Tanks how do you deal with DPS in dungeons?

obviously. worth using with bad grps or bad pulls

Maybe for speed running you want to have the healers go oom on every fight. But on hardcore, its always better to not go oom, imo. We want to be able to deal with that extra pack, may it be a bad pull, or a pat moving in or even a random respawn (looking at you brd).

these arent hardcore forums. hardcore players are just tourists / twitch restarts.

you shouldnt be going oom. if u are missing 500 mana u should still drink to top urself off if u would have to heal/ff/insect swarm before u are capped by ticks. insect swarm is trash though

Well there are official hardcore servers. Your game mode of choice isn’t superior to others.
Its just another game mode and people choose to play it. I am not aware of hardcore forums, but I have to admit, I didn’t look for it specifically. Still you don’t have to belittle others constantly.

I do drink up but rather sooner than later put up debuffs. And I still think once you enter combat, you are put on the aggro table, with threat generated from the hot ticks, you don’t start with 0. There are even tanks clicking your hot off, when you try to pre hot them.

when your game mode consists of 90%+ twitch users it’s quite evident it’s inferior.

yes when you enter combat u are in the threat table, but not with prehot threat, unless u enter before they are finished ticking.

tanks clicking off either have macros from when buff cap was a thing or are assuming the healer is stupid and will enter combat before he actually needs healing

Where exactly do you take your numbers from? 90%+ streamers. I dont have numbers but from playing on a hardcore server, I think the majority of people are non streamers. Many of which are attracted by the hype generated by certain streamers though. But even if, what specifically makes a twitch streamer a worse player?

To be fair, regarding pre hotting and being out of combat. Even if you get the threat added once you enter, it leads to the tank getting some time to take threat. Even if you start with more non effective threat since you are out of combat. like he can out aggro you before you enter, kind of thing.

the streamers are not as bad as the viewers. i do also think the majority are not streamers, but the majority are twitch users.

yes. hotting is good as it effectively gives the tank a bigger health pool before he needs healing & healer to enter combat

It works just fine. You need DPS players who can wait for 5 sunders, watch threat meter and respect kill order.

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In my example did I say the healer didnt enter combat, most of the time you dont stay out of combat unless you are way in the back, so fairly often the healer do enter combat decently quickly they can still drink the water they started drinking before the pull though.

Running over, aka melee mobs
I didnt talk about ranged packs I talked about the most common type of mob in vanilla dungeons melee.

If the mobs are running over to me and there are casters there im clearly losing, if there are no casters or ranged mobs there is no need to los. If the healer is not well away from me they get put into combat the second I pull anyways, not everyone plays the game perfectly and you sound like you think that everyone should be playing perfectly.

the healer is not positioning correctly or the pack is pulled back way too far. the healer should be positioned to be (close to) in range to cast heals where the next pack is tanked.

they shouldnt be at risk of entering combat unless the pack is dragged back due to a pat or something, but the tank should have plenty of aggro by then or dps should from aoe at least.

“so lets say the tank gets hit by one mob and the rest of the pack are running over”
The tank would have had plenty of time to hit the mobs in an all melee pack before anything has a chance to reach the healer.

That’s a roundabout way of saying it doesn’t work.
By the time 5 sunders would be applied the entire pack is half dead from my blizzard while skilled tank taunts the frontrunner and other 2 dps interrupt/stun/kill priority targets like casters. If there’s 2 aoe casters, the pack is dead before 5 sunders would be applied.

Even if we don’t AoE for some reason, I can comfortably “tank” 1-2 mobs with nova into ice barrier absorb for 3 hits into slow from coc/frb into nova. Generally role of a tank in modern group is hold bosses aggro and on packs taunt off healer or mage, not physically tank the hits from the pack.

You didnt see that part of my post did you? Yes in a ideal world the healer is not being pulled in but it happens fairly often, dont trust anyone you pug with to even know how to get to the dungeon let alone how to play.

ok but u are responding to my response to a healer claiming he shouldnt be hotting. ur issue is healers like him playing poorly which my response is how to play better as a healer. but yes indeed 99% of the people playing this game are bad and do not understand other roles & classes let alone their own role & class

Man why do you need to do that? You never played with me and yet you say I play poorly. Can you make one comment without talking down on others?

everything you’ve said points towards it and you play tauren, female & druid. all statistics known to mankind back up my claim

That doesn’t make sense. Those are not metrics for player performance. I would love to see your statistics.

Regardless, I am not criticizing your comment on factual correctness. I am criticizing your social skills. You don’t have to be a dick while making your point.

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im not teaching special ed to make friends

You forget to link your statistics. Also not being a dick is basic decency. Nothing about teaching friends or any of that nonsense that you just said. Poor social skills, that’s all.

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you criticize my social skills. you seem to be assuming i dont want to be rude, but would my social skills not be adequate if i want to come off as passive aggressive?

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No, because the axiom is that a decent person doesn’t want to be passive aggressive.

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