Thanks for making the game harder for under-geared players and players who didnt play the last patch of DF

When you do 1 quest in the open world you get 400+ gear… It would be a fun experiment to go with a full group of 300 ilvl in a normal dungeon. No idea how that scaling is. But if you are wiping i am sure people are trying to wipe. You are with 5 people. My DK was soloing 2 shotting bosses , now it is 4 hits :person_shrugging:

It sounds to me like you pull the whole consecration room of Priory, or just everything from boss to boss and then complain that you wipe.

If you’re doing TWW dungeons as an ilvl 310 character, you’re at least level 70 wearing level 55 gear, what exactly were you expecting?

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Wasn’t around 300 ilvl the dinging lvl 70 in Dragonflight? I don’t know how it is right now of course.

I was curious and went to check the auction house. There a item level 320 greens with minimum level of 56.

My guild was around 385 going into heroic Vault, so an average player would have been considerably below that.

On second thought that doesn’t make a lot of sense but it’s still incredibly low to be doing TWW dungeons with.

Yeah but i do think that is the ilvl of a player who just levels and hitted 70 in DF and now want to go into TWW. I remember in season 1 i was around 285 ilvl on my first chars. In season 4 i was a bit higher than 300, like 310-320.

Non the less; when you go into TWW you get 400+ ilvl from everything immediately. Which is still stupidly low in comparison with ilvl of chars that actually played a bit of DF. Season 1 DF mythic gear was 415. In s4 open world gear and a bit of using crests brought you up to 500. I did not really play my DK in s4 and still is 505.

Good luck balancing the game for all those ilvls.

The thing is you don’t need to be very geared. This is my boomie in a speed set with an agility weapon, which I use for legacy content and farming, and it still managed to solo a dungeon pack of about 6 mobs with ease. That was yesterday when the scaling fixes were already supposed to be live.

Yes. I think people are wiping because they pull boss to boss.

Pulling boss to boss is exactly what I did when leveling that druid tho, as a 485 bear. The only time I wiped was when I tried to pull the first boss in Priory without killing any of the lieutenants which annihilated us.

Even with that gear I only had to start pressing defensive properly at about level 76 but even at 80 at ilvl 510 I could still do the same pulls I’ve been doing at 70 without much issue. I think you have to do something extremely stupid to wipe in normal. Such as pulling the first boss in Priory without killing any of the lieutenants :smiley:

In another thread I suggested that they implement a “deus ex machina” sort of buff to players below a certain item level. As in, all your equipment below item level 467 (or 480? or 500? I don’t remember what ilvl I suggested, it’s just an idea) gets buffed to that minimal level when in The War Within zones and instances.

That way you eliminate the issues of vastly overgearing content (and therefore making it too easy), of vastly being undergeared (and therefore having a hard time), and of the extreme scaling.

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I don’t think many people would like that. It basically invalidates gearing.

I am not against it. A new expansion is invalidating gear anyway.

The situation was completely stupid. I leveled also 2 healers (shaman and paladin) with dungeons, and it was also stupid on lvl 79 i was healing 10% of what i did on 70… On 70 you press 1 and a half button and all bars are full, on 79 you dont notice you big cooldown healing :frowning: I was on voice and i literally remember i said 'that was my Beacon of Virtue into Divine toll, and no healthbar moved. On 70 i never pressed both buttons since 1 HS was topping players. 491 ilvl.

It is really bad.

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Previous poster does have a point. Lvling my 4th alt which was retired back in Legion so was lvl 50, random spaming dungeons, I got around lvl 300 ish something on lvl 70 and entered first TWW dungeon and I was worse than useless. Any sneeze could just oneshot me and since I went in as healer, coulnt even heal the tank when he pulled 1 pack.

My only saving grace? quested to lvl 71 then brought every lvl 71 BoE I could get…afterwards I was at least somewhat usefull.

meaning. I am not suggesting “free 480 gear” or something but at least give a pack of 440 or 400 ilevel gear when you start TWW. Any person who has done S3 or S4 will be 480-500 ish ilevel anyway so it wont bother or care about it.

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It doesn’t if that floor ilvl you select is below what is “expected”. In the current situation for example, we have had world quests from Dragonflight reward 454 greens and 467 blues for the last 3-4 months. We then had a 3-week event that rewarded 480 gear.

Selecting the floor ilvl to be high enough to not invalidate the above values (for example it could be 454 instead of 467?), then noone who played during Dragonflight in the last half year would have had any effort invalidated; not even the player who does just overworld stuff and didn’t join the Remembrance event since they’d have at least 460 average.

So if you select your floor as 454, you can balance encounters around that, with the quests in TWW rewarding 467 for level 70 characters. Then 480 for level 71. Then 493 for level 72, and so on until the current item level cap for the overworld quests. Players at DF S4 BiS gear would start finding upgrades around level 75-76. And of course, enemy scaling would not need to be so steep and cause the current mayhem.

As lvl70 (or 71?) I healed a lvl80 player for 2.4 million with the initial tick from Riptide.

The levelling experience is a JOKE even post buff, Vanilla WoW had the best experience and you had downtime between every other NPC.

So it is practically business as usual.
It looks like all this racket is mostly from misinformation

Just leveling my 2nd character atm and he was around 230 ilvl when i started. Had absolutely no problems leveling on him. This is literally a non issue.

So crazy man. Why they dont want to spend more hours on something they dont like is so bizarre. They trully need to stop expressing their opinions when you are and of course myself around.

Nice suggestion…

But if they mess up those “basic ilvl” numbers you mention then were back to square 1 here.

Where they are forced to nerf/buff it and half of the playerbase gets angry.

Atleast with gear you can claim it was the players fault.

It is sucks, I leveled few geared characters during EA and now I am leveling some MOP remix characters, Holy Priest 470 still at lvl 77… While tanks pull the whole dungeon. I still can heal it, but I do sweat. Pretty sure no one else really cares in the group though

Yeah ofc it is. My pet has 3 million hp. Its still nothing crazy in terms of difficulty change. Levelling should be rewarding. It just isn’t though. They made it that way.