Thank you for Thiernax, blizzard

Its common for both left and right side as open mind ppl usually dont care for their hatefull disscusions

Sure, but there are times when it just becomes silly to disagree.
Times when it makes you look like a total douche, for instance. It takes a bit of nuance to disagree with something.

From what ive seen u both kinda are


Or better yet: Don’t make it an important thing? Because that’d be racist?

Representation is a luxury. As someone who isn’t vain about it, I don’t care much for it.

This sentence is too stupid for me to give any serious answer towards.

Technically I do, but you know, let’s pretend I don’t because I don’t agree with this “I am a minority and a victim, give me representation” ideology.

F… Off with this “Wah wah wah exlcusion” garbage. If you were able to play the game without ANY problem for X amount of years, you were automatically “included”. Or do you think that the OP was never able to play the game because of being gay?

FYI: There has always been “Representation”: The Player Character.

Grow up and stop acting like an entitled brat demanding to be “Represented” at every turn.

It’s crazy that I have to specify that I am part of the LGBT, because idiots keep assuming “Oh, you don’t like this? You must be evil straight d00d!”.

Everyone likes to talk about how “LGBT” isn’t a hivemind, and yet none of them can comprehend the existence of an LGBT who doesn’t want to be constantly represented and then lorded as something amazing.

Also Velharia: Stop posting lies about me, socialist bigot troll :stuck_out_tongue:


You literally tried to use the T slur in a thread with actual Trans people in it.

Take your high horse and shove it.

Idk being bisexual IS a part of my identity… that’s how identity works in the first place.

You’re just upset that I called you a bigot.
The only threads you appear on are ones about this. That’s honestly tragic, you only come to videogame forums to denigrate people.


Both kinda are? Are what?

Finishing one’s sentences is usually the go-to method when making posts or replies, my friend.

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No one’s calling you straight; being queer has been your one and only defense from day one. A right-wing gay person isn’t a new concept, you know - everyone knew about Milo in 2016. And we all saw what happened to Milo lmao.


Wow I wasn’t in this thread for hours and I was still on your mind.
Honey you call me a socialist but I own so much land in your head, I’m not sure what to think anymore.

Seeing Milo stir the Alt right, and then watching the alt right eventually reject and tear Milo apart for being gay was the most delicious form of poetic justice in modern history.


U both have ur close minded opinion and are unable to understand any point of the opposite side instead change it to ad persona disscusion

My favourite part was when it turned out he ghostwrote his book, faked having a Black husband, and was then in hundreds of thousands dollars of debt. No one’s heard a word from him since 2017.


Firstly; the word is ‘you’. U is not a word in the english language.
Second; I am the opposite when it comes to close minded; about topics such as these anyway. What about the literally 5 posts I made in this thread screamed to you: closeminded! ? Please, do tell. I’d love to know.

Opinions. Keep “Feelings” out of opinions, you sound like one of those radical leftists who talk about feelings.

Anything is “Alt-Right” with you people.

At least I am not a far-left maniac.

Always has been. I can’t wait to see how they’ll react when Trump wins the 2020 election.

Oh yeah, because I don’t want LGBT being a marketing ploy.

Because if I don’t specify this, you losers think I’m some straight guy

Only because you nitwits keep making me have to specify this…

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Only because I saw you replying to the thread. You can see that you know, on the bottom right.

1.its not my native language and i find this quite funny that u start by ad persona attack again :wink:
2. U disregarded every opinion slighthly opposite to yours without any argument.

Literally no one ever asks you lol. We don’t care what your sexuality is; you just love to assert it whenever you can to defend your trash political views. And, as we’ve established, it isn’t an excuse; gay people can be homophobic/transphobic, and gay people can definitely be racist. Being gay doesn’t give you a free pass.

EDIT: Example, look at RuPaul, a Black gay drag queen, who is frequently condemned for his transphobia.


Milo is the prime example of what Aib’s little “I’m the one good queer person, the rest are all whiny and icky” stunt will get him.
He’ll eventually be tossed aside after his usefulness has been expired. I actually feel really sorry for him, since it’s clear he’s been groomed into these beliefs, and the sheer amount of people I’ve seen with similar opinions end up being absolutely self hating is tragic.

When he says this, what he really means is "I don’t want gay people in my video game because being gay is politics :angry: "

The literal fact that seeing me pop up in the replies is enough to make you automatically mount your defenses is genuinely sad.
Like I said buddy, you really need to grow out of the “alt right gay guy” phase. It never works out well for people.

As evidenced by Aib themself literally using the T slur before on the forums.

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But that’s LITERALLY the topic here. Something made the OP HAPPY. Last time I checked ‘happy’ is a feeling. This is about feelings.
And apparently you are not okay with someone else having said feelings.

I get why you think such behaviour could be damaging; I read your reasons.

But I don’t think that any rational normal human being would think the way you say they would. So; it would only be damaging to those who already have a negative view on the whole LGBT community, for one reason or another. No damage done there; they already WERE compromised.


It’s true, Velharia and Vixi are definitely being bigoted towards me.

Then again, what am I to expect from far-left radical losers from Argent Dawn…

Sounds quite respectable.

Oh my god he’s literally quoting Ben Shapiro now I can’t


Everyone here berating OP for just being happy that a character exists is disgusting, let’s be honest.

I’ve seen people here link PragerU videos before, it can get worse.

“I’m not a bigot” 5 seconds later “WOW TRANSPHOBIA POGGERS”