Thanks for making the game harder for under-geared players and players who didnt play the last patch of DF

Yeah exactly like it does as you level up in retail, exactly what I have said all along. Why are you having a hard time understanding? In remix people used low chars to boost because they did broken damage, exactly like people have done in TWW.

All top raiders did this, lvl70 char doing millions of dps and can solo the dungeons, boosting higher level chars. It’s not about the gear, and it wasn’t in remix either, I could solo dungeons on low level chars doing nothing but dungeons, 0 quests. You literally swapped your gear/gems as you were out of combat, and you looted more gear/gems from dungeons than any other source, by a long way.

Most people levelled through dungeons, infact dungeons were full of lvl20 boosting twinks with the XP turned off, that could solo a dungeon in under 2mins. I levelled many alts in remix, max level was something like 2 hours pugging.

Good thing I got 7 chars to 80 already :stuck_out_tongue:

But reality is, these dungeons and outdoor stuff wont get much harder.

I honestly think the main driver for this was dungeons rather than the outdoor leveling experience (though I’ll admit it did feel boringly easy at times). When you have people rolling through new normal dungeons on their launch day with the same disregard for mechanics, pull density and survival that we saw people with fully geared Remix characters doing… Something is very, very wrong.

In an ideal world those normal dungeons should still be somewhat challenging for the first couple of weeks to potentially two months after release, with heroics being even harder and then mythics for the hardcore crowd until the raids release. To see them become irrelevant this early just isn’t healthy for the game, because it means we’ll relegate them and then heroics to mindless farm content within a week of launch, burning through the content at a pace that just can’t be matched by the devs.

I honestly think them taking steps to slow down the player’s ability to just outright nuke entire dungeon rooms will prove to be a good thing in the long term and might keep more of the casual crowd around for longer as their tiers of content stay relevent and engaging for longer times (yes, I’m calling Mythic+ players hardcore, simply because M+ encourages the speed run mentality that has drip down effects into the more casual aspects of the game. M+ players don’t want to bother with leveling, or the world, they just want to grind those keys and get better gear to grind higher key ratings. The same is true for hardcore raiders, they have the same mentality in that they just want to get the raid beaten, they don’t really care for other types of content so want to spend the least amount of time engaging with it.).

Dont worry. They are not smart, thats why Blizzard can milk them :wink:

Do you even realize how absurdly strong characters were?

I went with a character that was ilvl 480.

First dungeon I joined on it… I could put up a renew and that was enough healing. I was topping the DPS, as the healer. That’s just stupid.

My serenity was healing for up towards 3 million due to scaling. At ilvl 620ish you’re gonna be doing like 1 million in TWW.

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You are wrong about remix. But whatever…

He isn’t though… low level characters being OP and getting much worse with levels was the whole reason why level 20 twinks were a thing. It’s the same scaling issue that’s now causing level 70 characters to be so broken and get weaker with levels.

This is fairly common knowledge so I really don’t understand why you’re so confidently denying it.


Yeah this is super short sighted

PR moves have been catastrophic so far

You have no idea what the “Karen” really means, but you are just throw it like you do … :man_facepalming:

Nope! Harder leveling vs OTHERS.

Oh, poor you. You wouldn’t understand even if i draw to you like a little boy.

They told us that EA has NO gameplay power vs the ones who didn’t bough it. Well…guess what? Exactly ! Now off you go …

Read below …

…and yet another one throwing the Karen word like they know what it means LOL.

Precisely this ! :slight_smile:

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Are you seriously suggesting that you will die in the overworld after the changes? You need to deliberately try to die in the open world, or attempt to solo an enemy who is 4+ levels above you and also has a dragon portrait.

The gearing seems weird… ilvl of the next expansion was typically higher than prior, yet we’re here with 408 at lvl 70 when 70s are running around with 500+ ilvl.

Honestly thought the ilvl in TWW would be starting at 550 or so, replacing those last season epics with leveling greens.

I feel like this is standard tho, isn’t it? I don’t recall ever immediately replacing my gear on a decked out character. It would always take a few levels before the greens started to become worth equipping over maxed out last expansion gear, and this time is no different. By the time I was done leveling I was barely wearing any of my DF gear.

Point is, the leveling gear scales up with level very fast.

I’m kind of scared that my comment will get banned and I’ll receive an infraction, but I need to say this:

I remember some very old blue posts when WotLK was released that they had learned from their mistake with Vanilla->TBC transition, where equipment from level 60 raids was BiS up to Black Temple, and they wanted to avoid that in the future. So when the TBC->WotLK transition came around, they made baseline level 68 gear have item level slightly lower than Sunwell, so that players would change their equipment earlier (with the exception of special items with procs). The transition from WotLK → Cata and from Cata->MoP followed similar logic.

Now that the 10th expansion has been released, it appears as if that knowledge/experience has somehow disappeared and they have to relive and recreate it. It’s as if someone who has never before in their life experienced an expansion release, neither as a developer but nor as a player, was given the helm of deciding gear design and scaling.

Leveling still is easy, if you manage to die on a random boar then the issue likely isnt your gear. Because even with gear from before the first DF patch things are not that hard.

As someone who already llvled 2 chars it felt insane how scailing made me feel weaker and also I didn’t get any ilvl upgrades till like 76 77, it should have been done earlier for sure before EA, but probably a lot of stuff needed to be tweaked and they decided to release it with eu reset. I don’t think it is that bad of a change it needed to be addressed and like someone who wants to lvl 2 more chars I am also affected by it, but also it wasn’t fun people with good geared toons to do end game damage in dungeons on lvl 70-73

First I don’t know why you’d get banned, sounds a bit paranoid but ok.

Second, as I said, I was barely left with any DF gear equipped by the time I hit 80. The pieces I still had were just those I simply haven’t looted and items for. You’re acting like we’re still gonna be wearing DF gear in the raid.

I dialed down the part near the end where I make a comment about the experience of the dev in charge for the gear design significantly before pressing Reply. The initial version was more toxic.

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Doesn’t feel toxic at all. Just sharing an opinion. If this got you actioned half the poster on this forum wouldn’t be posting.

What are you even talking about? I’m not wrong and you know I’m not wrong. Did you even play Remix? Because it doesn’t seem like it.

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Stop overpulling and its fine