you, I have no problem replying. As for insulting you. What can I say? Evaluate how much it matters to you I guess. Nothing you’ve said has hurt my feelings. You’re entitled to your opinion, as passionate as it is. As I am mine. Thank you for sharing your experiences as those are actually useful to the threads intention. I quite like your commitment to the forum hero mentality though! Bullet points and bold and underlined statements. You seem well practised my good man. But just so we are clear - strawmanning a person doesn’t make an appealing argument.

No, I’m not upset - replying to what you’ve said about me with your own logic. At least I know about paragraphs, even on my phone. Or just calm enough to use them. Talking about wall of text.

This is something you seem ether can’t understand or just clinging to it as it’s the only thing that makes your opinions valid.

We are not talking about Arena or any form of rated PvP. We are not talking about PvP system with rules and limitations imposed on it for the sake of fairness.

We are talking about WPvP - something that is unscripted, sandbox, without all those rules, and in Open World environment - where you can meet anyone and they can do anything.

Let’s try an analogy:

There is a professional biathlon player, that can shoot perfectly. But does that mean that they will be able to do it on the same level in a war zone? Probably not. Yes, they could be better at shooting and have good physical condition, but requirements for them would be completely different in WZ compared to Olympics.

Yes it’s a hypothetical analogy, but it illustrates the point.

I said that your experience in Arena does not prove your points about WPvP, or give you any ability to judge other players and how good or bad they are at the game when they don’t do what you’re doing.

If we were talking about Arena and Rated PvP - that would be a completely different and your achievements/rating would have value. But in this discussion - it has no value, and you only embarrass yourself with your insults.

I think this point should be more than clear now.

Btw, I don’t confuse anything - I’ve looked it up, and it’s not what you say it is.

Me too, small scale is very fun, I like it. If you read my posts you’ll see that I like to roam solo and group up with others when there is trouble at certain hot-spots, or someone needs help, or I do. And no, I don’t recall.


I remember one skirmish in Nazmir a few week ago. There was a Paladin and DH, Pala died before DH killed me, then there was a Hunter to help me, we had a few fights, and after DH was dead the second time I decided to bail, but they ressed, was pissed and tried to hit me while I was whistling away. Was that you? If so - Thank you, it was a good content.

There was another one with solo DH bounty, but I doubt you would mention it if it was you.

And another on a Azerite WQ - but it wasn’t anything out of ordinary, players comming and going, sometimes they die, sometimes I die, usual routine.

Yes, it did, because Alliance needed it, and it works as we all can see now. What’s bad about it? More Alliance = more content for you, isn’t it?

It can’t be done in raid anymore, it can be given to horde if faction balance is switched.

Advocating for laggy, stop making up stuff. Your downplays don’t work.
Lag happens everywhere in War Mode when there is a lot of players, especially on both sides. Lag happens in epic BGs, etc. Bad servers and Blizzard not improving them is a separate discussion.

Unscripted sandbox is fun. If it’s not for you - you have other game modes you enjoy, so it’s not like you can’t do anything else but complain.

Horde has advantage in numbers, Alliance has quest - what’s not fair about it?
If horde looses advantage in numbers - you’ll get quest.

Just don’t start again about that one time “40 man was not happy that you pee in bushes”. If you play in WM and roam around all WQs during the week - you know no less than I am that there are more Horde than Alliance in WM.

Is this your not so subtle try to paint me as a Blizzard shill? Well you clearly didn’t do your research good enough. Try harder.

Projecting way to much already. And then all this condescending … you should have started with it a couple of posts ago - it would be funny, at this point it’s boring.

Few more insults, few more excuses, why do you even talk about your feelings if they are not hurt? It’s not like I mentioned them.

Appealing argument. At least I made more than one. While you my friend are trying to make any by using so much of unrelated stuff for the sake of insults and dismissal - it’s sad.

Keep biting, and keep trying to bait, maybe someday it’ll work.


I think warmode is good and fun overall, but I think being part of a large Raid group sucks the fun out of it and I dont think that should be allowed so much, it screws up the sharding big time so it becomes unbalanced in zones/areas

I didnt use too attack alli unless I was attacked first in 8.0 since I knew they where outnumbered. Now with this “buff” in 8.1 I try too kill everyone I see running around with 20% more of this stupid buff that doesnt belong in pvp at all

It doesnt matter if warmode is off or on. It is just the BIGGEST fail how bad warmode is. I can never understand why warmode exists and the dev accepted this warmode should be ashamed.

Nah, it’s awesome :slight_smile:


No, it’s one of the best things that could happen to World-PVP…