im saying this change was amazing and there are a lot of bg’s going on less % of premades, it seems a perfect fix for the problem. im saying pre this “test” it was a joke with 8/8 in a row ally pre after 1h 30 min que, now its maybe 1/2 pre? last 4 games was pug v pug, its an amazing change and i love it.
Thank you Blizzard for that awesome change. At the end of the day, we just want to play the game.
Make this permanent please.
Awesome change, take this into live forever please
This makes no sense at all, % premade doesnt change like that. My experience so far is way more premades this way.
Except you the only people enjoying this change are premade groups who can now graveyard camp more and more. THey can now get way more items per day while the “puggers” are stuck with an item a month.
Blizzard is catering the Horde premades with this change the rest of the player base just have less fun with this change. Ussualy at this point of the day i am warmed up 2 play some TBC but being graveyard camped for the last couple of hours i just logged out.
I just have 1 question for Blizzard, since you killed bg’s for the non premades groups, what else can we do in TBC?? You forced us now to kill leveling alliance at this point (how else do we get honor like premades?) but its not the same fun
THIS STATE RIGHT NOW is the most fun I’ve had since MoP Arena’s. I have waited 7 years to enjoy World of Warcraft PvP again. PLEASE DON’T REVERSE THIS EVER AGAIN.
not when the consequence is 2 hour queues.
horde were not able to make premades with 1h 30 min que, alliance with instance que could, the only way you could complain about “more premades” is if you are playing alliance, as you will not have seen them for a while, but this was unfair, allowing both to premade is fair, i assume as you are posting on a lvl 40 horde you do not have a lvl 70 horde and are just an alliance experiencing what horde have for a long time, im sorry you are not enjoying the game, i do wish you were
It affects Alliance players because everyone who plays PvP will eventually gravitate to towards Horde and Alliance as a PvP faction will die with essentially non-existant PvP communities on the realms.
No new PvP players will roll Horde, old Alliance players will quit due to having a too bad of an experience (getting ganked all over the place, having a too small community, bad racials in comparison) in a negative spiral effect to the bottom. Don’t get me wrong, this has already started (especially with the 58 boosts) - but this will speed up the process massively. Blizzard has clearly showed they don’t care about the Alliance PvP experience, at all. If they did they would never have implemented this. The PvP player ratio is already really bad, and it will only continue to get worse - quickly.
Alliance, fully predictably, has massive issues even playing the game basically being locked into major cities for all of P2 and even after P2 it’s very hard to level as Alliance on a well-populated PvP realm due to the population imbalance. What does Blizzard do? Nothing. Horde, fully predictably, has long queues due to having by far the best racials for general ladder/PvP-play. What does Blizzard do? Completely rips Alliance a new one, removing the only benefit of being an Alliance PvPer. Blizzard is so funny, they apply completely different standards to the factions.
What’s the point in being Alliance at this point? Might as well remove the faction and make it a 1-faction game at this point. Disable the Alliance faction on PvP realms, Blizzard please.
Looking forward to seeing 90/10 faction balance amongst actual PvPers soon. Actually, I’m not - because I’m unsubscribing.
There are few occasions in life where a single decision’s outcome can be fully known.
This is one of those decisions. We know what the outcome of this change will be because it took place in retail WoW. That outcome was catastrophic.
While the horde battleground queue times are certainly unacceptable, this change was already tried in retail where it seemed to fix the surface-level issue while deepening the underlying problem. The result was a spiraling faction imbalance that a) drove away players, b) wasted the time of remaining players who were forced to reroll or transfer and c) reduced the attractiveness and playability of the game for both factions, permanently.
If the developers are determined to implement this already-failed change into the game, they should at least accompany it with changes that target the underlying issue as well as the surface-level one. Nerf horde racials or (perhaps more politically practical) provide alliance with better ones upon season roll (like Every Man For Himself).
If this solution is implemented, the result will be a dramatic transfer of alliance players from PvE to PvP servers, with a huge number of players lost in the process due to the cost-prohibitiveness of such a thing. It will destroy alliance guilds, it will destroy entire servers.
There is a solution to the very real horde queue problem, or a blend of solutions. The one chosen by Blizzard so far is the only option we know will result in long-term failure. Please reconsider or come up with a more comprehensive package of changes.
If there ever was a company that would make the same mistakes even after 17 years of experience, it would definitely be Blizzard.
I expected this to happen in Wotlk at the earliest, but w/e. No reason to be angry, they have one more xpac after this to cash in, they are not interested in writing all the wrongs of the past.
Sadly for pvp purposes this is just another nail in the coffin for the Alliance side.
The end game plan? Introduce faction change, so they can cash in on the rest of the Alliance players that have no reason to stay Alliance now.
How can ur comment that blind and bad. You getting ganked, because we have no que’s and need honor. U ARE THE ONLY ONE’S WITH ACTIVE PVP COMMUNITIES. Horde got none cause nobody want to sit in freaking 90 minute que after work. And the racials, I don’t know why ppl won’t get it, they are even better in many comps as the horde racials. Where is will of the forsaken any good, when getting permanently targeted as priest? Where is will of the forsaken good at losing every opener against a human. And where is Orc any good standing in roots all the time? U clearly have no idea what you talking mate.
im just gonna say it 1 more time!
best change ever made!
Alliance has been getting ganked since forever. Not just in TBC when the queues spiked.
Good joke. Maybe you should actually take a look at the arena ladders.
If that were true it wouldn’t be the case that practically every single player that knows anything about PvP goes Horde.
Just stop already. It’s a well known fact that Horde racials are better, on average, in TBC. It’s been known since well before TBC or even Classic released.
Lmao, yeah whatever. Maybe you should consider, just for a second which faction gives you the best options for the most (good) comps, just think for a second which faction gives the best overall racials. I’ll give you a hint it’s Horde.
Just. Stop. If any of that were true and not just a strawman for Hordes to use as an argument as to why they’re “not” the chosen faction the faction split wouldn’t look the way it does (nor would it on every single TBC private server since the beginning of time).
Don’t quit. Just reroll horde. Then if all the Alliance reroll their won’t be any racial imbalance and everyone can que Horde vs Horde.
Solves all the problems!
First, why the hell am I facing an alliance premade as an alliance pug? Are there not enough horde premades or players? How dumb is the system really is?
Second, why aren’t the Russian players being mixed with the rest already? We get higher queues because the system can’t find enough Russian players to start the game fast enough.
I can give you the answer for all that in one sentence. We gank you, because your ugly face of a dwarf, gnom or nightelf seems to need some hits to get the right look.
That is the only point of playing no alliance for me and for a lot of ppl I know. I don’t care about racials, everyone has an opportunity to shine. I made glad with a nightelf hunter on alliance-side when human was super broken. So don’t tell me about any racial problem and start getting a good player. Good players won’t complain about imbalance, they will find a way to play around it or even use it to there advantage (IF IT EVEN WERE IMBALANCED).
The problem we need to solve here is that everyone just wants to enjoy the game with his or her character. And thats simply not possible on horde, because we can’t play arena’s or battlegrounds (just to spoiler your question: we can’t play arena’s properly because we have no f***ing resilience
Don’t think u will get it, so have a nice day.
I mean sure, but you’re not helping your argument.
I don’t care about what you think. Most, or at least a very significant amount of people who care about PvP do care - and base their faction and race choices based on it (see Retail WotLK, WoD etc for reference).
No. Good players are usually smart players, and if you’re a smart player you play the superior faction instead of playing with built-in weaknesses. Ergo, you play Horde.
No one has ever argued that 1h queues are acceptable. What has been argued is that Mercenary or “interfaction” queueing is a horrible solution.
Allowing for free faction+server swaps for Horde players for a period of times would’ve solved the problem.
Again, no I don’t care about if you would utilize such possibilities - many others would.
The only one who’s not getting it is you.
It’s like talking to a tree, but thanks for laughs.
It’s good that your self awareness is good at least.
Alliance should just boycott BG’s during this “event”.