Tbc pre patch

when do you think this will go live?

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I hope 1 month before to allow a chance at getting them to 60 before TBC release

next month would be great


As prot paladin I want it is soon as possible. Need new talents and skills :wink:

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they should atleast give 2,3 months tbh.


2,3 months for what?

It doesn’t take more than a week to level to 60, even less with the xp nerfs in tbc.

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My best guess, judging from the various buzz that’s going around is late October for the pre-patch, with full TBC roll-out either late November or early December.

blizz classic beta was 4months & shadowlands beta was 4months, you should expect TBC beta to be 4months.

they said tbc beta is soon. so u can expect tbc-beta next month & tbc release mid july and then the pre-patch should hit in May.

yes it makes sense to release TBC in middle of summer

May 4th leaked for pre-patch.

Source? ^^

Some streamer who’s more reliable than most. I can’t remember his name, do a search to find it.

I was going to start streaming but I didn’t want the lobotomy.


Seems a bit soon but I hope his source is right.

They have to test this during beta first and there will be a lot of minor things to fix so it will take time.

Actually if beta starts soon, which they said, we get beta until 4th May then pre-patch hits and 3-4 weeks later, maybe Early June TBC hits.

Of course this is my guesstimate.

We may even get the pre-patch in mid April.

Man I am super excited. It’s going to be madness. This expac has been very anticipated by many of us. It’s going to be glorious!

If u get TBC Beta and create some character will it be delete after beta ends?

Yes, you will lose everything.

Did they confirm that the exp nerf is in place during pre patch too?