Tanks how do you deal with DPS in dungeons?

im a prot warrior most of the time in dungeons as soon as i pull DPS go ALL IN with damage and AOE they sometime even decide to pull them selfs if this was retail i wouldnt mind as i have alot of aoe abilities for agro and rage isnt an issue but in classic as prot warrior i have no AOE even thundrerclap is in the battle stance and does no threat i need few seconds to build rage and threat so how are the rest of you TANKs dealing with this

relax just dont overthink. you did sunders and thunder thats all you can do. if they re agro just leave it to them.


You not alone in that situation, its every tank problem.
You can ask them to give you some time befor pull like 3 seconds or 2 sunder.

Another thing you can do is to charge with 2h wepond whilwind and cleve and switch to shild afterwards this will give you some aggro on the mobs.

Alot ot tanks deal with this problem by doing dungeons only with guild.

I make my own groups with a good mix of classes.
Then I just keep going. I usually pull only a few, and that’s it.

People aren’t as happy to pump as a few make it seem. They keep drinking, healers keep drinking, they get pushback, there are regular wipes…

Surely my run tomorrow will be terrible, I always jinx myself.

But yesterday’s Stockades, we had pretty much single target, I single pulled the entire dungeon as one big chain, zero drinks, and I think it was my fastest (and smoothest) Stocks ever.

Yea, mistakes happen, body pulls and stuff.

Also, if I pull small, I can survive quite long so everyone can drink if they have to while I build aggro, there is minimal healing, there are few reasons to taunt, etc.

When I cannot tank I just don’t. When the teammate warriors two shots a level appropriate elite I just don’t need to save them. They’ll be fine.

Btw I am prot specced, use Thrown to keep going, and I don’t stance dance so that I maintain good rage.

ps.: If you do 200 dps for 20s then drink 20s then you do 100 dps. If you do 200 dps then tap to death and the healer drinks then you do 80 dps. If you drink 20s then I pull with 0 rage, you can’t do 200 dps because you’ll be running around like a headless chicken.

Steady 50dps > Burst 200dps.

Kusaka right it also depends what class is taking the aggro if its a warrior its no problem if it a rgoue he can have one mob on him.

Just make sure the healer is alive.

thanks guys for all the tips <3

You let them die, they need to learn the hard way


yeah i agree :slight_smile:

While i agree plenty of people go crazy on the dps as soon as the tank pulls… theres plenty of tanks who just mindlessly spam their whole rage bar even on dying mobs instead of saving rage between pulls and keeping it up with bloodrage when ppl drink.

That+pulling when healer barely sat to drink is maybe not as common as the dps problem but common enough to be noticable.

Let pain (and the repair bill) be their teacher. Just pay attention to the healer’s mana :smiley:

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For a healer it doesn’t make any difference if a melee or tank has aggro, u don’t need a shield for any boss in a dungeon, at least if you aren’t more than 3 levels below the boss.

Your only job as a tank is to keep stuff off the healer. One of the worst mistake you can make as a tank is to focus too much on having aggro on mobs that don’t matter. Caster mobs and elementals deal about the same damage to cloth as plate (Only dodge & defensive stance from tanks will affect their damage).

Easiest way to play tank effectively in dungeons is just mark a skull on a caster mob then at least pick up the physical mobs or face something with frontal aoe away from the raid and use demoralizing roar/shout.

First of all, you never play Prot Warrior in classic. Yes you can play it but it is highly ineffective so most players should avoid it. Prot warrior does not bring more survivability and because of this reason people play fury / prot.

From 1 to 50+ levels you need to be playing with PvP Spec. Because fury / prot before reaching 16% crit is kinda useless.

between level 1 and 55 use pvp talents given below.
(icyveins wow classic pvp build : cannot share links )

Rotation : Charge > Battle Shout > Whirlwind > Swiping Strikes > Whirlwind
if you pulled a lot use Demo Shout + Thunderclap
use bloodrage whenever needed
use cleave if you have excess amount of rage ( generally you wont have while leveling )

Don’t use sunder armor, if you have more than one target with this PvP build.

use taunt macro to get aggro back on mobs

use AOE taunt ( if you lose threat and healers in danger).

After 55 and onwards you need to turn in to Fury / Prot and now you can keep PvP spec as your dual spec.

Fury / Prot recommended talents

(cannot share link , search wowhead you will find )

Rotation : Press bloodrage + walk in to mobs ( dont charge ), Body pull them slightly back to avoid chain pull or patrolls. Bloodthirst once + Stay in def stance and sunder all targets. Use tab + sunder and you got threat on all mobs. Use taunt macro to get running mobs, and keep AOE taunt for urgent situations in which healer is in danger. If you have mage in group and you loosing AOE threat, start spamming Battle shout to generate threat on all mobs.

Single target rotation : Bloodrage - Bloodthirst > Heroic Strike = Revenge if possible and sunder but reaching 5x sunder is hard as 1 warrior in dungeons. Maybe start with bloodthirst and spam sunder instead HS. Keep battle shout all the time active.

You can also use Engineering throwables to generate more threat on AOE pulls.

Lastly, While playing fury / prot keep yourself a shield ready in inventory and use shield macro to replace your off hand with shield whenever you are in danger.

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Looking at some of the replies here i can only wonder how the very definition of “tanking” is completely lost. I guess it’s retail wow we can blame (again).

As a tank you have two jobs to do.

  1. You make enough threat to keep aggro on all mobs in combat at all times.

  2. You mitigate damage, so your healer doesn’t go oom.

By wielding a 2-hander or going dual wield you will fail the point 2 (unless you overgear content by a big margin). You are no longer a tank but just a bad dps (just what OP described in his/her post), and the very reason i gave up playing healer on anniversary realm and rerolled a tank.


you dont mitigate damage, more damage you take = more rage, more rage = more dps

only people with no idea equip shield all the times, you only equip shield when boss enrage, for example BRD last boss.

If healer is going OOM it is healing issue, it means healer is not deranking and probably max rank healing. spam rank 1-2-3 heals.


That depends on their level, gear, +healing power etc. Once you have some gear it’s fine. If a tank is eating massive hits to their health pretty much non stop and you’re not that geared, a healer will run into mana issues because you either force healers to cast downranked heals continuously (no mana regen kicking in) or big heals (for a chance at mana regen in between).

It’s fine to tank whatever way you think is better, but it’s no good to simply blame the healer when it doesn’t work well. Good tanks are flexible and considerate, and will check if whatever they are doing meshes well with their healer.

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  1. Keep your healer alive. That’s very important. When someone attacks healer, their casts become problematic and wipe is imminent.
  2. Put marks on mobs. Skull for priority target, red cross for next priority target.
  3. Do your best to build threat on priority targets.
  4. Do not worry about DPS players getting aggro. If healer has enough mana, he’ll heal them. If situation is dire, he’ll let them die. Even in 60 level dungeons most mobs will not one-shot DPS player and generally aggro situation is messy but it will not lead to wipe. Throw taunts whenever you feel is necessary, don’t be ignorant, but don’t feel disappointed either. These days people generally do not play clean, so things are what they are. Content is easy enough anyway.

Many people do not have this approach on how they play classic. Most people who play and level as Prot they do it because its fun and classic has a lot of room for doing whats fun. If you can do dungeons with a shaman tank, a prot warrior works also completely fine.

you are right but prot warrior won’t be working with pugs. If you have 4 patient friends who really respect than you can play whatever you want. On the other hand, if you go with pugs some people will try to fasten your pull, get your aggro, and make you rage. Hence, go PvP spec till 55 and respec or dualspec into fury / prot around BRD, LBRS.

+1 pay atention to healer mana (Show Power Bars option) and where they are. They can’t heal you in LOS or if you are too far away.

But your job as a tank is not to make “more dps”. Your job is to take as little damage as possible while keeping all mobs hitting you. This way you reduce stress from your healer and make the run go fast when your healer doesn’t have to drink after every fight.