Thank you Blizz, for the pvp system

Have a drink of anything every time this guy says incentivize.

But if the new PVP systems are so great, then they can remove all those warmode PVE bonuses or just remove warmode entirely now that ‘PVP is so amazing.’ It won’t need warmode then.

40%. And after the nerfs to PvE trinkets, I think it will be BiS. I still expect more balance changes to them as the season progresses. I think they have learned their lesson.

Versa will be the PvP stat, and I’m fine with it.


Warmode = world PvP so PvP gear should be better. If a person cba to put effort into PvP they deserve to get their butt handed to them by those who do.

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It only affects damage and healing bonus from versatility though. And tbh I’m not even sure what the 40% mean. If I have 40% versatility from stats, does it add 40%, or 1.6% or 40% to versatility stat(which would be < 1.6% because of diminishing returns)?

Why should WMers lose their compensation for extra gy walks?
Why remove WM? It’s fun.

Because PVP is fixed now and people will only need to flag PVP on for the motivation. No longer will warmode be needed to draw people into PVP, it was only ever a bait crux to get people into PVP.

Um, what does that have to do with War Mode? WPvP or PvE+WPvP has little to do with instanced PvP.

i think that will create more people to turn it off… and playing friends of warcraft doesnt sound very appealing.

Well you turn it on if you wanna pvp and turn it off if you don’t.
And if you think it’s like a “turn on to see if i can gank some plebs hihi” then you’re in for a treat.

It’s finally back to actually be proper pvp. And as mentioned earlier, it’s really easy to catch up to the gear everyone else is using in pvp. So it’s not like you’re going for a looong grind to catch up.
Make sure to do some bgs now when the expan comes out, get that starter gear and you’re good for quite a while.

Eh, one more thread regarding changes to PVP gearing. I made a big post on that elsewhere. I’ll link it one last time, sorry if you already saw it:

In sum, the change is fine but needs to be extended because otherwise unrated PVP is in the trash can.

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yh probably would quit wpvp since gearing pvp in wowjust to do wpvp is not really interesting.

We will have to see how strong the gap is. Perhabs it’s not that bad. 19 ilvl might not be that big of a problem.

It’s 29 ilvl. It’s huge. It should be 10 ilvl.

You’re right, I can’t count apparantly. That’s bigger than I thought, hopefully it’s not as bad as it sounds.

Here’s the difference in stats between ilvl 200 and ilvl 225 of the same piece of gear (so, 25 ilvl, smaller than the difference of 29):

64 agi - 80 agi (+25%)
106 sta - 147 sta (+39%)
43 crit - 49 crit (+14%)
79 crit - 90 vers (+14%)

So, 25% primary, 14% secondaries, 39% stamina. It’s huge.

Yikes. That’s why I personally would have prefered a WoD style system. We will find out soon enough how bad it is.

Funny as it may seem usually pve gear was better in PvP if you had the highest tier since the damage simply outscaled the pvp gear. The lower end gear got smacked around thou, and does it really matter? Why play pvp if you do expect to be wrecked by better geared players. It’s like people who obviously would not like to lose in pve by worse geared players. Not only does it make the reward structure useless it ends any purpose of trying to beat higher content. Now you have even more control whether you want to pvp or not in the open world as well.

Why play pvp if you do expect to be wrecked by better geared players.

You will find out my point was about being stomped upon by worse geared players as free kills, rather then it being personal skill.


Should be about gear thou to some extent, that is how a mmo works. Any rated pvp has everyone fighting on the same terms regardless since the gear is capped there. Outside of competitive pvp modes why would you care about balance? Especially when there are no rewards structures tied to those activities.

And thats when you compare instance PVP which I fully agree it should be gear based as its a controlled envoriment.

Why should I care? 30% bonus is why.