Blizzard got to stay away from romance… Always ends up being messy no matter who it is about.
I quite like Blizzard’s romance stories. I think they’re great for what they try to be. And I say this as someone who has a soft spot for reading romance novels.
Raynor and Kerrigan.
Kalecgos and Jaina.
Tracer and Emily.
Diablo… Okay Diablo is pretty grim.
But they tend to make some pretty sweet romance stories I think, where you’re really rooting for the happily ever after.
Raynor swore to kill here for murdering his friends.
Book stuff no one noticed.
For all of D3’s faults his… her… its? design was honestly quite nice.
Anduin and Wrathion are my favourite divorced couple lmao
No offense, but with replies like this it seems like you’re just taking opposition to be in opposition, not because you have much meaningful to add.
I hope Blizzard aren’t entirely done with that duo, and that Wrathion can sneak himself into some more plots. He’s a wonderful character.
Anduin and Wrathion is general the best way to approach these things. Keep relationships ambiguous and let the readers fill in the blanks. Avoids both drama from nutcases and cringe from poorly written romance like “Tyrande! D:”…
Because quite frankly… Stuff only restricted to sources outside the game world shouldn’t be canon.
I really don’t understand this idea that we shouldn’t shove straight relationships down people’s throats but we should we gay/bisexual ones?
I couldnt give a toss who sleeps with who but don’t force these type of things to the front without making it actually make sense.
I am straight but still couldnt give a toss whether this game was filled with same sex relationships aslong as I can still get the game im after.
The only time i’d have an issue with any relationship is if it means sacrificing well written stories to just throw in a romantic story instead.
Well first of all, that doesn’t really detract from the fact that it’s good story regardless.
Second of all, to take opposition to that point of view, then that would dramatically reduce WoW’s story development. The game as a medium has some limitations that Blizzard are good at stretching to their limits, but they obviously stand to gain a lot from exploring novels, short-stories, cinematics, comics, and what not.
Lets be fair, the only ones we have had shoved in our faces have been straight ones. Let us all please for the love of the Gods draw a veil over that horrible zone of Val’sharah… and “Dey killed muh Husband”
Those are the only times it has ever been pushed.
I must admit that whether I just didnt care to notice or I just never realized it the idea of doing something for a wife who lost her husband or w/e never occured to me.
I am sure there are probably quests in wow that have stories along the lines of help me avenge my husband/wife etc but I just dont think its that big of a deal.
If gay/lesbian/bisexual players/npc’s were hated and despised in the lore I could fully understand this need to be forcefully included but honestly I dont think whether a video game has gay characters or doesnt should matter to straight or gay people because put simply its a video game not real life.
maybe im poking the dragon here, and i dont mean to do that, but what do you hate specifically? hate is a strong word.
John at the end of the day mate your gonna live your life as a proud gay person which is great that you aren’t ashamed of being who you really are.
However is dying on this hill of forced inclusion really worth it? just get on with the game like everyone else does.
Thats the point I was kind of tongue-in-cheek making. We have a whole Quest Chain in Val’sharah about us being some sort of Violent Marriage Guidance counsellor for Tyrande and Malfurion, and the “Muh Husband” thing was a reference to Vereesa on Isle of Thunder, and thinking about it, yeah, we do avenge Mankrik’s Wife’s death (Though I like it that they got a presumable happy ever after on Alternate Draenor in WoD)
It shouldn’t matter, but some people are saying this has been ‘forced down our throats’ whilst never making the same objection to ‘Straight’ relationships being forced since Vanilla.
I was being facetious, as it my way
I’m more upset because I just made a post talking about how I was happy due to the inclusion ofthe character, but people came in and started. It kinda got me into a pretty defensive state, apologies.
I think he was basically just saying thanks to Blizzard for the character.
The rest is basically responses to others who take opposition or offense to his post.
So he’s hardly dying on a hill so much as he’s replying to what is now an ongoing thread where he holds an opinion that others are discussing.
Nah man I feel you like its rough to defend what you feel and I get that.
Yeah it was a poor choice on words on my part tbf.
The EU forums are home to a lot of people from more right wing countries, and as such typically have a bigger proportion of yikes-y people.
Don’t let a few backwater bigots ruin the whole community
I didn’t think about that honestly
To finally FIGHT heteronormativity I think we should change Manriks wife to Manriks “lifepartner”