Thanks for making the game harder for under-geared players and players who didnt play the last patch of DF

Blizzard fundamentally can’t win here. The sheer gap in power levels between a Dragonflight S4 mythic geared character and a fresh character is so astronomical - we’re talking an order of magnitude almost - that there really is no way to balance this. It can’t be done.

This is a mistake they made in Dragonflight, and I have a feeling it may be a mistake they make again. Due to the sheer amount of scaling I actually do not believe that the game is capable of handling any more than two, maybe three, seasons before the next expansion’s levelling will come apart at the seams.

Tuning the numbers down causes problems.
Tuning the numbers up causes problems.

They could reduce the power creep by getting rid of mythic raiding :wink:
The more the difficulties above the baseline, the more bloated the power gets between tiers/seasons

Hm? I am level 74 and I think I still have few lvl … 333 or whatever. What 6 quests you are talking about to be fully geared with expansion? Please…share!

Be quiet now! Just…link me the 6 quests you are talking about!

Could have reduced. What should go is up for debate, but it doesn’t matter in this discussion.

The point is that it’s too late by now. They already wrecked it.

They’ve told us expansion cycles are going to be shorter now, and that will also solve this problem. We’ll see what happens I guess.

tbh a lot of people were crying no the forums about leveling being too easy…-I recall seein a bunch of comments on such posts during ea, and first week of launch. Blizz is a bad company, but in this situation blame the player base.


More like get good, it’s still faceroll.

Depends on what you call undergeared - my ilvl505 fury warrior is melting everything so far

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Thats the best change Blizzard has made in a long time. Its been a while since there was actually the threat of dying in the open world. I admit I was also surprised I had to use a defensive ability in Open World gameplay.
I hope they keep it and maybe even make it a bit harder.

havent noticed a difference either ilvl 490 on my alt, and these mobs are melting, even at 75

Frankly, nothingburgers like this change resulting in hilarious threads like this (and many of the truly misguided and obviously uninformed statements made within it) are probably a large part of the reason why they didn´t communicate anything that wasnt a major change for teh better part of the game’s life…

Because every 1% change always makes the game 100% unplayable for X many trolls that either can´t or don´t want to understand what the changes actually mean for them in an objectively valid reality as opposed to their headcanon. :beers:

All this change means is that if you have ilvl 300 “I just finished DF campaign” gear you “probably” shouldn´t be trying to pull and facetank half the Isle of Dorn and expect to survive it. And to be honest, even if you could play and had 520+ going into the expansion, that was still an bad idea for most classes.

But if you pull at a sane rate of 2-3-4-5 mobs at a time as a clothie, even on a stupidly undertuned class like firemage, you´ll be just fine… IF you actually know what your buttons do and aren´t assuming that hekili or whatever addon tells you what buttons to push will also tell you which of those mobs might be a good idea to sheep, and when it might be better to just frostnova and invis.

But in reality, of course people just run into the level 80 elites @71 with only 25% life and not even a barrier up, and then complain that it went south in a hurry. It appears to me that they just assume that they should be able to faceroll everything because they were called "Champion "so many times, and start mewling like babies when they can’t.


I leveled up one character during early access and it was one of the most fun leveling experiences I’ve had in WoW.

These new changes just make the game kinda annoying. Sure, if the game was like Vanilla, where leveling is the main appeal/part of the game (which I wish it was) it would make sense for things to be harder. But that’s not what retail is. In retail we do quests and stuff to get the lore, to see some cool stuff. We don’t do quests or level to test out our rotations. We already had dungeons and raids for that - now we have delves as well, so I really don’t see the point of just making things more of a drag.

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The leveling portion of the expansions these days has definitely devolved into a chore.
It is not like if the change has turned the faceroll into a vanilla-like adventure

You could always just invite people to a party for levelling , maybe you will make some friends along the way .

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I strongly disagree.

However, you have a point if you’re talking about leveling up additional characters beyond the first. But that’s just a given; repeating the same stuff is not as fun as the first time, in the majority of cases.

Im sorry…

You said you played wow before right ? So this should not be incredibly odd news for you !

If you follow the expansion cycle, if you play the game, you become more powerfull.

You decided not to play the game. So you are weak.

What is the surprise here ?

Also… DF questing items are more than enough for TWW.


Blizzard did everything in its power to make you play the pre-expansion event to catch up gear. AND MoP remix to power-level alts in preparation for TWW.

If you pre-ordered TWW you would have gotten a free DF. And with that, played 1 month before the official launch.

Everyone knows about the catch up gear in a pre-expansion…

But you decided to ignore that and jump into a 3 year old toon… what did you expect ?

Just ask if anyone wants to join in a party for levelling if you are struggling, maybe they will even make some friends in game . I remember when i 1st started when i used to do that and then then eventually that person becane an irl friend too .

Of course I am talking about the repeats and not the first time.
I would rather the first time to be much slower and more of an adventure but not having to do it again (or really accelerated, MoP Remix style).
When I was a toddler, I could happily watch the same videotape 30 times. Growing up, I found that the times I want to repeat something to diminish.

The main point of the people complaining is that they allegedly saw streamers maxing 10-15 alts in a day

When my frost DK (505 ilvl) on level 71 is doing 1 obliterate on a boss and it hits it for over 65% of the total bosses health, not exagerated, then i do agree with changes. People can throw any tantrum on the forums for making it harder :person_shrugging:

Maybe with multiboxing, and before they removed the level 70 lock, which they did during EA. Even before the scaling fixes, leveling a single character through dungeon spam would take about 2 hours if you went really fast. My first alt took close to 4 solo queuing as DPS. 10-15 is not a realistic number of alts to level in a day for anybody who isn’t doing something completely degenerate that goes way beyond scaling issues.

That said, I leveled my 3rd alt in 3 hours last night, and I could barely notice a difference. I could still pull half the dungeon and players in early 70s were still annihilating things in seconds.

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good luck with that bro, i have an ilvl 310 alt that i wanna level and we wiping in normal dugeons… ffs