Thank you for Thiernax, blizzard

My dude, Please search LGBT up on the general threads search tool. Have a look.
Thats where I got that idea from. Its literally everywhere and the general narrative people are crusading about it.

I agree tho, It shouldn’t be like that.

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Because it’s mostly straight, white males who are crying out against representation of any kind. Strong female characters? LGBTQ? PoC? Sweet tears. But this post will also be deleted because it makes “the right people” feel uncomfortable, so… :woman_shrugging:

Pity that people had the need to go after someone who was just expressing how happy he was to see someone like him. So much that he just deleted his post, because why bother.

Ugh, reason why I avoided this forum for so long and continue to do so.


Believe it or not, but it’s not only “Straight white males” who are AGAINST “Representation” that comes off more as token rather than sincere. Or do you think regular gay people enjoy being used as a marketing tool rather than being treated as regular human beings?

God I hate this label. And it is more often than not white people using it.

Just say “Black” or “Asian”. No need to use an abbreviation that can easily be abused by Trolls and say “How rude that you are calling people pieces of crap”.

Because it’s narcissistic to sit there going “I demand people who are like ME” or “Thank you Blizzard for putting in someone like ME”

And nothing of value was lost.

Four more years :stuck_out_tongue:


You wouldn’t be here with the need to state that you don’t care if you truely didn’t care. No one forced you to bother ar all with this thread.

And that goes for all of you lot that’s here with the need to tell him you don’t care.
Obviously all of you cared enough to beat down on him.
That’s just… wow (no pun intended).

And you can celebrate it 24/7 for all I care.

Look. My philosophy regarding this is. “That its not my business”. If a 2 men or 2 women are indeed happy together. Who am I to lecture them on who can they love or not? Everyone has their own private life and the right to live it as they want it…as long as it doesn’t affect others.

And the ending of my previous sentence is my only gripe with this. These parades your so called “Freedom celebrations”, depending on the country causes annoyance to everyone else. At least my country. They do that parade on the city’s main street which causes major traffic jams. Tired, en-route to home, I need endure a 2-3h jam because they need to shout out their “Being Gay is good!”…aka celebrate their freedoms? If it was done in a convention hall, festival or some other gathering which does NOT cause disruptions & headaches to people around them? Sure. Celebrate away…24/7 like I said.

So yeah. A TL:DR - You can be what you want and you can celebrate what you want. But don’t “ring my doorbell 4 times” just to let me know about it.

And if I lose my temper on the 5th door bell and give a piece of my mind…then I am a homophobic censored right? :thinking:

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Oh wow. That long post of yours was just full of ignorance and faulty reasoning…


And your short post is full of Impossible Whopper, what’s your point?

There’s people who get happy because they received a piece of virtual gear. Some pixels. There’s people who get happy from having a new eye color for their character. There’s people who get happy if they win a totally meaningless ‘DPS race’ with a guildy.

We can judge everyone who enjoys games for having empty lives if we go by your standard.


Honestly, who in their right mind can take your words seriously.

But since you are so eager to beat down on him and the likes of him I can really see how important this is to you and what kind of person you are.


I feel like those threads are just waste of time and drag ppl from important topics like current game status…but guess its only me

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Of course it is, because people like the OP make it worse for regular LGBT people who want to live their life as normal, and want to be seen as normal as well.

All he achieves in doing is make straight people think we’re a bunch of weak self-loathing sissies who start crying tears of joy anytime our gaydars go off.

Not to mention that I don’t enjoy the idea of being used as marketing propaganda. Then again I am some kind of “Weirdo” because I am not demanding representation every time I post.


Nah, use PoC. PoC is an all-encompassing term that represents a far wider stretch of people than just saying, as you suggest, “Black or Asian”. If the person you’re referring to is Black/Asian, then use that; otherwise, PoC is a far better descriptor since race/ethnicity is not, no pun intended, black and white.

Source: me, a PoC.

We also like having representation, mate. You’ve grown up in a world accustomed to having 90% of your media tailored towards you; you don’t have the required perspective to make statements like that. OP made a completely innocent and genuine expression of joy of finally seeing character like themselves in Blizzard media, after years of exclusion.

Grow up and let people enjoy things.



Thank you. Now I know exactly where you ranting is coming from.

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Queerness is an integral part to many queer people. It isn’t up to you to decree what a “regular” LGBTQ+ person is; whether you are queer or not.


Eh, nah I don’t think that’s good enough of a justification. That sounds an awful lot like they were looking for an excuse to reveal he was gay. While I didn’t read the source material, it definitely sounds like that part could have been left out entirely. I’m open to have my mind changed if anyone cares enough though.

Claiming the OP is somehow ‘weird’ or ‘abnormal’ ?
For having different feelings than you? Come on now…

And all those black people were just ‘weak self-loathing sissies’ when they were overjoyed with Black Panther? Why are you criticizing what someone else gets happy about?!

‘Normal’ straight people don’t think like how you described. Only heartless bastards that lack empathy or dumb biggots do that.

If it doesn’t make YOU happy; fine. Let it go.


They’re a frequent poster in anything where they can flex their alt-right worldviews, judging by their post history; at this point it might be easier to mute them than engage.


Owwww but then you don’t know ME…


Challenge accepted. :sunglasses: :kissing_heart:


So if u disagree with someone u are alt right now? XD wth is wrong with u dude,everyone has right to disagree with someone thats called opinion,u are like that twitter mob that wanna censor everything thats different then they ideas


Less to do with disagreeing, more to do with Aibury making their political stances very well known on the Argent Dawn realm forums and beyond, with an intense focus on bigotry, which they then defend by saying “but I’m LGBT so it’s okay”. They’re “known” to the extent that they post wherever they can put even a shred of close-minded politics.