TBC / Wotlk things you hate

Not much I hate in BC
Done peninsula too many times but that’s just overexposure rather then hate
Flying was nice in BC, there were zones designed around it there, the only real arguement against it is world PvP but warmode is a thing and everyone has flying there so I don’t think flying actually matters at all for that

For Wrath I didn’t like the between patch catch-up there was some through badges in BC but Wrath gave actual dungeons which dropped loot directly
LFG also got turned into region wide over realm wide which was when it started being a feature that harmed social cohesion (before it was only people from your realm so reputation was still a reason not to be a donkey)

Why would you hate the barber shop tho? That feature literally replaced a paid service, imagine that happening today

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Every (or almost every) class has a mobility spell, defensive cooldown, offensive cooldown, interrupt, aoe, self heals, etc.

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Well man you’ve just described how classes in MMORPG genre work, bravo.

Edit: Moreover, do you want to compare for instance DH/WW mobility to ret pally/DK mobility? Or warrior defensives vs DH defensives? Ret pally dmg CDs to warrior dmg CDs? Man really, learn classes first before saying “they all are the same”.

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Everything I hated in TBC, I loved in WotLK…

  • Zones. There isn’t a single TBC zone I like, while all WotLK zones are awesome. Special mention for Howling Fjord and Grizzly Hills.
  • Raids. Except Karazan, TBC raids where meh, and the keying mechanics where just completely insane. WotLK raids were mostly great, with what is still today the best raid ever: Ulduar.
  • Races and Classes. Draenei. Squids from outer space. 'nuff said. While WotLK has DKs, with their amazing starter zone and introductory quest.
  • Story. I always hated that whole burning crusade thematic. The whole WotLK story, up to the final slaying of Arthas, is nothing short of amazing.

Yes I know that… thank you for clarifying … I was answering a specific question from someone on how you can keep paladins / shamans unique to Horde and Alliance not saying what was in them expansions, try reading the earlier discussion before you make a comment.

But thank you for your … educational lesson, very enlightening.

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Mages were an absolutely gimped class in pve at the end of the expansion. If we’re are gonna start on the finally patch then Mage is gonna be trash compared to warlocks for the entire expansion


Every dungeon became an aoe grindfest (ironic I know)

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Things I hated:
Attunements to raids (they are in Classic too, but a man’s gotta raid somehow :frowning:)
Arenas (I just loved BGs too much when I was younger)

DKs, I felt they were too powerful. Everytime I found them in Arena paired with Holy Pala I just cried inside (I was playing Warrior alongside Druid at the time)
Automated LFG tool, removed the need to interact with other players during group forming, which is important imo

And the thing I hated for both was that the endgame was in another continent, diluting the playerbase even more (for example, BRD is in a 48-56 zone, so people still leveling could potentially get help from max lvl characters in Classic).
And I didn’t like raising the level cap, the extra talents were cool tho.

Things I loved:
-TBC: pretty much everything, more class balance (PvE), LFG Tool (which was a sort of Tinder for dungeons, you put your brief description, and people will invite you if they need you, or you could /w people that were LFM)
-WotLK: more talents, Bladestorm, Titan’s Grip! :smiley: then Barber Shop, new Battlegrounds, etc…

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No, they do not. In classic, warlocks, priests, and paladins don’t have any mobility abilities. Mages, rogues, hunters and warriors can’t self heal, most classes don’t have much in terms of cooldowns, offensive or defensive. Mages don’t have any without spending talent points for them, for example. Rogues can’t really do aoe, and so on.

Take mage vs melee in classic for example, mages are very good at staying out of melee range and kiting, but die very quickly in melee range, it’s a trade off that makes mages stronger vs melee but weaker vs range.

In retail, where everyone can do everything and has tools to deal with everything, the mage will be attempting to kite, but you can’t really kite all that well when everyone has plenty of gap closers, so instead, the mage gets to be just as tanky as any other class, more or less, since they need to be able to live for more than 2 seconds in range of a melee, when it’s inevitable that the melee will catch up at some point.

What this ends up doing is create a very muted playstyle where it feels like all you’re doing, is esentially just throwing damage at eachother, and mage vs rogue is pretty similar to spriest vs rogue, and so on, while in classic, mage vs rogue is completely different than spriest vs rogue.

Having classes be different, and not necessarily having the tools to deal with every situation, creates for a more interesting experience.

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Only for some people. For others it leads to frustration and rerolling to fotm classes. If your class lacks means of how to deal with content it is just frustrating, not interesting.

Tell this to frostmage in retail. Those 90% slows, 2 blinks, frost novas etc. are awesome. And no, I can´t even touch frost mage with warrior in retail outside of my war banned cooldown :wink: Tell that to arcane mage with multiple blinks and passive ranged slows.

Priest have no mobility abilities either. Warlock? It it basically tanky turrent without a chance to get from anyone. Paladins don´t have blessing of freedom on Classic?

I am glad Blizz came up with Classic because there are obviously 2 groups of people. Group 1 likes retail and group 2 likes Classic. Different people, different tastes after all. There is no point in debating of what is better because everyone expects smt else from a game I guess. And we won´t change those expactations.

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I didnt play WoTLK, quit during TBC (came back for MoP).
But for TBC, what I hated the most was:

  • Level cap raised
  • My Rank 14 gear was bettered by lvl 62 green quest rewards.
  • Flying
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Things i dislike - hate is too strong a word for a video game?


  1. Its not been re-released yet


  1. Its not been re-release yet


  1. Limited races
  2. Limited classes
  3. Limited zones
  4. Limited class/spec options (mage or warrior only please)
  5. Lack of mail boxes
  6. Lack of flight points
  7. Everyone knows everything
  8. Quest design (some are fantastic though)
  9. Lack of RP options (barber shop, gear customisations etc)
  10. Poor UI and UX (tooltip info for example)

and lastly, this assumption that classic is somehow superior to retail and that classic players are better and retail players should shut up. Honestly the classic voice is way more toxic than the retail voice!

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Well, you are just lucky that the 3 people still playing Retail are not toxic then.

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Not sure what you’re referring to, Rank 14 and AQ/Naxx epics aren’t really “bettered” by any kind of lvl 62 green items. It takes at least level req 65+ blue items or 68+ green items to get up there in terms of power. For the majority of your TBC levelling experience you’ll still use your Vanilla epics.

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It’s an exaggeration, get it?

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It’s a dead meme by now, ppl keep saying “Oh noes, I lose all my precious Naxx gear as soon as I step into HFP!”, despite the fact you’re prolly gonna use them even into Kara/Gruul/Maggy for a while. If you look up world first kills from back then you’ll still spot AQ/Naxx gear on the players.

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My problem with all expansions, is the whole raise level cap issue.
They should just make new content, not new levelling.
And also make it so old items you struggled for is still viable at the top end.
New content does not have to equal higher ilvl gear, they could be a little more inventive than that.

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You can’t have that, because there’s only a limited number of item slots. At some point, you’ll inevitable have to cycle through your gear, at least BiS-wise. Otherwise, the barrier to entry for newer players risks becoming nearly insurmountable, just like in eternal cardgame formats such as in Magic.

You don’t need your gear to last forever in order to get something out of it. Everything ends at some point in games.


I get that, but there is no need to have top gear in the new expansion give +150 str and +200 stam, while the gear from the previous had +24 str and +28 stam.
They could be more inventive, like they have been to some extent in BFA, ie not raise the stats, but rather give special powers for certain new zones and/or dungeons/raids.

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This is also a problem I don’t like with the expansions. The power curve gets worse as the expansions progress and then you end have having an item squish because the numbers have just become so ridiculous. And the gap between a level 60 in older greens and a level 61 in expansion greens is absolutely massive.

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That Draenai and Sin’dorei start on Lvl 1 instead of Lvl 40 and need so to play through content that happened before their chronologic appearance.
That Azurmyth Island and Eversong Woods are Lvl 1-10 Regions instead of Lvl 40-50
That Bloodmyth Island and Ghostlands are Lvl 10-20 Regions instead of Lvl 50-60
Onyxias Lair revamp
That 25 People Raids give better gear then 10 People Raids
Downranking whas removed
Crossrealm LFG
Pet Loyality whas removed
Death Knights need to play through TBC even though it happened before they where released.
That Dranosh Saurfang is killed by Froustmourne.

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