Teldrassil, Undercity will they be restored ? Who's next on the list ?

Have you ever considered the number of cities destroyed or gone by the horde hands??

  • Dreanor - Orc home land and they destroyed it them self’s. They are trying to do the same on azeroth. But under thrall, they became sane.
  • Destruction of Dreanei 2nd home - original Horde
  • Silver moon - Undead under Arthas rule.
  • Theramore downfall - horde
  • Burning of Teldrassil - Horde
  • Gilneas Home - Horde
  • Gnome home - horde

So, the horde have done it to themselves on the path of suffering and turmoil.
I agree, alliance are equally to be blamed, but that was only by a select few individuals of humans on eastern kingdoms that caused this as well. ( Arthas and Graithos for example)

On the otherhand, the alliance races are now homeless or refugees in the capital city of the human’s ( stormwind). So, the direction of the story as shifted from Alliance Vs Horde to Human Vs Horde.

OP, is stating that blizz should give some major love to other races of the alliance. Especially, night elf’s. They have been reduced to nothingness, ever since blizzard introduced an MMORPG of WoW.

Edit: some minor corrections.


Here’s people which I share my opinion with:

" Something about a war of aggression in the name of Lebensraum with a side of war crimes really doesn’t sit right.

Simulating genocide is not really what I’d consider entertaining.

EDIT: I didn’t really expect so many responses, and so much argument over the term “genocide”, so I thought I would edit some additional comments into the original post.

“It’s not genocide.” It is. Genocide is intentional action to destroy a people (usually defined as an ethnic, national, racial, or religious group) in whole or in part. [Wikipedia] The Horde campaign clearly meets this definition, and is in line with real life historical events that have been prosecuted as genocide.

“It’s just mass murder.” It is also mass murder. The definitions have overlap.

“It’s just a game.” Of course it is. A game is entertainment. Do you find participating in genocide entertaining?"


"The novellas make it abundantly clear that we’ve jumped over the point of no return.

As Saurfang says in the Novella, no amount of explanations are going to wash away the taint of it. The Alliance kept calling us monsters - we just proved them right.

If they make Sylvanas a Karma Houdini, expect the sub numbers to drop so fast Blizzard won’t even know what hit it. Everyone wants her dead. Even the Horde"


All Horde players.

Rest assured.
I know where you are coming from:
(Just replace - for /)

“We burnt down teldrassil and killed alot of night elf women and children.
We burnt down the tree and killed loads of alliance soldiers in the battlefield.
When they tried to get us, we countered them and infested them with plague.
We slaughtered them, we burned them, we plagued them.
This is the true version of the horde, finally we are who we supposed to be.
We are EVIL we bring plague, torture and suffering.
8/8/2018 - 24 upvotes

Your opinion was expected.



Do you need any more?


As I said, same people making several threads. You are merely confirming my initial response lol

That doesn’t make sense at all though because not only are those different people, but they also get a lot of likes/upvotes meaning they have high amounts of people agreeing with them. Controversial posts on reddit usually get downvoted a lot


LOL what? No

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I think she is talking about the Scouring of Khaz Modan, Second War. The Horde systematically destroyed every settlement except Ironforge and Gnomeregan.


Let’s not forget that they just started WoT not to give the race which lost the spotlight, no, they gave it to the Orc which planned it and to Jaina which started to like the Horde more again for some reason.

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Same people? some are from the US,other Europe…how do you even know it is the same people? I was compassionate with your frustrations before but now you are acting completely delusional. It seems your intent is to belittle our cause and make simply waste time because you got nothing better to do.


3 cinematics telling my characters how bad they should feel.
Jaina helping the Horde.

I have a better suggestion.
How about giving the spotlight to the Alliance instead and never written WoT.

Never involving Saurfang, or any Horde aggression, after Garrosh ?
I could had lived with that.



Dear u and me arguing 10 times makes for = 20 posts.

And ur linking me posts and upvots like… upvotes numbers not more than 50-54 as you linked pretty much means is same ppl arguing over and over.

Pretty much what ur doing with ur vengeful “revenge for nelfs” “bring bacj wc3 nelfs” and “let us kill sylvannas plz” threads lol

Could you stop embarrassing yourself at this point? You remind me of an obnoxious little imp giggling alone in a room full of people, while the rest of us look and wonder what the hell is wrong with you.


Didn’t they got it ever since legion start? Even now. Minus the talanji videos alliance is everywhere represented by Jaina and Genn. Their spotlight never faded.

Point is: this kind of attention is not welcomed.

If this is the kind of narrative we’ve been offerered, I pass.

I would million times go through legion 2.0 than go through another guilt trip ever again.

It’s like someone ordered you to brake something and now told you:
You have to pay for it.
“Tsc, tsc, such a bad person you are, look at what you have done.”



“And don’t you dare complain when others hate you now and want to break your stuff too because what you did was trillion times worse and you deserve nothing else!
And now give us your monthly 13€ so we can pay our awesome writers and guarantee for your further entertainment thx!”


“Don’t forget to buy the anniversary mount, which is totally not a recolor, for a modest fee, because we love you, and want to celebrate the game with you!”


What a time to play the game as Horde right?
When being part of the current story is worse than having no story at all.


You think you know drama?!


So you all cant enjoy the story and game, and I that I just take the story for what it is and enjoy it, am somehow an abnoxious little imp. I hear you

I was mostly talking about your complete inability to show anything barely resembling basic respect to your conversational partner.

i mean, hell, you managed to accuse Amazoner, a Horde player since Vanilla (which is easily proven) to be a night elf main. The aforementioned poster also ends every post with “Cheers.”

Like, seriously?

Elaria also provided you with several links from different sources, you insist those are the same “several people making threads”.

Those 10k combined likes are also probably the same several people, on thousands of different accounts.