Thanks for making the game harder for under-geared players and players who didnt play the last patch of DF

It doesn’t make as much of a difference as you think really. Honestly the only people it’s going to hit hard are the people who genuinely struggle with the basic mechanics of the game. Imo healers and tanks shouldn’t be able to kill mobs in 2,3 hits. They shouldn’t have that kind of damage potential. I’ve seen casters standing in melee range and killing packs of mobs. Even healing can do this easily. This simply shouldn’t be a thing, but that’s just my opinion. Then there’s the players who stand and keyboard turn in the middle of 5 enemies without dying. This is silly. For average players, this won’t really make a difference.

With my current gear, as level 71 Resto, I was oneshotting enemies with a Frost Shock critical. I don’t know what situation I’ll encounter tonight.

Forgot to mention. I attacked a level 80 rare and killed me in 2 hits. Then a level 80 appeared, and my Riptide, which when cast on myself currently heals for about 100k initial tick, healed him for 2.4 million hp with its initial tick. That was nearly half his total hp. Scaling is so wrong and on so many levels (literally)

What has changed?

If they’ve made the mobs a bit harder than that’s probably for the best.
I did the Dalaran quests yesterday and with Lightning Shield and Earth Shield I could more=or-less ignore enemy mobs (except when I needed to click something without being disrupted). My gear is not even that high, mostly 10.1 gear (463) with a few pre-patch pieces (480).

Perhaps the game should be built around players having better gear. DF WQs give 454 gear just now whilst TWW quests are rewarding 408. This is gone awry somewhere.

Just do quests like all of us. The quests are literally tuned for like 350 ilvl players. The quest rewards are starting from 400 ilvl or so. These are not tuned for people that played the end of DF and are 500 ilvl. These items are too low for them. They are designed for returning players.

The monsters tuning is very light as well. Nothing challenged any of my alts that I tried questing with sofar.

Even actual monkeys can understand why

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Bro chill with the attitude. It take like 6 quests to be fully geared with expansion gear. Instead of 2 shotting mobs you will 3 shot them, in an MMORPG, wow the tragedy.

If having to fight mobs and level is such q grievance and utter offence to you wtf are you doing play wow?

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So I decided to do a little test for the doomsayers here. I logged into my druid, who has a speed set consisting of azerite gear and an agility staff, since I play feral when using this set, but I specced balance for this to simulate being even more undergeared.

This is the gear I was wearing for the test. Again, the weapon is agility, so no intellect from that.

First I went to the open world and tried to kill some mobs, and they fell over like it was nothing. So I decided to try in a dungeon instead.

I entered normal Rookery by myself, and pulled the whole left side of the room. I soloed it in 45 seconds, as a 386 balance druid with an agility polearm… so please, do tell how incredibly difficulty it’s going to be for you to level now?


Explain, I think we gonna laugh.

In the video, monkey 1 is fine to with getting cucumber in return for the rock. Then the monkey 2 gets a grape for the same task and the monkey 1 sees it. (they prefer the grapes). Then once monkey 1 does the task again and still gets cucumber for the task, she tosses the cucumber out and throws a fit, demanding to be given grape as well.
Monkey 1 would have been fine if monkey 2 had received cucumber too or both got grapes.

Personally the XP change does not affect me because I am not rushing my main and do not plan to level alts to 80 anytime soon.
But I can see why this is upsetting for people

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Oh okay so basically it’s just a jealousy issue.
At least it’s receivable.

The experiment was meant to examine if monkeys have a grasp of the concept of fairness/unfairness.

Yes and in this case they have completely different things. Correctly applied to our case it would be : the first one get a grape and the second 95% of a grape. And if it was like this the second wouldn’t have noticed anything.
Y’all thought you gonna have a cucumber but you have 95% of a grape. And first tests seem to confirm this statement.

If it were more analogous to the leveling situation it would be more like this:

Monkey 1 does a task and receives grapes in a bowl which it’s allowed to eat by itself.
Monkey 2 does the same task but instead of getting a bowl of grapes, it gets hand fed by the care takers.

Both monkeys got the same amount of grapes, but monkey 1 is now mad it didn’t get hand fed too.

Monkey 1 is the people freaking out about the scaling adjustment because they might now have to put 1% more effort into leveling.

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Are you two suggesting that all this racket is for 1-5% difference?
A change that would have not been possible to perceive if not for the Blue Post?

sorry but here theres no place for empyric demonstration. only compliants are allowed.

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You can get hung up on me mentioning an exact number but obviously I don’t know what it’s going to be. The point is that it’s miniscule. As I said, I can still solo normal dungeon packs as a level 70 balance druid with with azerite gear and an agility weapon, so clearly it’s not the massively big deal y’all are making it out to be.

As a result of the adjustment, packs may live a few seconds longer and casters might actually get to cast more than 2 spells per pack. Truly a tragedy.

Its perfectly understandable that the new state is the proper one.

But the fact that they allowed the previous state to go live and persist for days that is the source of all this tantrum.

How much testing did that expansion go through? They even had paid access to the beta this time

It doesn’t change the fact that it’s a stupid tantrum like most tantrums this playerbase throws for every mundane non-issue. Making a mountain out of a mole hill is common practice around here.

Don’t forget that next weeks there will be tons of people leveling their Earthen Dwarf and they gonna have like 60-69 quest reward gear when they arrive to the new continent. So it was clearly not meant to make people with 525ilvl struggling. Even with a 450 ilvl you still faceroll everything.
But yeah clearly not a smart move from Blizzard as there’s now a poopstorm for nothing.

Definitely mountains out of a molehill.
But the groundskeeper was still negligent at clearing the vermin out of the garden

It is not like if outdoor Retail wow is remotely challenging.