Targeted Corruptions and Faster Cloak Empowerment

I’m quite disappointed not for the idea behind the change itself, but its execution.

First of all, it’s quite late to fix the corruption system. Sure, better late than never, but the problems with the system were evident from the get-go, from the ridiculous lack of balance to the massive RNG.

Furthermore, the fix is clearly a rushed job:

  • They are reusing a currency which had another reason to exist, meaning there is no clean slate for everyone to start with and some will be advantaged compared to others, without such advantage being necessarily merit-based.
  • The fix is incomplete, as vendors are not available yet and corruptions cannot be applied to cleansed items yet, which is clearly a bug. If it’s not ready, why it’s getting released?
  • They announced the change with far too little time before the announcement and the go-live, meaning players who might have wanted to purchase an essence with the old price could very easily miss the opportunity to do so. It’s clearly a change which will blindside quite a few players.

On top of that, I can understand making a mistake, but not persevering in it in such a blatant way: this is the exact same issue Wakening Essences went through in Legion, meaning there is no excuse for Blizzard not to know this is the wrong thing to do.

The lack of care from Blizzard on this is ridiculous.


I’m going to go slightly insane, it’s more of a maniacal laugh

At this point I am convinced they do it intentionally. They always fix their broken systems when the expansions are over, instead of when they are still relevant.


O yeah, it’s not even a conspiracy theory anymore . Always same pattern.

I scrolled over 500 comments now and the amount of people saying
“All you people are just complaining about other players who got more echoes then you?”
is too damn high.

I really don’t care if someone got a 10k headstart over me. It’s about the fact, that I can’t even earn the currency with my main because I had every Rank 3 essence before the system was implemented months ago.

I would not care if I could by my first corruption in 2-3 weeks for the first time, it’s just the matter that I can’t even buy them at all.
Or have they fixed the problem with characters not being able to earn Echoes at all?

Just look at the comment below me, I bet it’s just another “ppl have more then me…”

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Nice one to punish people who earned all essences in 8.2. Ive 0 echoes on my main and other people about 25k! so they can buy plenty of corruptions instantly while i lack behind. I mean, I have good corruptions and the system for me is about min/maxing my character (so this isnt for every1 cause others didnt got that lucky than me). but its still UNFAIR.

–Please just reset that Echoes!–

I think resetting echoes is indeed the way to go. Blizzard’s inept way of communication is to blame here, letting this currency be used months down the line for another system entirely.

fix? is this a fix? this is a mess not a fix. Fixing a broken system with an unfair solution is not a fix. Is a broken system made also unfair

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They should reset it but I am talking about fixing the RNG aspect of Corruption which is something they refused to address until now.

Only thing they should do is make Corruption fixed stat. LFR no corruptions, Normal rank 1, Heroic rank 2, Mythic Rank 3. No stupid vendor with gated currency and shoping list, no rng dice roll.

Adding to this if they made Rank 3 also drop from 5 mask visions that’d be fine.

Several possible solutions:

  1. Coalescing Visions instead of Echoes as the corruption currency. Why? Because they are relatively easy to farm and unlike Echoes everyone can loot them. Here, have a bunch of Corruptions, eat your heart out and blow damage meters up, current expansion is ending anyway so might as well have some fun.

  2. Converting existing Echoes to gold at a reasonable ratio and allow everyone to get them from day 0 of new system, no conditions, no fine print. Would require some time before putting vendor in to allow players to actually buy stuff when it is available.

  3. New currency. Again, this would require some time before vendors are in.

And in general it would be frickin BASIC HUMAN DECENCY not to drop such a bomb on 2 days notice. Let’s say a week before currency overhaul and 2-3 before putting the vendor in game, so everyone can do whatever they want with existing Echoes (if they have any…) before the big change.

Oh, and dear Blizzard, I hate you too. For just about everything you have done during Beta for Azeroth before and now punishing me for daring to main a pure dps class and getting Essences when I needed them. Kicks and punches, Grigory.

Its dumb to use coalescing visions for that. ppl still want to farm sockets…

Corruptions trump sockets in the numbers department, which, let’s be honest, is all that matters :smiley: Yeah not an ideal solution but still better than letting SOME people go ape with their stockpiled echoes and leaving others with 0, just because they had no use for echoes or used them for their intended purpose.

full dps classes are quite screwed in this, I have all the essences par the pvp one, cant get echoes at all, sitting at 0, heck the echoes doesnt even show in currency tab.
and here is the intresting part, I do not even have all of them at rank 3 and still cant get it, considering I dont even have the pvp one, I cant understand why I cant get any echoes eighter.


the thing is, why just not reset it like on residuum? its the easiest way and people would be completly fine with it.

i mean this one should have been implemented in the beginning already. if you watch those chinese getting 100% corrupted items cause its gambling and not allowed in china…and that eu and us are like OK! in 10 years we will have the same items like chinese ppl. GOOD!

should have been

SHOULD being the operative word. Corruptions SHOULD NOT exist in the first place. If they HAD to, they SHOULD NOT be so powerful as to overshadow a player character’s own performance. SHOULD NOT be RNG-dependent to obtain, SHOULD be available in some RNG-mitigating manner and SHOULD NOT be so much RNGey in effect. But they are not. So looking at what Blizzard has done in the past, I would not put any money on them doing anything properly. Like not shafting 4 whole classes of players.

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ti late - its already live in US so thats the system we have to live with for next 6 months.

it will all ease up in a month once people get hteir bis r3s and fill blanks with other stuff

I really appreciate this limitation being communicated openly and also that it will be addressed. Technical limitations occur naturally in every software. Being transparent about limitations that may have a negative impact on customers is I think exemplary. Job well done! :slight_smile:

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I’m sorry but you don’t seem to have understood the message.
Let me translate, “We’ve rushed this system based on a poor set of decisions as a result of the boosts from the previous months, to keep the covid player base from leaving. We know that vital parts from the system don’t work as they should, but we have to give you something to keep the cash flowing”

You have a very poor understanding of the term “transparent” if you think that being announced 1 day prior to the release is acceptable.