Thanks for making the game harder for under-geared players and players who didnt play the last patch of DF

So you recognize that it’s a complete overreaction and a pointless outrage for a small, ultimately barely significant mistake in balancing, yet still side with the outrage mob. I must admit I’m a bit confused about the line of thinking that could have got you there.

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My line of thinking is that it was negligent of Blizzard to let this go live and rotten to chose to not either fix it asap before even the Early access people can level ~10 alts or eat crow and let the other people have the Early Access leveling experience.

PS: I also had early access

Personally I will take my time leveling and will be fine regardless

As someone who had full S4 gear before the scaling fix, it was not enjoyable. Running around and pressing one button to kill something is not fun especially when trying to test out the new hero talents. I wish this change was implemented during EA and as someone previously said, I am amazed that this was not picked up in the beta, not to mention the insane dungeon scaling for level 70 characters… But, small indie company right so can’t expect too much. Regardless, the changes are good, getting pre patch gear took no time at all, not to mention that the initial quests of TWW give you a boat load of gear.

By this you mean not getting to do anything from 75-80 because the level 70s in your group are two shotting everything? Truly quite the experience.

Let’s disregard the people who actually want to play the game then, and focus solely on the people who are salty that they will now solo packs in 7 seconds instead of 5. Way to see things from one perspective and dismiss all others.

I mean holy crap, I barely get to do my rotation in heroics. The point of this change seriously went completely over people’s heads despite it being stated verbatim in the article.


A person who wants to make the game harder for them can always do so. Just like the person who does not want to use flight to travel.
Once again, Blizzard had the data to know this situation from the Beta (and let it launch like that) and if they did not then they have much more serious competency issues than I thought.

It might not be correct but I decided to agree with those who assume calculated intent in all this. They let any content locusts who paid EA to get ahead while the other content locusts who did not paid got less time to do what the people in EA did.

So now getting to cast spells before other people kill things equates to the game being harder? Wow…

Do explain to me how a player is supposed to make the dungeon harder for themselves when it’s other people oneshotting things in the dungeon they queued for.

Yeah I’m sure the people who were bored out of their mind getting blasted through dungeons without having to lift a finger due to shoddy scaling felt absolutely blessed with this totally intentional blessing by daddy Blizzard.

Again, seeing things from a single perspective and dismissing every other.

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This also falls to Blizzard to have tested before the launch.
But in any case
Is that thing from DF where you do a dungeon alone with NPCs still around? The one without … other players … corrupting the experience.
Personally even now, I plan to do the first time of each dungeon with NPCs so I can enjoy the scenery instead of being rushed by the gogogogogogo crowd.

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The bots in follower dungeons are far from perfect. I’ve done a few and they’re way more annoying to deal with than bad pugs. Plus, people don’t want to avoid other players by queuing with bots, the point is that you get to play with other human beings but also get to play the game yourself.

You mean the “gogogogogogo crowd” who want to oneshot dungeons because it’s fun for them? The ones whining that they will now two shot packs instead of one shotting? The ones you’re defending?

Seriously, it’s like you’ve made up your mind about this and refuse to budge even after recognizing how ridiculous your conclusion is.

You were the one who suggested that the choices of others not to nerf themselves affects your dungeon experience. Alternatively you can look for 4 other like minded people who want to go slowly and you will have your human interaction.

Yes, the first run is special, I want to actually see the dungeon. Every subsequent normal mode run is just a grind most people want to get over with as fast as they can, people in the party who can cheese mobs are useful in that regard.

I am not “defending” them, I can simply understand what they see in the timing of this change. You can claim that I am being devil’s advocate but damn that devil has a point.

So your perfect solution would be to keep broken scaling so that some people get to plough through dungeons for a few levels while the rest don’t get to do anything, and have the people who want the non-broken experience have to go well out of their way to get it? That’s brilliant.

Yet you don’t understand that people also want to play their class while in the dungeon instead of spending hours just following someone being bored out of their mind because their class doesn’t do damage instantly.

Devil’s advocate is an understatement. This is conspiracy theory level.


So even after all this you do not understand that Blizzard is culpable about how they handled this and just insist that the only thing that matters is that they fixed this issue and not when they decided to fix it.

I’m saying that it’s way more likely to be an oversight that took a while to fix than a conspiracy to punish people for not buying EA. That’s not even defending Blizzard, that’s just being rational and not jumping to conclusion. It was still a thing for the entirety of day 1 of official release.

It takes time to notice an issue from feedback, figure out a solution, test it and then push it. It was a mistake on Blizzard’s part nevertheless, I’m not saying that it wasn’t. I just don’t believe that the fix was intentionally delayed in favour of EA.

The circumstantial evidence points to them letting it fester for 5 days.
This is not a small indie company. Yet these keep slipping past the QA in spite of extensive player testing.
The old WoW saying “Exploit Early, Exploit often” exists for a reason.

They are not even pretending to be apologetic on the Blue Post

You acknowledge that their QA is bad, which I agree with, but at the same time you choose to put an additional factor into the mix because of the timing. Since Blizzard is known for shoddy QA and “Exploit Early, Exploit often” is universal, why suddenly assume that this one specific thing was intentional when it perfectly falls in line with their usual sluggishness in fixing things?

As I said earlier, I do not rule out pure incompetence and sluggishness but the timing was too uncanny and they are not even pretending to be apologetic about fumbling this up.

So you say we should go with Hanlon’s Razor for this one?

How long does it usually take them to fix something feedback based after launch? Days?
How long did it takes to fix scaling this time? Days?

Maybe because it will have minimal impact on the speed of leveling while making the gameplay experience slightly better, which is ultimately more important. It’s not something I’d expect an apology for. Like I said, mountain out of a mole hill.

That as well as Occam’s razor. The simpler and more likely explanation is that Blizzard overlooked something, as usual, and took time to fix it, as usual.

I would definitely at least add a line of apology.
But whatever. Ignorance is still a Blizzard…
The only thing that seems to have changed since the older times is the amount of fruit

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Apologiez for making game more fun ? LoL Ok.

it doesnt make a difference, i played on bad geared alts before and after EA and it feels the same. Only difference i have noticed so far is my poorly geared arcane mage doesnt 1 shot dungeon bosses anymore

That is so Elias of you